The Policy Connection is a free quarterly publication provided by the KSBA Policy Service that is sent to all board members, superintendents, KOSAA members and others who request to receive it.
April 2021
Katrina Kinman, Editor
Note: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, KSBA has limited its in-office operations and many of us are working remotely to serve you. Thank you for your patience.
Annual policy update
KSBA Policy Staff will be sending the annual updates to districts by the end of May to provide time for the board to have two readings before school starts and the statutory deadline of Aug. 15. Unless a completely new policy or procedure is involved, update drafts will include changes marked in edit mode so that reviewers can see what is being added or removed. At the top of each policy and procedure will be an explanatory note summarizing the reasons for the changes. Districts also will receive a cover letter explaining the updating process and a checklist showing all policies/procedures codes included in the update.

Employee, Coaches, and Substitute Teacher Handbook drafts with changes from the update will be sent in the coming weeks after the annual update policy and procedure drafts are emailed to districts.

Policy reference 01.5
House Bill 208 salary or nonrenewal notice via email
HB 208 passed with an emergency clause and was signed into law by the governor on March 4. Notwithstanding KRS 161.011, KRS 161.750 and KRS 161.760, or any other statute or administrative regulation to the contrary, written notices required to be provided to classified and certified school district employees regarding salary or nonrenewal of contracts may be delivered via regular mail or via email to the email address on record in the school district. This is applicable to the 2020-21 school year only.

Nonrenewal of limited contracts of certified personnel shall be made no later than May 15 in compliance with the requirements of KRS 161.750.

Nonrenewal of contracts for classified personnel shall be made in compliance with the requirements of KRS 161.011, with written notice being mailed or provided to the employee by the superintendent no later than May 15.

See KRS 161.760 for deadlines regarding notices of salary and reductions. Note that HB 208 does NOT provide for giving notices of administrator demotions under KRS 161.765 by email.

Policy references 03.17/03.2711
Senate Bill 127
SB 127 amends KRS 158.836 to encourage schools to maintain bronchodilator rescue inhalers for administration to students. Schools electing to keep inhalers must keep them in specific locations. Since this is optional, districts desiring to do so should contact their assigned policy consultant for policy and procedure drafts to authorize such.
Policy reference 09.2241
Mileage rate update
If your district reimburses for mileage at the state rate, be advised that the rate per mile effective April 1 through June 20, 2021, is 43 cents per mile. This information can be reviewed quarterly via this link:

Policy references 03.125/03.225
KSBA Resources

Visit KSBA's website for valuable resources, association publications, training event information and much more!
Save the Date - Upcoming KSBA Events

Annual Conference (Ky. International Convention Center, Louisville)

May 14-16, 2021

KSBA will host its 2021 Annual Conference Friday, May 14 – Sunday, May 16 at the Kentucky International Convention Center in Louisville for a weekend packed with informative sessions, inspiring keynote speakers and ample opportunity for networking. KSBA's annual conferences regularly draw approximately 1,000 board member, superintendents and other education leaders, making it one of the largest state gatherings of public education stakeholders. The 2021 conference theme is "Kentucky School Boards: Champions for Education."

Visit the Annual Conference page of KSBA's website for more information, a complete conference schedule and easy online registration.

KOSAA Annual Meeting (Louisville Marriott Downtown)

May 14, 2021

KSBA will host the Annual Meeting of the Kentucky Organization of Superintendents’ Administrative Assistants (KOSAA) during the 2021 Annual Conference (May 14-16). The Annual Meeting will be held at the Louisville Marriott Downtown.

Policy reference 01.83
Kentucky School Boards Association | 502-695-4630 |