The Policy Connection is a free quarterly publication provided by the KSBA Policy Service that is sent to all board members, superintendents, KOSAA members and others who request to receive it.
February 2021
Katrina Kinman, Editor
Note: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, KSBA has limited its in-office operations and many of us are working remotely to serve you. Thank you for your patience.
Charter training requirements eased
Due largely in part to KSBA’s advocacy efforts, the 2020 General Assembly passed SB 158 amending KRS 160.1594 to provide that charter authorizer training shall not be required of any board member until a charter application is submitted to the board, and also to reduce the number of hours required at that time to six (6) hours.
Policy reference 01.83
Notification of Special Meeting Notice via email
KRS 61.823(4)(b) allows a public agency to notify members and media organizations of special called meetings via email if a written request is on file. Administrative Procedure 01.44 AP.21/Request to Receive Special Meeting Notification by Email may be used to satisfy that requirement for board members, council members or members of committees appointed by a board or council. A recent Open Meeting Decision (OMD) 20-OMD-177 reiterates this requirement.
Policy reference 01.44/Procedure reference 01.44 AP.21
Staffing allocations
Each local board shall provide each school council notice of a tentative staffing and budget allocation for the coming fiscal year by March 1.
Policy reference 02.4331
Open Meetings Act (OMA)/Open Records Act (ORA) information
Superintendents must distribute Guide to Kentucky Open Records and Open Meetings Act (PDF) and Managing Government Records (PDF), either electronically or in hard copy, to each school board member and each school-based decision making council member, within 60 days of the day their term of office begins. The distribution may be by electronic means​. Superintendents must:

  1. Obtain signed proof from each member that he or she received the documents.
  2. Provide each member with a copy of the Proof ​of Receipt (PDF).
  3. Ask each member to complete the bottom portion of the Proof of Receipt and return it to you.
  4. Maintain the Proofs of Receipt on your district’s premises as part of your district records.
  5. Return only the completed Certificate of Distribution (PDF) to the Office of the Attorney General.

For more information, see:

Policy references 01.6/01.61
NBCT salary stipend - reminder of recent law change

Teachers who attain certification from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards on or before July 1, 2020, shall be given an annual salary supplement of $2,000 for the life of the certificate. However, due largely in part to KSBA’s advocacy efforts in the 2020 legislative session, a teacher who attains certification after July 1, 2020 shall be given an annual salary supplement for the life of the certificate in accordance with the amount appropriated for this purpose by the General Assembly. If an annual supplement amount appropriated by the General Assembly in the state budget is less than $2,000, the board may provide an additional supplement up to the amount required for the total annual supplement to equal $2,000.
Policy reference 03.121
Graduation requirements

SB 158 (2020) amended KRS 158.140 to clarify that any high school graduation requirements adopted by the board shall not include achieving a minimum score on a statewide assessment to graduate from high school. Additionally, the state minimum requirements as provided in 704 KAR 3:305 are being amended to remove graduation prerequisites and qualifiers. We will be incorporating these changes into the model policies that will be sent to boards in the 2021 Annual Update this spring.
Policy reference 08.113
Remote learning and online manuals

Especially when staff and students are participating in online learning, we want to remind you that online manuals are a convenient way to quickly locate policies and procedures. Your leadership documents are available at all times to school staff, board members, media and the general public. Users are able to search an entire manual by word or phrase without having to know the policy/procedure code. Policies and procedures can easily be printed individually and users have the ability to print by chapter or an entire manual. Online manuals also contain links to relevant education statutes (KRS), administrative regulations (KAR), opinions of the attorney general (OAG) and open records decisions (ORD).
Policy reference 01.5
Mileage rate update

If your district reimburses for mileage at the state rate, be advised that the rate per mile effective Jan. 1 through March 31, is 39 cents per mile. This information can be reviewed quarterly via this link:

Policy references 03.125/03.225
KSBA Resources

Visit KSBA's website for valuable resources on COVID-19, association publications, training event information, our legislative agenda and much more!
Save the Date - Upcoming KSBA Events

First half of the KSBA Annual Business Meeting for the purpose of seating our new officers and directors (via video-teleconference) - Feb. 20, 2021

Policy reference 01.83
Kentucky School Boards Association | 502-695-4630 |