Kent School District GEAR UP Achievers 2020 - 2021
A full-time GEAR UP Student Success Specialist will provide resources and support for your student as they transition from middle to high school, throughout high school, and into their first year of post-secondary education. View our August KSD GEAR UP Family Newsletter to read all about your GEAR UP Student Success Specialist and the GEAR UP Achievers program at Kentwood, Kentridge and Kent-Meridian High Schools.
You can count on GEAR UP Achievers to:
Provide tutoring, mentoring, and/or after school programs.
Help students and families understand the cost of post-secondary education and how to pay for it.
Provide college visits, worksite visits, and/or summer programming each year to help students prepare for post-secondary education and explore career pathways.
Partner with families to help understand and support their student's educational and career aspirations.
If the student is eligible for the College Bound Scholarship, GEAR UP will assist with making sure they are taking the steps necessary to sign up and remain eligible.
February 24:
Virtual GEAR UP Student Hours Begin
February 11:
Goal Setting Workshop
February 17:
South Seattle College
Virtual College Tour
February 2:
KR Grad Night Series: Credits
February 9:
KR Class of 2024: Virtual Family STEM Night Part 2
Please remind your student to check their school email for more information about our upcoming events, including the Teams Meeting links for you and your student to join.
KSD GEAR UP Achievers Events
Renton Technical College Virtual TourIn October, students were invited to participate in a Renton Technical College virtual college tour. Although students were not able to travel in-person, they had an opportunity to learn and hear from Whitworth representatives Gerald Bradford, and Marsha Dubuk. During this session, students learned about RTC programs, career pathways, and student life. With more than 60 programs including Culinary Arts and Automotive Technology, students learned about how to pay for school at RTC and resources available at the RTC campus.
Whitworth University Virtual TourAlso in October, GEAR UP students virtually traveled to Spokane, Washington to learn more about Whitworth University by connecting to Whitworth staff. Students learned more about Whitworth's campus, academic programs, student life, student resources, and campus traditions.
College Bound Scholarship GEAR UP Specialists hosted family drop-in hour sessions 3 times a week throughout the month of November! Families had the opportunity to meet with a GEAR UP Specialist on either Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday to receive support with completing their student's College Bound Scholarship application. Our GEAR UP Specialist also hosted various College Bound presentations throughout quarter 1 informing students about the program, eligibility information, the pledge & more.
Family STEM Lab TourIn January, the GEAR UP Specialists and the UW GEAR UP team partnered to bring the UW College of the Environment to our KSD GEAR UP families. UW College of the Environment staff and students hosted a virtual lab tour, provided an overview of the different pathways within the College of the Environment, and participated in a panel to answer student and family questions.
Kent-Meridian High School
KM Mental Health Workshop for the Holidays In December, the KM GEAR UP team partnered with KM's counseling intern to bring forth a workshop on Mental Health for the Holidays. The workshop was to bring awareness of any emotions that may arise during the holidays, especially during the Pandemic. Students learned how to communicate with their families about boundaries, self-care tips, and received resources to help implement these newly learned techniques.
Family Engagement -Graduation Requirements Edition
GEAR UP Specialist and KM staff came together to provide a Microsoft Live Event with information about high school graduation requirements. Families and students were able to ask questions and learn more about what their student will need complete to successfully graduate from Kent School District.
Check out our new and improved KM GEAR UP SWAYpage! This page contains information, announcements and ways to stay connected.
Kentwood High School
Kentwood GEAR UP Graduation Night
GEAR UP Students and their families came together virtually during the month of December to learn about credit recovery, post-secondary pathways, and graduation requirements. Students were able to hear from KW Assistant Principal Ron Webb, guidance counselor Shari Dolleman, and College and Career Readiness Manager, Elisa Aguayo Munoz.
Readiness for Islander Success in Education (RISE) Conference
KW GEAR UP students attended the RISE conference hosted by the University of Washington's Office of Multicultural Outreach & Recruitment team. This one-day conference was designed to encourage, motivate, and empower high school Pacific Islander students to pursue higher education, as well as give them the opportunity to experience what it may be like to be a student at the University of Washington.
Upcoming Events:
Virtual GEAR UP Student Hours
KW GEAR UP Student Hours be launching on February 24th! Students will learn about different careers, life after high school, and hear from guest speakers all while having fun participating in community building activities! Please join us on Wednesday, February 24th on Microsoft Teams. More information will be sent to your email.
Kentridge High School
New KR GEAR UP Team Member! Please welcome Dureti Hajikedir to KSD’s GEAR UP Team. Dureti is a College and Career Readiness Assistant for the University of Washington’s Dream Project. She will help support Mrs. Rachel with GEAR UP programs at Kentridge this school year! Dureti is a senior at the University of Washington majoring in Biochemistry. She is excited to meet KR students and families and help support them with their goals.
KR Class of 2024: Virtual Family STEM Night
Our KR GEAR UP team hosted our very first virtual family night! Families that joined learned more about the University of College Engineering department, as well as got to hear from current UW students in STEM majors. Each family got a free STEM kit! Don't miss out on our next family STEM night in February!
KR New Club Alert!
Two KR GEAR UP students started a new student club called the Pacific Islander Club! The PI club is a safe place where people with similar backgrounds can gather and provide space for members in the Pacific Islander community and to spread awareness and knowledge about PI culture. A community that will support all members with their academics and encourage new friendships. Please contact Mrs. Rachel if your student is interested in joining or would like more information.