KSDE Weekly

Thursday, Dec. 12, 2024 | Issue 118

In This Week's Edition

Feature Stories

Reporting and Operations

IT & Cybersecurity

Accountability, Accreditation and Assessments

Standards and Instruction

Student Health and Nutrition

Upcoming Events, Trainings and Recognition

Feature Stories

State Board accepts Student Screen Time Task Force report, authorizes its release to districts

The Kansas State Board of Education voted this week to accept the final report of the Blue-Ribbon Task Force on Student Screen Time that outlines recommended guidance for student use of digital technology in schools. 

Prior to the vote, Melanie Haas of Overland Park, State Board chair, emphasized the board accepting the report was an acknowledgement of the task force’s work, not an endorsement of the recommendations. The board voted to accept the report and authorized the Kansas State Department of Education to release it to districts. 


How Kansas computer science teachers are encouraging students to think outside the box

Jeff Yearout brings conceptual thinking into his classroom at Derby High School, Derby Unified School District 260, helping students think beyond the surface. 

Yearout has taught computer science, web design and computer graphics at Derby High School since 2016. He is the only computer science teacher at the school. 

“It’s harder, of course, if I’m taking on something new that I haven’t done before and have no built curriculum to look from,” he said. “But I’m constantly recrafting things I’ve done before to adjust it and make it better for students.” 


Reporting and Operations

Options for English Speakers of

Other Languages (ESOL)

license endorsement requirements

As of Jan. 1, educators will be required by state regulation to meet one of the two options below to add an English Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) endorsement to a license. Educators will qualify for waivers as they complete course requirements for either option. 

Option 1: Add ESOL to a standard teaching license 

The first option is to complete a Kansas state-approved ESOL program through a university or college that offers the program and pass the state-approved ESOL content exam. The regulation, K.A.R. 91-1-203, updated and approved by the Kansas State Board of Education in March 2023, did not affect this option. Waivers and provisional licenses are available if an educator decides to pursue an ESOL endorsement by completion of the full program while serving in an ESOL position. 


Reminder: English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) needs assessment survey responses due by Jan. 17

KSDE’s Special Education and Title Services (SETS) is requesting that anyone directly involved with their building’s or district’s English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)/Title III program complete a needs assessment survey by Jan. 17. 

Click here to complete the survey. 

Respondents include but are not limited to ESOL teachers, paraprofessionals, counselors, instructional coaches, directors, principals, superintendents, etc. 


Free fleet electrification planning

assistance available

The Clean Bus Planning Awards (CBPA) program is open and accepting applications on a rolling basis.  

Funded by the Joint Office of Energy & Transportation and managed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), CBPA recipients receive free technical assistance for comprehensive and customized school bus electrification transition plans.

Fleets eligible for EPA Clean School Bus program funding are generally eligible to receive CBPA assistance. 


Kansas Clean Diesel Program funding available for school buses

The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) currently has a school bus award opportunity open to districts that own and operate their own transportation fleets.  

One older model diesel powered school bus is required to be decommissioned for every new school bus awarded through the Kansas program, up to 5 school buses.  

Diesel powered school buses with engine model years 2009 and older are eligible for funding.  


Reminder: Perkins Principles available for

developing new consortiums

The Perkins Principles have been created to support districts as they develop new Perkins consortiums. This document can also be accessed on the Perkins Federal Accountability webpage.

These principles were covered during the Perkins Q&A session held in November. All districts with planned Perkins consortium membership changes should review the principles document for guidance in the following areas: 

  1. Fiscal Agent Guidelines 
  2. Changing Consortiums 
  3. Mutual Benefit Guidelines 
  4. Professional Development 
  5. Perkins Reserve Guidelines 
  6. Inventory Guidelines 
  7. Reimbursement and Purchasing Guidelines 
  8. Timeline of Key Dates 
  9. Disposition Form 


Contact Natalie Clark, ndclark@ksde.org, or Helen Swanson, hswanson@ksde.org, for more information. 

Reminder: Educator Data Collection System (EDCS) opens Jan. 1

The Educator Data Collection System (EDCS) will open for submission of the Licensed Personnel Report (LPR) on Jan. 1. Districts will have until March 1 to submit their LPR data.  

While districts have had access to enter data since Aug. 1, they will now be able to submit that data beginning Jan. 1. Visit the Licensed Personnel Report webpage to access EDCS training resources.

Contact Leslie Bruton, lbruton@ksde.org, or (785) 296–8011, with questions.

Reminder: McKinney-Vento Kansas student

data available

Student data is collected annually for students and youth experiencing homelessness per the McKinney-Vento definition: students and youth lacking fixed, regular or adequate housing.

Every fall, a summary document in which the numbers of identified students experiencing homelessness from the previous school year is placed on KSDE’s McKinney-Vento webpage.  


IT & Cybersecurity

KSDE IT department updates agency's learning management system (LMS)

Staff from KSDE’s Information Technology (IT) department have been working to modernize Moodle, the agency's learning management systems (LMS), http://learning.ksde.org. Moodle is an open source LMS that has been used in education for more than 20 years. 

The IT team will perform a series of updates to improve the interface, as well as the functionality of the platform. This will be done by adding some branding items to make the learning site consistent with other KSDE websites. 


Accountability, Accreditation and Assessments

Reminder: 2025 KESA 2.0 action plan virtual office hours scheduled

Monthly virtual office hours are scheduled in 2025 for systems to get feedback and ask questions about their Kansas Education System Accreditation (KESA) 2.0 action plans.

Systems can review the KESA application, locate resources, discuss the action plan components and guidelines, and address specific questions. 

Questions can be submitted within 24 hours of the virtual meeting by completing this survey. This will assist KSDE staff in preparing a meaningful agenda to address the most frequently asked questions and to develop further supporting guidance. 

Click here for the Zoom, 3-4 p.m., on the following dates:

  • Jan. 8
  • Feb. 5
  • March 5
  • April 2
  • May 7
  • June 4

Contact Hayley Steinlage, hasteinlage@ksde.org, with questions. 

Standards and Instruction

Educators from across the state, representing 15 school districts, recently completed Volume 1 LETRS® training at the Orion Education & Training Center, in Clearwater, so they can train their colleagues on LETRS.® (Submitted/Laurie Curtis)

Educators get trained to become

LETRS® structured literacy trainers

The newest cohort of Kansas Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling® (LETRS®) facilitators recently completed training after four full days of in-person professional learning under the guidance of a national LETRS® trainer.  

The educators, representing 15 school districts and two service centers, now can provide Volume 1 LETRS® training to the teachers in their districts/service centers. This cohort of trainers will receive Volume 2 training soon.  


K-ACTE members attending the State Association Leaders breakfast at ACTE CareerTech Vision were (from left): Lisa Wicoff, Aubry Weigel, Kacey Lewis, Cathy Mong, Laurali Bosell-Masterson, Laura Benscheidt (Kansas ACTE president), Marla Sterling and Natalie Clark. (Submitted/Natalie Clark)

K-ACTE recognized for meeting

2024 Quality Association Standards

The Kansas Association for Career and Technical Education (K-ACTE) was recognized earlier this month for meeting 2024 Quality Association Standards. 

According to the national ACTE, “the purpose of the Quality Association Standards (QAS) is to provide benchmarks for state associations to determine levels of performance and satisfactory service to their members and prospective members” and “to prompt states to challenge themselves to improve and maintain the very best possible organization and leadership for their members within the association’s means.” 

The award was presented to the Kansas representatives during the ACTE CareerTech Vision annual conference in San Antonio, Texas. The conference offers comprehensive programming covering high-quality career and technical education (CTE) in secondary and postsecondary environments and emerging trends in the field to help CTE educators thrive in their careers. 

Contact Natalie Clark, ndclark@ksde.org, with questions. 

More than two dozen Kansas districts earn prestigious Parents as Teachers endorsement

The Kansas State Department of Education is proud to celebrate the success of the most recent group of Kansas Parents as Teachers programs to earn a prestigious endorsement from Parents as Teachers National Center (PATNC) called the “Blue Ribbon Endorsement.”

Parents as Teachers programs that earn this endorsement are designated as the top-performing home visiting programs within the Parents as Teachers international network.  

“Kansas families are so lucky to benefit from Kansas parent educators' commitment to providing exceptional services to prepare our youngest Kansans for success in school and in life,” said Amanda Petersen, director of the KSDE early childhood team. “We are proud that this designation recognizes the hard work, dedication and skill that Kansas Parents as Teachers programs bring to our state.” 


Student Health and Nutrition

Final reminder: Deadline extended to Dec. 13 for fiscal year 2024 Farm to School grant

Child Nutrition Program (CNP) sponsors may request up to $10,000 to support Farm to Plate initiatives that will increase the local foods served as part of child nutrition program snacks and meals. The application deadline has been extended to Dec. 13. 

Subgrants can be utilized by CNP operators for activities like gardening, chicken houses, raising livestock, garden towers and more. 


The application is available at https://cnw.ksde.org, Farm to Plate, What's New, 2024 Farm to Plate Sub-Grant Opportunity. 


Contact Barb Depew, bdepew@ksde.org, with questions. 

Upcoming Events, Trainings and Recognition

HirePaths to host informational

webinar on Jan. 8

A “What’s New with HirePaths?” webinar has been scheduled for 12-1 p.m., on Jan. 8. Click here for the Zoom link. 

HirePaths introduces Kansas kids of all ages to high demand jobs our state will need in the future. Materials are free for educators and families to use. 

Presented by HirePaths founder Kristin Brighton, the Jan. 8 workshop will provide an overview of the program's features, highlight new resources that have been recently added for educators at all grade levels, and provide specific ideas about how to use this content in classrooms and at home.  

Contact Kristin Brighton, kristin@newbostoncreative.com, or 785-587-8185, with questions. 

Reminder: Ages & Stages Questionnaires® (ASQ®) trainings available Jan. 24, March 7

The Kansas State Department of Education and the Kansas Parent Information Resource Center (KPIRC) are offering new live virtual trainings to deepen educators’ knowledge of the Ages & Stages Questionnaires (ASQ® ).  

Engaging with families to build strong relationships and support early childhood development is a key strategy to support young children’s success. The ASQ® questionnaires provide a snapshot of children’s developmental milestones and can serve as a powerful tool to support kindergarten readiness.  


Curriculum leaders meetings scheduled for 2025 and 2026; Great Ideas conference

dates changed

The next curriculum leaders meeting will be on Jan. 31, at the Bishop Professional Development Center in Topeka. Register here by Jan. 17.  

Mark your calendars for the following dates and locations of the 2025 and 2026 curriculum leaders meetings.  

  • Apr. 18, 2025: Maize Performing Arts and Aquatics Center, Maize. 
  • Sept. 26, 2025: Fort Hays State University, Memorial Union, Hays.  
  • Nov. 21, 2025: Bishop Professional Development Center, Topeka.   
  • Jan. 30, 2026: Bishop Professional Development Center, Topeka.   
  • April 17, 2026: Maize Performing Arts and Aquatics Center, Maize. 


Renaissance Learning announces customer support enhancements for 2025

To streamline the customer experience, Renaissance is consolidating their legacy customer support systems for all products, including Nearpod, into a new, comprehensive system.

Starting Jan. 1, all support requests will be handled via the new system to provide a more seamless experience for all cases for a customer’s account. 

Important note: All Renaissance and Nearpod support emails, website addresses, and phone numbers will remain unchanged so customers can continue to access support with no downtime in service. Contact Renaissance Support or Nearpod Support with any questions. 

Read more... 

FastBridge implementation professional learning available

Reminder: If your district has not used allocated virtual professional development hours, schedule a session from the Professional Learning Catalog by Dec. 31. To check if this applies to your district, watch the recording at the 1:37 time stamp. 

You do not need to hold the session by Dec. 31, but you must schedule it before then so that it does not expire. 

Contact scheduling@renaissance.com for more information and/or schedule sessions here




17: Science collaboration for curriculum leaders, virtual, 4-5 p.m. Register here. Contact Stephanie Alderman-Oler, salderman-oler@ksde.org, with questions.

17: Structured literacy training, Smoky Hill, Salina. Register here. Contact Dr. Laurie Curtis, lcurtis@ksde.org, with questions.

18: Science collaboration for science teachers, virtual, 4-5 p.m. Register here. Contact Stephanie Alderman-Oler, salderman-oler@ksde.org, with questions. 

19: Transportation basics workshop for transportation directors and supervisors, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Bishop Professional Development Center, 3601 S.W. 31st Street, in Topeka. Register for free here. Contact Keith Dreiling, kdreiling@ksde.org, with questions.  


8: Science collaboration for new science teachers, virtual, 4-5 p.m. Register here. Contact Stephanie Alderman-Oler, salderman-oler@ksde.org, with questions. 

8: KESA 2.0 action plan virtual office hours, 3-4 p.m. Questions can be submitted within 24 hours of the virtual meeting by completing this survey. Click here for the Zoom link. Contact Hayley Steinlage, hasteinlage@ksde.org, with questions.

9: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Clean School Bus Rebate Program applications due by 5 p.m. CST. Click here for more information. Contact CleanSchoolBus@epa.gov with questions. 

9: English Language Arts training, Orion, Clearwater. Register here. Contact Dr. Laurie Curtis, lcurtis@ksde.org, with questions.

13: Structured literacy training, Greenbush, Girard. Register here. Contact Dr. Laurie Curtis, lcurtis@ksde.org, with questions.

14: Science collaboration for curriculum leaders, virtual, 4-5 p.m. Register here. Contact Stephanie Alderman-Oler, salderman-oler@ksde.org, with questions. 

14-15: Kansas State Board of Education meeting. Click here for the agenda and meeting materials. 

15: Science collaboration for science teachers, virtual, 4-5 p.m. Register here. Contact Stephanie Alderman-Oler, salderman-oler@ksde.org, with questions. 

16: Kansas Preschool Pilot grant application due. Contact Natalie McClane, nmcclane@ksde.org, and Amanda Petersen, apetersen@ksde.org, with questions. 

17: English Language Arts training, ESSDACK, Hutchinson. Register here. Contact Dr. Laurie Curtis, lcurtis@ksde.org, with questions.

18: Deadline to register for Innovate Next Steps: Pre-K-12 Learning conference, Feb. 8, at Bethany College. Click here to register. Contact Alan English, englishAE@bethanyLB.edu, or (785) 227-3380, with questions. 

20: Structured literacy training, Greenbush, Lawrence. Register here. Contact Dr. Laurie Curtis, lcurtis@ksde.org, with questions.

23: Structured literacy training, ESSDACK, Hutchinson. Register here. Contact Dr. Laurie Curtis, lcurtis@ksde.org, with questions.

23: English Language Arts training, Smoky Hill, Salina. Register here. Contact Dr. Laurie Curtis, lcurtis@ksde.org, with questions.

24: Structured literacy training, Orion, Clearwater. Register here. Contact Dr. Laurie Curtis, lcurtis@ksde.org, with questions.

24: Introduction to ASQ training, virtual, 9 a.m. – noon. Click here to register. Contact Stacy Clarke, sclarke@ksde.org, with questions.

27: English Language Arts training, Greenbush, Girard. Register here. Contact Dr. Laurie Curtis, lcurtis@ksde.org, with questions.

28: Local Consolidated Plan (LCP) quarterly meeting #3, 9 a.m.-12 p.m., virtual. Register here. Contact Twyla Sprouse, tsprouse@ksde.org, or (785) 296-6714, with questions.

28: Local Consolidated Plan (LCP) quarterly meeting #3, 1-4 p.m., virtual. Register here. Contact Twyla Sprouse, tsprouse@ksde.org, or (785) 296-6714, with questions.

30: 2025 Virtual Health Care Career Day, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Zoom instructions will be sent out the week before Jan. 30. Click here to register at no cost and click here for the agenda. Contact Jaron Caffrey, jcaffrey@kha-net.org, or (316) 640-9570 with questions. 

31: Curriculum leaders meeting, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Bishop Professional Development Center, Topeka. Register here. Contact Pat Bone, pbone@ksde.org, with questions.



5: KESA 2.0 action plan virtual office hours, 3-4 p.m. Questions can be submitted within 24 hours of the virtual meeting by completing this survey. Click here for the Zoom link. Contact Hayley Steinlage, hasteinlage@ksde.org, with questions. 

7: Kansas MTSS & Alignment preschool team’s standards-based make it-take it event for preschool teachers, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Hilton Garden Inn, Salina. Register here. Contact Lea Harding at lea@kanasmtss.org with questions. 

11-12: Kansas State Board of Education meeting. Click here for the agenda and meeting materials. 

12: Science collaboration for new science teachers, virtual, 4-5 p.m. Register here. Contact Stephanie Alderman-Oler, salderman-oler@ksde.org, with questions. 

18: Science collaboration for curriculum leaders, virtual, 4-5 p.m. Register here. Contact Stephanie Alderman-Oler, salderman-oler@ksde.org, with questions. 

19: Science collaboration for science teachers, virtual, 4-5 p.m. Register here. Contact Stephanie Alderman-Oler, salderman-oler@ksde.org, with questions. 

24-25: Kansas Math Project professional development, Hays, Hilton Garden Inn, 221 W. 43rd Street. Click here to register. Click here to enroll to complete asynchronous modules at your own pace. Contact kmp@kansasmtss.org with questions.


26-27: Kansas Math Project professional development, Topeka, Sunflower Nonprofit Center, 5820 S.W. 6th Street. Click here to register. Click here to enroll to complete asynchronous modules at your own pace. Contact kmp@kansasmtss.org with questions. 


5: KESA 2.0 action plan virtual office hours, 3-4 p.m. Questions can be submitted within 24 hours of the virtual meeting by completing this survey. Click here for the Zoom link. Contact Hayley Steinlage, hasteinlage@ksde.org, with questions.

7: Using Ages & Stages Questionnaires (ASQ) to Engage with Families and Support Child Development training, virtual, 9-10:30 a.m. Click here to register. Contact Stacy Clarke, sclarke@ksde.org, with questions.

11-12: Kansas State Board of Education meeting. Click here for the agenda and meeting materials. 

12: Science collaboration for new science teachers, virtual, 4-5 p.m. Register here. Contact Stephanie Alderman-Oler, salderman-oler@ksde.org, with questions. 

18: Science collaboration for curriculum leaders, virtual, 4-5 p.m. Register here. Contact Stephanie Alderman-Oler, salderman-oler@ksde.org, with questions.


19: Science collaboration for science teachers, virtual, 4-5 p.m. Register here. Contact Stephanie Alderman-Oler, salderman-oler@ksde.org, with questions. 


2: KESA 2.0 action plan virtual office hours, 3-4 p.m. Questions can be submitted within 24 hours of the virtual meeting by completing this survey. Click here for the Zoom link. Contact Hayley Steinlage, hasteinlage@ksde.org, with questions.

3: Kansas MTSS & Alignment preschool team’s standards-based make it-take it event for preschool teachers, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Lee Richardson Zoo, Garden City. Register here. Contact Lea Harding at lea@kanasmtss.org with questions. 

8: Local Consolidated Plan (LCP) quarterly meeting #4, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., in-person, Hilton Garden Inn and Convention Center, Hays. Register here. Contact Twyla Sprouse, tsprouse@ksde.org, or (785) 296-6714, with questions.

8-9: Kansas State Board of Education meeting. Click here for the agenda and meeting materials. 

9: Science collaboration for new science teachers, virtual, 4-5 p.m. Register here. Contact Stephanie Alderman-Oler, salderman-oler@ksde.org, with questions. 

10: Local Consolidated Plan (LCP) quarterly meeting #4, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., in-person, Aloft Wichita, 3642 Oliver, Wichita. Register here. Contact Twyla Sprouse, tsprouse@ksde.org, or (785) 296-6714, with questions.

15: Science collaboration for curriculum leaders, virtual, 4-5 p.m. Register here. Contact Stephanie Alderman-Oler, salderman-oler@ksde.org, with questions. 

16: Science collaboration for science teachers, virtual, 4-5 p.m. Register here. Contact Stephanie Alderman-Oler, salderman-oler@ksde.org, with questions. 

18: Curriculum leaders meeting, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Maize Performing Arts and Aquatics Center. Contact Pat Bone, pbone@ksde.org, with questions.

28-29: Kansas Math Project professional development, Hays, Hilton Garden Inn, 221 W. 43rd Street. Click here to register. Click here to enroll to complete asynchronous modules at your own pace. Contact kmp@kansasmtss.org with questions. 

April 30-May 1: Kansas Math Project professional development, Topeka, Sunflower Nonprofit Center, 5820 S.W. 6th Street. Click here to register. Click here to enroll to complete asynchronous modules at your own pace. Contact kmp@kansasmtss.org with questions. 


7: KESA 2.0 action plan virtual office hours, 3-4 p.m. Questions can be submitted within 24 hours of the virtual meeting by completing this survey. Click here for the Zoom link. Contact Hayley Steinlage, hasteinlage@ksde.org, with questions.

13-14: Kansas State Board of Education meeting. Click here for the agenda and meeting materials. 

14: Science collaboration for new science teachers, virtual, 4-5 p.m. Register here. Contact Stephanie Alderman-Oler, salderman-oler@ksde.org, with questions. 

20: Science collaboration for curriculum leaders, virtual, 4-5 p.m. Register here. Contact Stephanie Alderman-Oler, salderman-oler@ksde.org, with questions.


21: Science collaboration for science teachers, virtual, 4-5 p.m. Register here. Contact Stephanie Alderman-Oler, salderman-oler@ksde.org, with questions. 


4: KESA 2.0 action plan virtual office hours, 3-4 p.m. Questions can be submitted within 24 hours of the virtual meeting by completing this survey. Click here for the Zoom link. Contact Hayley Steinlage, hasteinlage@ksde.org, with questions.

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The Kansas State Department of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies: KSDE General Counsel, Office of General Counsel, KSDE, Landon State Office Building, 900 S.W. Jackson, Suite 102, Topeka, KS 66612, (785) 296-3201.