KSDE Weekly

Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2025 | Issue 121

In This Week's Edition

Feature Stories

Reporting and Operations

IT & Cybersecurity

Accountability, Accreditation and Assessments

Standards and Instruction

Student Health and Nutrition

Upcoming Events, Trainings and Recognition

A special message from

Kansas Lt. Gov. David Toland

Fellow Kansans,

Forty years ago, KANSAS! magazine launched a children’s edition titled KANSAS! Too, which sparked curiosity and inspired young readers across the state for more than a decade. As one of those young readers, the magazine ignited my passion and deep love for our state. 

Today, I am excited to carry that legacy forward by introducing the next chapter: KANSAS! Kids.

KANSAS! Kids is designed to connect young minds with the beauty, history and endless possibilities of Kansas. Through its pages, students will uncover unexpected treasures and gain a deeper appreciation for the place they call home. Our goal is to inspire a lasting connection to Kansas while encouraging them to dream big dreams in our great state.

I’m happy to share that all of the fourth-, fifth- and sixth-graders in your school will receive a complimentary copy of this new magazine, created especially for young Kansans.

During the week of January 13 – just in time for Kansas Day – your school will receive a shipment of KANSAS! Kids magazines. This special edition features an exclusive Kansas Day article created in partnership with the Kansas State Historical Society that offers students an engaging look at our state’s rich history.

To make the most of this publication, I encourage you to notify your teachers now, so they can plan to share the KANSAS! Kids magazine with their students. 

If you have questions, or need additional copies of this special publication, please contact Andrea Etzel, editor, at andrea.etzel@ks.gov or (785) 213-0126.

David Toland

Lt. Governor & Secretary of the Department of Commerce

Feature Stories

State Board to hear structured literacy requirements update during January meeting

Members of the Kansas State Board of Education will receive an update on the structured literacy training requirements for licensure during their monthly meeting, Jan. 14-15, in Topeka. 

Targeted groups of Kansas educators, mostly at the elementary level, will be required by July 2028, to be trained in structured literacy. Board members will hear what progress has been made toward creating a structured literacy micro-credential for teachers of special education, English for speakers of other languages and elementary educators with a goal of 100% of these educators having the micro-credential by 2030. They also will hear more information on the status of the Seal of Literacy, data collection and new teacher mentoring related to structured literacy. 


Sheila Berridge, center, director of elementary education for Hutchinson USD 308, was one of three facilitators for the School Improvement Day in December at Greenbush Education Center, in Lawrence.

School Improvement Day facilitators driven to help fellow educators improve

student achievement

As part of the second iteration of the Kansas Education Systems Accreditation process, known as KESA 2.0, districts and school systems are attending regional School Improvement Days during the 2024-25 school year with three to four other like systems. 

These days are facilitated by Kansas educators who have been trained and volunteer their time to help their colleagues understand what is required for KESA 2.0 accreditation. They guide those attending the School Improvement Days through a broad review of their district-level data, including assessment scores. After reviewing and discussing their data as a district team and then with colleagues from similar districts, attendees begin discussing how their data is going to drive the creation of their student achievement action plans. These plans will later get input from the broader school communities before they’re submitted and reviewed by the Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE). 


Reporting and Operations

Reminder: KSDE website to change to .gov domain on Jan. 8; emails to

transition on Jan. 15

The Kansas State Department of Education’s website and email domains will change from “.org” to “.gov” this month. 

Key dates for this transition:  

The transition to “.gov” for KSDE’s website and email addresses is mandated by House Sub. for SB 291. This statute requires all websites maintained by a branch of Kansas government or state agency to use a “.gov” domain by Feb. 1.  

It’s important to note: If “.org” is used to access the KSDE website or to contact a KSDE staff member via email after Jan. 8 and 15, respectively, those addresses will automatically be redirected to their appropriate “.gov” address to ensure no disruption in service.  

Contact the KSDE IT help desk at (785) 296-7935 with questions. 

Reminder: Data reports required from districts and schools opting into IXL Math

Districts that have opted into the KSDE and IXL Math contract to receive IXL Math at no local cost are required to provide data on math practice twice a year for the 2024-25 school year. 

Two built-in IXL reports allow for the creation and submission of KSDE reporting in just a few minutes. 

To submit required data for the second semester, districts should follow the instructions related to their IXL account by clicking here. (Pages 1-2 are instructions for districts; pages 3-4 are instructions for schools). 

Data submissions for the fall semester will include data from the first day of school through the last day of the fall semester. 

Contact kansas@ixl.com or Robyn Kelso, rkelso@ksde.org, or (785) 296-3444, if unsure which instructions to use or need help with submitting data. 

Reminder: Educator Data Collection System open for licensed personnel and

spring vacancy reports

The Educator Data Collection System (EDCS) is now open for submission of the Licensed Personnel Report (LPR) and Spring Vacancy Report (SVR). The LPR is due on March 1. The SVR will be submitted within the LPR.  

Click here for training resources: https://www.ksde.org/Agency/Division-of-Learning-Services/Teacher-Licensure-TL/Licensed-Personnel 

For questions about entering data for the LPR, contact Leslie Bruton, lbruton@ksde.org, or (785) 296–8011. 

Reminder: Scholarships for students who have exited foster care

Students who have risen above the challenges of life situations by exiting foster care and entering into permanent guardianship after the age of 13 have the opportunity to apply for a scholarship through Umps Care, a nonprofit organization founded by Major League Baseball umpires.


This is an opportunity for qualifying students to receive up to $10,000 in scholarship money annually and $40,000 over four years as long as they meet the requirements to maintain the scholarship. This information can be shared with any youth who may qualify.

The window to apply for the 2025 scholarships is Feb. 1 - May 1. Click here for more information: https://umpscare.com/scholarship/all-star-college-scholarship/

Contact Kelly Tichenor, kelly.tichenor@usd363.com, with questions.

IT & Cybersecurity

Final reminder: KSDE IT to host AI in Education webinar on Jan. 15

The KSDE IT team will host a webinar with Ronnie Williams, coordinator of instructional resources at Greenbush Education Center, on Jan. 15, to explore the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI) in education.

This virtual session will cover key AI concepts, real-world applications in today’s classrooms and ethical considerations. Discussion will include how AI can personalize learning, automate tasks, and enhance educational research.


Accountability, Accreditation and Assessments

Reminder: KESA virtual monthly update

scheduled for Jan. 13

The KSDE Accreditation and Design team will be hosting the KESA virtual monthly update, 10:30 – 11:15 a.m., on Jan. 13. 


Join the update by clicking here. No passcode is required. Materials shared during the meeting, as well as a recording, will be posted on the KESA Conference Calls and Training webpage.  

Contact accreditation@ksde.org to receive reminders or to add someone to the KESA listserv. 

Standards and Instruction

2025-26 Preschool-Aged At-Risk

approval forms due April 3

The Preschool-Aged At-Risk Program provides school districts with funding for preschool-aged students. In districts operating approved programs, 3-and 4-year-old students who meet an at-risk criterion for the Preschool-Aged At-Risk Program and who are enrolled and attending on Count Day will automatically count as a ½ student (0.5 FTE) in calculating a district’s enrollment and accompanying weightings.

Districts are encouraged to create integrated programs that include all students and to develop strong community partnerships. 


2024-25 Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot (ASQ®) participation rate data

available to review

Engaging with families to build strong relationships during children’s transition into kindergarten is a key strategy to prepare children, families, and schools for a successful start to the kindergarten year.  

All Kansas elementary schools are required to partner with families to complete the Ages & Stages Questionnaires®, Third Edition (ASQ-3) and Ages & Stages Questionnaires®: Social-Emotional, Second Edition (ASQ:SE-2). These tools provide a snapshot of children’s developmental milestones. As caregivers know their children best, they complete both questionnaires before school staff share and discuss the screening results. 


Student Health and Nutrition

Reminder: School Nutrition Program Jump Start training scheduled for Jan. 30

New School Nutrition Program (SNP) directors and managers are invited to join the KSDE Child Nutrition and Wellness team for the spring Jump Start training, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., on Jan. 30, at the Smoky Hill Education Service Center, in Salina. This training opportunity is for those with less than three years of experience. 

Developed to incorporate personalized training and leadership development through mentoring opportunities, Jump Start encourages group discussions so participants can be actively involved in learning best practices from the field. Participants who complete the Jump Start program will develop the skills and knowledge needed for the successful operation of school nutrition programs. 

Contact Holly Steinlage, hsteinlage@ksde.org, to register and for more information. 

Upcoming Events, Trainings and Recognition

Child care regional roundtables scheduled for Jan. 23, March 12 

Early childhood professionals, caregivers, community members working to support local child care efforts, and anyone with an interest in child care in Kansas are invited to join a regional roundtable event to share your experiences with child care in your region. 

The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) Child Care Licensing System Improvement Team and the team supporting the All In For Kansas Kids statewide strategic plan for early childhood will be hosting a series of regional events over the course of the next year. The goal of these roundtables is to engage communities in strengthening child care in Kansas. They are free and open to the public. 


Administrators of Local Consolidated Plans can register for upcoming quarterly meetings

Registration is now open for the following third and fourth quarterly meetings for administrators of Local Consolidated Plans (LCPs). 


Contact Twyla Sprouse, assistant director, KSDE Special Education and Title Services, tsprouse@ksde.org, or (785) 296-6714 with questions. 

ICYMI: Renaissance's new customer support system goes into effect

Renaissance has consolidated their legacy customer support systems for all products into a new, comprehensive system.

As of Jan. 1, all support requests are currently handled via the new system to provide a more seamless experience for all cases for a customer’s account.  

All Renaissance support emails, website addresses, and phone numbers will remain unchanged so customers can continue to access support with no downtime in service. 


FastBridge implementation professional learning/support available

If interested in a FastBridge session listed below, but are unable to join, use the Newsletter Engagement Form to request additional dates and times using option #5. 

Each FastBridge district can request an administrator workshop on topics such as onboarding, data reviews and more. Schedule it by using the form and select option #6. 

Upcoming FastBridge virtual trainings

  • Jan. 10: 8:30-9:30 a.m., FastBridge Friday. Register here
  • Jan. 14: 9-10 a.m., FastBridge Lightning Round. Register here
  • Jan. 20: 11 a.m.–12:30 p.m., Admin Workshop. Register here
  • Jan. 21: 9-10:30 a.m., Using the Growth Report in FastBridge for Teachers. Register here
  • Jan. 22: 1-2:30 p.m., Using the Growth Report in FastBridge for Leaders. Register here
  • Jan. 23: 1:30-2:30 p.m., Group Screening Report for Leaders. Register here




9: KSDE offices closed for National Day of Mourning. 

9: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Clean School Bus Rebate Program applications due by 5 p.m. CST. Click here for more information. Contact CleanSchoolBus@epa.gov with questions. 

9: English Language Arts training, Orion, Clearwater. Register here. Contact Dr. Laurie Curtis, lcurtis@ksde.org, with questions.

13: Structured literacy training, Greenbush, Girard. Register here. Contact Dr. Laurie Curtis, lcurtis@ksde.org, with questions.

13: KESA virtual monthly update, 10:30 – 11:15 a.m. Click here to join the Zoom. Contact accreditation@ksde.org for more information. 

14: Science collaboration for curriculum leaders, virtual, 4-5 p.m. Register here. Contact Stephanie Alderman-Oler, salderman-oler@ksde.org, with questions. 

14-15: Kansas State Board of Education meeting. Click here for the agenda and meeting materials. 

15: Science collaboration for science teachers, virtual, 4-5 p.m. Register here. Contact Stephanie Alderman-Oler, salderman-oler@ksde.org, with questions.

15: AI in Education webinar, 1 p.m. Click here to register. Contact Chris Fletcher, cfletcher@ksde.org, with questions. 

16: Kansas Preschool Pilot grant application due. Contact Natalie McClane, nmcclane@ksde.org, or Amanda Petersen, apetersen@ksde.org, with questions. 

17: English Language Arts training, ESSDACK, Hutchinson. Register here. Contact Dr. Laurie Curtis, lcurtis@ksde.org, with questions.

17: English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)/Title III needs assessment survey due. Contact Emily Scott, escott@ksde.org, with questions.

18: Deadline to register for Innovate Next Steps: Pre-K-12 Learning conference, Feb. 8, at Bethany College. Click here to register. Contact Alan English, englishAE@bethanyLB.edu, or (785) 227-3380, with questions. 

20: Structured literacy training, Greenbush, Lawrence. Register here. Contact Dr. Laurie Curtis, lcurtis@ksde.org, with questions.

23: Structured literacy training, ESSDACK, Hutchinson. Register here. Contact Dr. Laurie Curtis, lcurtis@ksde.org, with questions.

23: English Language Arts training, Smoky Hill, Salina. Register here. Contact Dr. Laurie Curtis, lcurtis@ksde.org, with questions.

24: Structured literacy training, Orion, Clearwater. Register here. Contact Dr. Laurie Curtis, lcurtis@ksde.org, with questions.

24: Introduction to ASQ training, virtual, 9 a.m. – noon. Click here to register. Contact Stacy Clarke, sclarke@ksde.org, with questions.

27: English Language Arts training, Greenbush, Girard. Register here. Contact Dr. Laurie Curtis, lcurtis@ksde.org, with questions.

28: Local Consolidated Plan (LCP) quarterly meeting #3, 9 a.m.-12 p.m., virtual. Register here. Contact Twyla Sprouse, tsprouse@ksde.org, or (785) 296-6714, with questions.

28: Local Consolidated Plan (LCP) quarterly meeting #3, 1-4 p.m., virtual. Register here. Contact Twyla Sprouse, tsprouse@ksde.org, or (785) 296-6714, with questions.

30: 2025 Virtual Health Care Career Day, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Zoom instructions will be sent out the week before Jan. 30. Click here to register at no cost and click here for the agenda. Contact Jaron Caffrey, jcaffrey@kha-net.org, or (316) 640-9570 with questions. 

30: School nutrition program Jump Start training, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., Salina. Contact Holly Steinlage, hsteinlage@ksde.org, to register and for more information.

31: Curriculum leaders meeting, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Bishop Professional Development Center, Topeka. Register here. Contact Pat Bone, pbone@ksde.org, with questions.



5: KESA 2.0 action plan virtual office hours, 3-4 p.m. Questions can be submitted within 24 hours of the virtual meeting by completing this survey. Click here for the Zoom link. Contact Hayley Steinlage, hasteinlage@ksde.org, with questions. 

7: Kansas MTSS & Alignment preschool team’s standards-based make it-take it event for preschool teachers, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Hilton Garden Inn, Salina. Register here. Contact Lea Harding at lea@kansasmtss.org with questions. 

8: Innovate Next Steps: Pre-K-12 Learning conference, Bethany College, Lindsborg. Deadline to register is Jan. 18. Contact Alan English, englishAE@bethanyLB.edu, or (785) 227-3380 with questions.

10: Kansas Clean Diesel Program funding applications due by 5 p.m. CST. Contact kdhe.dera@ks.gov with questions.

11-12: Kansas State Board of Education meeting. Click here for the agenda and meeting materials. 

12: Science collaboration for new science teachers, virtual, 4-5 p.m. Register here. Contact Stephanie Alderman-Oler, salderman-oler@ksde.org, with questions. 

18: Science collaboration for curriculum leaders, virtual, 4-5 p.m. Register here. Contact Stephanie Alderman-Oler, salderman-oler@ksde.org, with questions. 

19: Science collaboration for science teachers, virtual, 4-5 p.m. Register here. Contact Stephanie Alderman-Oler, salderman-oler@ksde.org, with questions. 

24-25: Kansas Math Project professional development, Hays, Hilton Garden Inn, 221 W. 43rd Street. Click here to register. Click here to enroll to complete asynchronous modules at your own pace. Contact kmp@kansasmtss.org with questions.


26-27: Kansas Math Project professional development, Topeka, Sunflower Nonprofit Center, 5820 S.W. 6th Street. Click here to register. Click here to enroll to complete asynchronous modules at your own pace. Contact kmp@kansasmtss.org with questions. 


1: Deadline to submit the Licensed Personnel Report (LPR) to the Educator Data Collection System (EDCS). Contact Leslie Bruton, lbruton@ksde.org, or (785) 296–8011, with questions. 

5: KESA 2.0 action plan virtual office hours, 3-4 p.m. Questions can be submitted within 24 hours of the virtual meeting by completing this survey. Click here for the Zoom link. Contact Hayley Steinlage, hasteinlage@ksde.org, with questions.

7: Using Ages & Stages Questionnaires (ASQ) to Engage with Families and Support Child Development training, virtual, 9-10:30 a.m. Click here to register. Contact Stacy Clarke, sclarke@ksde.org, with questions.

11-12: Kansas State Board of Education meeting. Click here for the agenda and meeting materials. 

12: Science collaboration for new science teachers, virtual, 4-5 p.m. Register here. Contact Stephanie Alderman-Oler, salderman-oler@ksde.org, with questions. 

18: Science collaboration for curriculum leaders, virtual, 4-5 p.m. Register here. Contact Stephanie Alderman-Oler, salderman-oler@ksde.org, with questions.


19: Science collaboration for science teachers, virtual, 4-5 p.m. Register here. Contact Stephanie Alderman-Oler, salderman-oler@ksde.org, with questions. 


2: KESA 2.0 action plan virtual office hours, 3-4 p.m. Questions can be submitted within 24 hours of the virtual meeting by completing this survey. Click here for the Zoom link. Contact Hayley Steinlage, hasteinlage@ksde.org, with questions.

3: Kansas MTSS & Alignment preschool team’s standards-based make it-take it event for preschool teachers, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Lee Richardson Zoo, Garden City. Register here. Contact Lea Harding at lea@kanasmtss.org with questions. 

8: Local Consolidated Plan (LCP) quarterly meeting #4, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., in-person, Hilton Garden Inn and Convention Center, Hays. Register here. Contact Twyla Sprouse, tsprouse@ksde.org, or (785) 296-6714, with questions.

8-9: Kansas State Board of Education meeting. Click here for the agenda and meeting materials. 

9: Science collaboration for new science teachers, virtual, 4-5 p.m. Register here. Contact Stephanie Alderman-Oler, salderman-oler@ksde.org, with questions. 

10: Local Consolidated Plan (LCP) quarterly meeting #4, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., in-person, Aloft Wichita, 3642 Oliver, Wichita. Register here. Contact Twyla Sprouse, tsprouse@ksde.org, or (785) 296-6714, with questions.

15: Science collaboration for curriculum leaders, virtual, 4-5 p.m. Register here. Contact Stephanie Alderman-Oler, salderman-oler@ksde.org, with questions. 

16: Science collaboration for science teachers, virtual, 4-5 p.m. Register here. Contact Stephanie Alderman-Oler, salderman-oler@ksde.org, with questions. 

18: Curriculum leaders meeting, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Maize Performing Arts and Aquatics Center. Contact Pat Bone, pbone@ksde.org, with questions.

28-29: Kansas Math Project professional development, Hays, Hilton Garden Inn, 221 W. 43rd Street. Click here to register. Click here to enroll to complete asynchronous modules at your own pace. Contact kmp@kansasmtss.org with questions. 

April 30-May 1: Kansas Math Project professional development, Topeka, Sunflower Nonprofit Center, 5820 S.W. 6th Street. Click here to register. Click here to enroll to complete asynchronous modules at your own pace. Contact kmp@kansasmtss.org with questions. 


7: KESA 2.0 action plan virtual office hours, 3-4 p.m. Questions can be submitted within 24 hours of the virtual meeting by completing this survey. Click here for the Zoom link. Contact Hayley Steinlage, hasteinlage@ksde.org, with questions.

13-14: Kansas State Board of Education meeting. Click here for the agenda and meeting materials. 

14: Science collaboration for new science teachers, virtual, 4-5 p.m. Register here. Contact Stephanie Alderman-Oler, salderman-oler@ksde.org, with questions. 

20: Science collaboration for curriculum leaders, virtual, 4-5 p.m. Register here. Contact Stephanie Alderman-Oler, salderman-oler@ksde.org, with questions.


21: Science collaboration for science teachers, virtual, 4-5 p.m. Register here. Contact Stephanie Alderman-Oler, salderman-oler@ksde.org, with questions. 


4: KESA 2.0 action plan virtual office hours, 3-4 p.m. Questions can be submitted within 24 hours of the virtual meeting by completing this survey. Click here for the Zoom link. Contact Hayley Steinlage, hasteinlage@ksde.org, with questions.

10-11: Kansas State Board of Education meeting. Click here for the agenda and meeting materials. 


8-9: Kansas State Board of Education meeting. Click here for the agenda and meeting materials. 

27-30: Great Ideas in Education Conference, Hyatt Regency, in Wichita. Contact Pat Bone, pbone@ksde.org, with questions. 

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The Kansas State Department of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies: KSDE General Counsel, Office of General Counsel, KSDE, Landon State Office Building, 900 S.W. Jackson, Suite 102, Topeka, KS 66612, (785) 296-3201.