Midcon North Monthly Newsletter
What drives crude oil prices: Overview
Crude futures? Prices stay relatively high likely due to low inventory (just finished 10% below 5year average) and Russia uncertainty.
Operations Excellence
Improving the work is the work!
WOW! Were off and running with great ideas!
Would like to recognize Saul Chavira Torres for his opportunity submission on improving open trench awareness
Recognizing Jose Guzman recognizing the opportunity reduce exposure of dropped objects when working from grating
Recognize Travis Schlader for submission of opportunity to re-use parts from flowing well when moving to AL lift install
Trackvia can be used from your company IPAD or Phone to submit a new record of a process improvement. (Pic to Right )
Safety Excellence
Safety starts with planning, more planning, and then, even more constant dynamic planning once work is in motion.
Improving Safety Performance
As a leader in our industry we have to take extra time to reflect and learn how to maintain a safe work site. One way of doing this is to have quick post-job reviews: Ask these questions and have a quick conversation throughout the day when able or end of the day as job is picking up: Are YOU using these questions daily?

1) What happened the way we expected and planned for?
2) What surprised you throughout the job?
3) What hazards did we identify at the beginning of the day and which ones did we miss? (yellow card opportunity)
4) What did we have to improvise or adapt to that wasn't planned for?

OR try these questions during ongoing work..

1) What hazard is currently present that could lead to serious harm or death?
2) What have you done to mitigate the hazard?
3) Are the mitigations that are being used good enough for work to continue?
Fleet Excellence
Our ND fleet safety score is made up of multiple factors like speeding events, hard breaking events, distracted driving, etc. Below shows that we were able to hold our score at 98%. We do have some opportunity as a group to improve our safe driving speeds. This is all about each of us reflecting and trying to improve our driving behaviors leading to a safer environment for us and our family's/public.

With the improved weather we should all pay attention to our speeds and not get in a habit of speeding, which leads to harsh driving. Lets all stay focused on improving our driving behaviors.
TOP 10 Drivers (Showing Safe Behaviors through Samsara data )
Recognition Spotlight
Eric Garcia, Trevor Peterson - Recognized for quality closing notes in and details on post work order emails and creation of of new notifications in system

Brian Savage- Recognized by customer for safe driving.

Edgar Guevara Ramirez- Recognized for Stop work. Stopped another contractor using man-lift without harness

David Raes- Recognized for Stop work of employee walking towards loader. Explained importance of making eye contact with operator.

Arsenio Perez- Recognized for for stopping work when scope changed and making sure that proper permits were valid. Job continued once additional permits were approved.

James Freitag- Recognized by Customer for Silver Safety Award (SLAP) due to exemplary leadership. A group of peers selected James because of his stop work performed during Hydrovac activities, discussion with the crews around chemicals and SDS sheets, as well as the mitigation of other potential hazards.  
The Corner Office
ND Team,
We are nearly complete with the 3rd quarter of 2022. There is a lot of work ahead of us to finish out this year and take us into 2023. It will take all of us getting up each day and focusing on the job ahead of us and using our tools to plan and assess the hazards. By doing this we can mitigate these hazards and keep each other safe. We must do this across the board and have the passion to stop/pause work and ensure that each of our jobs and work family are safe and protected properly, all the time, no exceptions. Stay focused and look out for each other's safety.

Kevin Small