June 3, 2020
Hello KUMC Family,
As shared in our update last week, the Task Force on Reopening, the Board of Stewards, and the entire staff have been working on the schedule for June at KUMC. We realize that there are a variety of feelings about how we should respond to COVID-19. Our guiding principles remain “
Start Small – Stay Safe – Pray Purposefully.” The other reality is that we will be learning as we go as we adjust to and implement the changing requirements for church gatherings.
Before we do anything else, we want to let you know how frequently and fully we have seen God moving through this process by helping us to embrace our online worship experiences. As you read the schedule below, please know that every Sunday morning, live streaming of worship will be available – 9 am for the Traditional Worship from the Sanctuary, and 11 am for The Vine. Refugio is also streaming worship weekly at 11 am on Facebook. Live streaming is here to stay.
June 7
- 9:00 am Traditional Worship Live Streamed
- 11:00 am The Vine Worship Live Streamed
- 11:00 am Refugio Worship on Facebook
- 6:00 pm Outside Worship on FLC Parking Lot with Holy Communion
Come, Park, stay in your vehicle and Tune to 1500 AM on your radio to worship and prepare to receive. Then the elements will be brought to your vehicle by a staff member.
Communion will be shared through individually sealed juice and wafer sets professionally produced and purchased from Compak Companies LLC.
June 14
- 9:00 am Traditional Worship Live Streamed (only)
- 11:00 am The Vine Worship Live Streamed
Soft opening with a limited number of the Vine Home Team members attending worship on campus (practicing our pre-registration, sign-in, and social distancing seating)
- 11:00 am Refugio Worship on Facebook
- 6:00 pm Drive-by Farewell to the McMann’s in front of the FLC
June 21
- 9:00 am Traditional Worship Live Streamed
Soft opening Traditional Worship with pre-registration limit of 142 people attending worship on campus
- 11:00 am The Vine Worship Live Streamed (only)
- 11:00 am Refugio Worship on Facebook
- 7:00 pm Our Clergy Team is working on a worship service in front of the FLC allowing you to stay in your vehicle and tune to AM 1500
June 28
- 9:00 am Traditional Worship with pre-registration of on-campus (registration limited to 142 attendees)
- 11:00 am Refugio Worship on Facebook
- 11:00 am The Vine Worship with pre-registration on campus (registration limited to 63 attendees)
Rev. Sara Reyes is working with the Refugio leadership to determine how best for them to return to worshipping in person on campus. What we learn in our process of soft opening will be shared with the Refugio community as we come alongside them in this process.
As we have been moving through our sermon series on the wilderness, we have seen time again that God is faithful. Thank you for caring for one another, being the body of Christ in the world, and being patient with us as we move through this process together. The church isn’t the building; it is the people!
Start Small –
Stay Safe –
Pray Purposefully
Every Blessing,
Dr. Burt Palmer, Sr. Pastor
aka “Sheepdog”
(Jesus is The Shepherd John 10:11