October 31, 2023

2024 Board of Directors

Nick Slocum, President
Kelly Moran, President Elect
Shannon Krasnowiecki, Vice President
Josh West, Treasurer
Crystal D'Agostino, Past President
Joe Caprara, Member at Large
Lisa Russo, Member at Large
Stephen Eccleston, Director
Melanie Fougere, Director
Richard Houle, Director
Paul Kulp, Director
Mary Lyons, Director
Steven Miller, Director
Mike Mita, Director
Deb Schusterman, Director
Jon Tetrault, Director


2023 Award Recipients 2
KWAOR Members Corner
REALTOR® Dues Reminder
$25 Late Fee Assessed after November 15, 2023

To access your invoice, visit our website and select Member Login in the top righthand corner. If you do not know your username or password, or if you have questions regarding your dues invoice, please contact the KWAOR office at 401-885-9300 and a member of our staff will be happy to assist.
Thursday, November 9
11:30 - 12:30
KWAOR Classroom

Understanding Evictions
What you need to know

Join Brian Kiser, Esq. of Marinosci Law Group as he explains the nuances of the eviction process from both a buyer and seller perspective through an understanding of the timeline and procedure.
Complimentary lunch provided (registration required)
Event will also be available via Facebook Live!

Did you miss last month's Lunch & Learn "Understanding Buyer Representation & Compensation" with Dean deTonnancourt about using a buyer representation agreement? No worries! Watch this educational video and become informed.
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