Volume 339 | February 2024

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President's Note

Hi Neighbors,


I'd like to take the opportunity in this month's newsletter to address (and hopefully improve) construction-related parking in Kent Woodlands. Projects on Evergreen, Rock Road, Diablo, and more have come to our attention as hazardous and frustrating situations resulting from the large number of vehicles parked for construction projects. 


We understand that large projects increase construction-related traffic and parking needs, but this should be balanced with attention to safety and consideration for other homeowners. In an effort to improve traffic safety and for the sake of neighborliness, we ask that you follow these guidelines for any construction project you undertake (please pass along to your Project Manager or General Contractor, too):


  • Ensure that as many construction vehicles as possible are parked on your own property (driveway, etc.).
  • Have remaining sub-contractor or construction vehicles park tight to the edge of the road, taking care not to damage roadside landscaping.
  • Follow all county parking regulations, including clearance requirements for emergency vehicles.


For those of you who are affected by these parking challenges, if you feel that there is an illegal or hazardous situation at any point, please call the Sheriff directly at 415-479-2311 and they will send our patrol deputy over to check it out.


The KWPOA doesn't have jurisdiction over the parking on our public roads, but we will do everything we can to help facilitate communication among neighbors, with the County (where we have recently been engaged with the Department of Public Works to attempt to remedy unsafe traffic and parking situations on narrow roads), and with the Sheriff's office, whom we have asked to step up enforcement against any illegally or hazardously parked vehicles. 


Thank you and stay dry!



Jeff Leh, President

New Architectural Rules Adopted

This past December, the Board distributed a revised version of proposed revised Architectural Rules to members for a 28-day comment period as required by the California Civil Code. The comment period concluded on January 20, 2024.


At the January 22, 2024 Board Meeting, the Board reviewed and discussed the one comment received from the membership. After the discussion, the Board voted to adopt the proposed Architectural Rules with no changes. The new rules will go into effect immediately.


A copy of the new rules can be found HERE. If you would like a printed copy, please contact the office at 415-721-7429.

Assessments Due February 15th!

Members, please remember that your 2024 annual assessment of $390 is due on February 15th! Late payments will be subject to a 10% late fee and 1% interest monthly. Payment by credit or debit card through is available on our web site at kwpoa.com/assessments. Checks should be sent to KWPOA, PO Box 404, Kentfield, CA 94914-0404. If you have not received your assessment invoice, please contact us as soon as possible at 415-721-7429 or [email protected].

2024 Officers Appointed

At the January 22rd regular board meeting, the KWPOA Board of Directors elected the following officers for 2024:


President — Jeff Leh

Vice President/Secretary — Bitsa Freeman

Treasurer — Sara Wardell-Smith


In addition, the board appointed the following association members to the Architectural Committee:


Bruce Raabe — Chair

Julie Johnson — Board Representative

Ann Becker

Tom Nicholson


Many thanks to these dedicated volunteers for their hard work in our community! 

Kent Woodlands "Firewise" Status Renewed

Kent Woodlands’ status as a “Firewise USA” community has been renewed for 2024! This designation may make you eligible for a discount on your homeowner’s insurance. Ask your agent, and provide them with our certificate, found on our web site at www.kwpoa.com/fire-safety.


For more information about Firewise USA you can visit their website at www.nfpa.org/education-and-research/wildfire/firewise-usa.


Save the date: March 13th


Carbon Neutral Kent Woodlands will host a cocktail hour with Ellie Cohen, CEO of The Climate Center. In her engaging and optimistic fashion, Ellie will describe several statewide initiatives we can support and, at the same time, implement in our own households, including the latest on bi-directional charging. Please join us for this engaging event! Hosted at 10 Woodland Road, please park parallel on Woodland Rd. Time: 7:00 Event start, details to follow.


Kent Woodlands Green Home Tours

Coming…Fall 2024


We are looking forward to our 1st Annual Green Home Tours! This a chance for our community to see how our neighbors are lowering their energy costs and carbon footprint. If you have recently done a green renovation or incorporated energy-saving technology in your home, let us know about it. Please email Bitsa Freeman at [email protected] if you want your home to be considered for the tour or are interested in volunteering! The tentative date is set for Sunday, September 15.

— Julie Johnson, CNKW Chair


Architectural Committee Application Notices

Please direct any Architectural Committee inquiries to the Kristin Tiernan at [email protected].


February 26, 2024 at 6:00pm

IN PERSON at 1010 Sir Francis Drake, Suite 200, Kentfield

AND via Zoom (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4157217429)


  • Call to Order
  • Public Comment
  • Fire Safety & Hazard Mitigation Report
  • Approval of January 22, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes
  • AC Report and Ratifications
  • Proposed Changes to Design Review Fee Schedule
  • Appointment to Architectural Committee
  • Unapproved Exterior Paint Color – Tracker Update
  • Entrance Project: Next Steps/Special Assessment Process
  • Carbon Neutrality Task Force Report
  • Kentfield/Ross Magazine
  • Social Events Update
  • Officer Reports
  • Operations Report
  • Next Regular Board Meeting Agenda
  • Adjourn and Reconvene in Executive Session


Executive Session Agenda:

  • Call to Order
  • Approval of December 4, 2023 Executive Minutes
  • Enforcements and Legal Matters
  • Personnel
  • Adjournment

Visit our website at www.kwpoa.com