Volume 338 | January 2024

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President's Note

Hi Neighbors,


I hope you all had a wonderful time over the holidays!


In this month's newsletter, you'll see our agenda for KWPOA's annual membership meeting on Wednesday, January 17th at 7:00 pm, held both in person at our office and via Zoom. I encourage you to attend! (Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4157217429?omn=88249654622)


One of the topics on the agenda for this annual meeting will be our proposed neighborhood entrance project. This will be another opportunity for the board to share our ideas, visuals, rough financials, and to seek feedback from members. 


Thank you to all who attended our information session on this topic in December — there were over 50 of you! We appreciated all the comments we received. Several key takeaways that we'll be exploring further include accessibility to the proposed space, members-only/no-trespassing signage, lowering our rough-estimated initial cost via multiple competitive bids, and that some of you who opined in favor of (or against) Kent Woodlands signage might be more in favor of something subtle like our acorn logo without wording placed on a natural element such as a boulder. 


Because the board expects to move forward in the next several months with a membership vote on a special assessment to fund these improvements, we hope you will take this opportunity to become more familiar with the proposed plans so that you can make an informed decision on that ballot.


Last, but certainly not least, I'd like to extend a huge thank-you to fellow KWPOA board member Ann Becker, who has chosen to resign from the board effective after this month's annual meeting. Ann has worked tirelessly and volunteered a huge amount of her time and focus to help preserve the character of Kent Woodlands. I've relied on Ann immensely during the years we've overlapped on the board and thus I have learned a lot from her. She'll continue to serve our neighborhood on the Architecture Committee. Thank you, Ann!



Jeff Leh, President


Assessment Reminder

Members will receive their annual assessment invoice in the mail shortly. Please keep an eye out! The amount of $390 is due from all members by February 15, 2024. You may pay by check in the envelope provided with your invoice, or electronically via our website at kwpoa.com/assessments. Thank you in advance for your prompt payment!


We will hold this year’s Annual Meeting in person at the KWPOA office and via videoconference. Please join us!


Wednesday, January 17th at 7:00pm


  • Call to Order & Introductions
  • President’s Comments
  • Financial Report & Vote on Resolution Re: Application of Surplus Funds
  • Architectural Committee Report
  • Carbon Neutral Kent Woodlands
  • Proposed Entrance Improvements
  • Public Comment
  • Adjournment

To attend via video use this quick link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4157217429?omn=88249654622


1.  Open a browser window in Chrome, Safari, Firefox or another browser

2.  Type zoom.us in the address bar

3.  Click "Join a Zoom Meeting"

4.  Enter meeting ID 415 721 7429 , click "Join"

5. Click "Open Zoom Meeting" (See NOTE)


NOTE: For those who have never used Zoom on your computer, please give yourself a few extra minutes to download the Zoom software.


To attend via telephone:


1. Dial 1-669-900-9128

2. Enter meeting ID 415 721 7429 


Questions? Contact us at 415-721-7429

or [email protected].



What an amazing year it has been! I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Carbon Neutral Kent Woodlands task force for their efforts. Thanks to them, we had a spectacular year, hosting our first annual EV Car Show, showcasing Kiki Goshay’s Documentary Series “Empowered: Energy Heroes,” and taking our first Climate Class through Resilient Neighborhoods. I would like to thank the KWPOA Board for giving us the opportunity to organize these events, and all who came out and supported us. We are looking forward to hosting a salon-style event with the Climate Center this spring and a Green Home Tour Event exclusively for Kent Woodlands residents later this fall. For more information, visit www.carbonneutralkw.com.


Most importantly, I am grateful to each of you for recognizing the responsibility we all have to commit to an emission-free future. It starts with our homes, right here in the neighborhood that we love!




As we move forward into the New Year, we still have a way to go in achieving 100% participation in MCE. Marin Clean Energy uses the PG&E electrical grid to distribute power, but unlike PG&E (which burns fossil fuels to generate electricity), MCE Deep Green provides electricity from a 100% sustainable energy source. The cost to change is a premium of $4/month (based on an average usage of 479 kWh). Emission-free air travel is not available in our immediate future at scale, so let’s get serious about what we can all do now so that Kent Woodlands can achieve carbon neutrality – together! 



— Julie Johnson, CNKW Chair

Architectural Committee Application Notices

Please direct any Architectural Committee inquiries to the Kristin Tiernan at [email protected].


January 22, 2024 at 6:00pm

IN PERSON at 1010 Sir Francis Drake, Suite 200, Kentfield

AND via Zoom (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4157217429)


  • Call to Order
  • Public Comment
  • Appointment of 2024 Officers and Committees
  • Approval of December 4, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes
  • Fire Safety & Hazard Mitigation Report
  • AC Report and Ratifications
  • Revised Architectural Rules
  • Unapproved Exterior Paint Color – Tracker Update
  • Annual Membership Meeting Recap
  • Roundabout/Safety Improvements Report
  • Entrance Project: Next Steps & Special Assessment Process
  • Carbon Neutrality Task Force Report
  • Kentfield/Ross Magazine
  • Social Events Update
  • Officer Reports
  • Operations Report
  • Next Regular Board Meeting Agenda
  • Adjourn and Reconvene in Executive Session


Executive Session Agenda:

  • Call to Order
  • Approval of December 4, 2023 Executive Minutes
  • Enforcements and Legal Matters
  • Personnel
  • Adjournment
Visit our website at www.kwpoa.com