Register Now for KYC's Staff Flu Shot Clinic - Thursday, October 5th

Help KYC meet our Joint Commission improvement plan to increase our flu vaccination rate in 2023 - sign up for a shot today! 

Our friends from Genoa Healthcare will be providing flu vaccinations to staff and staff family members from 9:30AM-1:00PM on Thursday, 10/5/23 in the Community Room at the Elk Grove Village office.

HR will only be able to schedule during the clinic, but Genoa has generously offered to provide flu shots from the pharmacy off of the lobby at the Elk Grove Village office after 1PM for those unable to schedule during the clinic. If you intend to go to the pharmacy after 1PM for a shot, please let HR know so we make sure to have enough shots on hand. 

Please bring your insurance card to the clinic regardless of whether you have insurance through KYC or another group plan. KYC will pay for staff who are uninsured, so every member of the staff is welcome! If you choose to get a flu shot at another provider, HR will send a survey at the end of the year to track all vaccinations – there’s no need to submit documentation to HR.


To sign up for the clinic, please send your requested appointment time to HR will confirm your designated appointment time for the clinic in a response email and will do their best to accommodate timing requests on a first come first served basis. Please fill out this VAR form prior to your scheduled appointment and bring it with you to the clinic. (You can also click here for the VAR Form.)


Remember to please bring with you the following to the flu shot clinic:

  • Insurance Card (for those that have insurance)
  • Completed VAR Form


If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to