In this edition:
Kaleb - Jeremy Clarkson's Farm; Become A Great Leader & Coach Using NLP;
Live Well: Perform Better!; Congratulations!; and Scheduled Public Course Dates
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Kaleb - Jeremy Clarkson's Farm
by Steve Kay

For those of you who have not been blessed with opportunity to meet the ‘inspired’ twenty-one-year-old, Kaleb, co-star to Jeremy Clarkson who out classes James May and Richard Hammond, you are in for a treat if you do. This is not a plug for Amazon Prime but a plea to recognise ‘strengths’ and ‘dreams’ in young people.

From the age of thirteen he kept chickens and sold their eggs. He worked on farms and by the age of fifteen had saved enough to buy his own tractor. Before Clarkson took over the management of his farm, Kaleb had worked on it for three years ‘tractoring’ the fields. Despite being called a ‘rural halfwit’ by Clarkson in response to being called a f…… idiot he shows an amazing level of intelligence and knowledge of farming and related business acumen.

Now at twenty-three, he has 50 acres of his own and leases another 200. What a fabulous example of following your dream and playing to your strengths. So, parents and leaders, nurture and encourage this and lets have more Kalebs.

Become A Great Leader & Coach Using NLP
by Kali Fraser

When I began my journey into NLP this book wasn’t published yet and I really wish it had been. If you’re just starting to learn about NLP, I expect much of what you’ve read has been complex, full of jargon and hard to understand how to apply it in the real world. Some of the books I bought in those early days I couldn’t make head nor tail of and, to be honest, it was a little off putting. 

When I started my NLP Practitioner course Steve was just putting the final touches to the book and when I got my copy I was so pleased that he had maintained the simplicity in which he explains NLP on the course and translated it all into an easy to understand book. NLP is a huge subject area and some of the material can be quite complicated. Steve shows you how to de-mystify the jargon so that you have a down to earth explanation which, more importantly you can apply to both your life and your business, easily and effectively. Its packed full of quick tips, straightforward explanations and simple transformative techniques that will help you become more effective and get more out of life.

It’s a great introduction to NLP and if your thinking of signing up for the NLP Practitioner course it will give you a fantastic basis for the course. Hint: if you sign up for the course, we'll give it to you as part of the pre course study or you can grab your copy from Amazon either in paperback or on Kindle here

Live Well: Perform Better!
by Jo Plimmer

Last month, I was invited back to help out on the Master Practitioner course by coaching one of the delegates on their Breakthrough Day. Having completed my own Master Practitioner qualification in February this year, I haven’t actually done another Breakthrough Day since then, as I find a package of weekly sessions is more suited to my clients needs. However, it was so good to go back and do one and it made me recognise just how much of the information we learn on the Practitioner and Master Practitioner courses has become so naturally embedded into my coaching practices; from the principles behind them, to language patterns and use of metaphors, to the specific tools and techniques that we learn and practice extensively. On the course, Steve and Kali assure us not to worry if we don’t consciously remember it all, as our unconscious mind will be retaining it for us to access when we need it. They talk a lot about accessing your inner wisdom, or intuition to allow our unconscious mind to guide us in line with our values and beliefs.

I’ve always been a very busy-brained person. Part of being highly Auditory-Digital (Ad), is that you have lots of inner chatter and self-talk going on. So quietening that inner chatter in order to access my inner wisdom doesn’t come too easily to me as all the things still on my ‘To do’ list tend to fill my head as soon as I make any space. However, this is exactly what I have been working on personally – making the space and quietening my mind to allow all that wealth of information stored in my unconscious to come to the forefront. And when I manage it, not only is it blissfully calming, but it also brings me some of my best ideas!

Being busy has lead me to put high expectations on myself in the past, which has been very useful for taking personal responsibility and following it up with action to get results. But it has also lead to overwhelm, stress and burnout and ultimately affected my health, happiness and success. 

So that is what I centre my coaching business around now. Helping other people to avoid these cycles and be able to live well by gaining that calm, clear head and well-functioning brain and body and, in doing so, being able to access their best qualities and inner wisdom so they get to perform at their best on a consistent and ongoing basis. Live Well: Perform Better is my tagline!

Because the NLP concepts and techniques are all about optimising our functioning and performance, they fit in with my ethos perfectly, and I have developed my workshops and coaching packages even further to incorporate the principles and techniques we learn. 

My workshops are designed to help individuals overcome the problems many of us face on a daily basis that affect our health, wellbeing and performance. Throughout them I have embedded many of the concepts of NLP and even thrown in some simple exercises to help them find quick-win ways to implement these within their lives’. The workshops I currently have on offer are: A Peaceful Mind; Sleep Easy; Gut Reaction; and Perform At Your Peak. 

If you’d like any further information, please just get in touch. You can contact me at [email protected], or find me on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn

To our latest NLP Coach Practitioner Graduates who completed last month!
And our Master Practitioner Graduates too!!
Scheduled Public Course Dates

7 day NLP Coach & TLT Practitioner Courses 
with optional ILM 5 or 7 in Coaching and Mentoring

7th – 10th September and 22nd – 24th September 2021 
Face to face delivery, East Midlands

5th – 8th October and 20th – 22nd October 2021
Online delivery via Microsoft Teams

2nd – 5th November and 23rd – 25th November 2021
Face to face delivery, Manchester

11 or 12 day Master Practitioner Course
with optional ILM 7 in Executive Coaching and Mentoring

8th – 12th November and 5th – 11th December 2021
Face to face delivery, East Midlands

17th - 21st January 2022 and 20th – 25th February 2022
Online via Microsoft Teams