October 6, 2020 | Issue #4
Coffee with Christina - October 14* at 9:00 am (*Note New Date!)
Our first PTSA sponsored “Coffee with Christina” is next Wednesday, October 14 beginning at 9:00 am. These informal gatherings are held virtually for now and are designed as an open discussion and Q&A with Principal Thomas. Come join other LWHS parents and community members for a time to connect and participate or just listen. The meetings last about an hour, but you are free to join late or leave early. Bring your own coffee and attend by clicking the Microsoft Teams Meeting link or calling in with the information below:
+1 206-800-4750  United States, Seattle (Toll)
Conference ID: 119 370 717#
Thank You for Supporting PTSA!
We're on our way! Thanks to generous contributions so far, we're over half-way to our fundraising goal this year. Your donations provide classroom grants, student activities, and ongoing school support. Our teachers and students are approaching this year with creativity and enthusiasm, and our PTSA has already supported some of their new ideas. There's still time to add your support to our efforts! Watch our video to learn more about PTSA at LWHS and the many things that we support! Donate here.

If you've already donated and your employer matches donations, please remember to report your contribution! If you need any information from our PTSA, contact Mindy Lincicome.

You can support our PTA without spending any additional money by designating LWHS PTSA as your charity of choice with Fred Meyer Rewards, Amazon Smile and Bing Rewards. For more information about how our PTSA can benefit from your shopping, check out the information on our website.

SAT and ACT Practice Tests - Registration Due Today!
LWHS PTSA is once again partnering with Princeton Review to give students the opportunity to take SAT and ACT practice tests. This year, due to the COVID situation, the practice tests will be conducted online.

The practice tests are created from original SAT/ACT tests from past years. They are a great way for your student to get comfortable with the format and style of the SAT or ACT. Students who take the test will also be invited to a strategy session that provides tips and tricks for better performance in the actual test. 

The online practice tests will occur: 
  • SAT: Saturday, October 10 with Strategy Session October 20
  • ACT: Saturday, October 17 with Strategy Session October 27
Don’t let your student miss this opportunity. Sign up for free! Registration must be completed before October 6. 
Questions? Email satactpractice@lwhsptsa.org 
Reflections Arts Competition
What Is Reflections? 

  • A National PTA program for students K - 12 grade 
  • Students create art based on the current year’s theme. Themes are submitted by students and selected 2 years in advance through an annual theme search contest. This year’s theme, I Matter Because…, was submitted by a then first grader who drew inspiration from her town being impacted by the CA wildfires of 2018. 
  • The art categories are: Visual Arts (2D only), Music Composition, Photography, Literature, Film Production and Dance Choreography. There is also a Special Artist Division (for students with disabilities). Each category has its own set of rules. 
  • Entries are judged by individuals who are experienced in the art category as a profession or a hobby. High-scoring entries move on to the next level of the competition. LWHS has had students win at both the state and national level. 
What Is Its Purpose? 
Through art, it allows students to express their thoughts, feelings and ideas based on the theme - it is their unique interpretation. It is also an opportunity to celebrate the arts in its many forms. 
Who can participate? 
All LWHS students. 
How to get started? 
Visit the PTSA website under Student Programs: Reflections for more information on this year’s program. The deadline for entries is Monday, November 2 by end of day. 
Questions/Concerns/Need for Art Supplies? Contact Reflections Chair, Pam Hay
Creating Closeness: Simple Steps to Increase Closeness in Families with Teens - Tonight!
Lake Washington PTSA Council and Lake Washington School District present a Parent Education event, “Creating Closeness: Simple Steps to Increase Closeness in Families with Teens” with Peter Loft. Join us to learn the latest research and practical strategies on how to create closeness with our teens.

  • Presentation on Tuesday, October 6 from 7:00-8:30 pm
  • Follow-Up Discussion Roundtable on Tuesday, October 13 from 7:00-8:30 pm

Please RSVP for the event so we know how many will attend. Learn more about the event and presenter Peter Loft.

Questions? Contact parent.education@lwptsa.net
Brown Bags Return Virtually
LWPTSA's Brown Bag Lunch and Learn program is going virtual this fall. This program features short presentations and discussions on topics of interest to all community members, from noon-1:00 pm on select Thursdays during the school year. Bring your lunch and learn with us! 

  • Topic: District Equity Efforts & Policies
  • When: Thursday, October 8 at noon
  • Where: Join from your computer, tablet or smartphone via: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/396267485 Or dial in using your phone via: (224) 501-3412 with Access Code: 396-267-485

See the brown bag schedule on our website. Virtual meeting details will be provided via lwptsa.net and social media closer to event dates.
October is Disability History Month!
In honor of Disability History Month, LWPTSA Council Special Education group presents Understanding Legacy: Disability Rights History in the US by Eric Warwick, Defending Democracy Fellow for the Western States Center.

Eric Warwick is a disability rights self-advocate and paraeducator based in Spokane who previously worked on education justice and disability rights issues in the Seattle area. Learn about disability history and its implications for the present-day movement to build towards disability justice.  

  • What: Understanding Legacy: Disability Rights History in the US
  • When: Tuesday, October 20 from 6:30-8:30 pm
  • Where: Join via GoToMeeting https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/343200021 Or dial in via (646) 749-3122 with Access Code: 343-200-021 

Questions? Contact the Special Education Group Chairs at specialeducation@lwptsa.net.
Advocacy - Let's Assemble!
Voter Awareness Campaign
With election day around the corner, the LWPTSA Council has rolled out the Voter Awareness Campaign.  Click here for information on key dates and local voting information. Go to Voter Portal to register or update your voter registration!

WSPTA Executive Director October Message
This month Executive Director Estep inspires us with the simple truth about the advocate in all of us and encourages everyone to join their story to the history of this amazing association. Read the full article here.

Washington State PTA 42nd Legislative Assembly (Virtual)
October 24-25, 2020
The annual legislative assembly is a great opportunity to advocate for the success of each child - the whole child. LWHS PTSA appoints voting delegates, but any PTSA member, including students, are welcome to attend and listen. We will provide our voice and input into matters such as:
  • Washington State PTA's top 5 legislative priorities for 2020-2022
  • Other supported items in the legislative platform
  • Attend educational sessions to learn about proposed issues and resolutions and about advocacy at all levels - state, district and local
  • Participate in caucusing and debate and share ideas

You can also let our delegates know what topics are most important to you by completing this survey before October 9, 2020.

For more information, please see link: Legislative Assembly

LWHS PTSA Advocacy Chair
LWHS Racial Equity Team
Did you know LWHS has a racial equity team working hard behind the scenes? To see who is involved, their mission and five core objectives visit the school website here.

They also publish a very informative newsletter with lots of resources and information for sharing with your family and community. Read their summer 2020 edition and look for the Fall edition coming soon. You can also sign up to receive email updates.
Microsoft Classroom Teams Video Tutorial for Families
Need help using Microsoft Classroom Teams? Lake Washington School District (LWSD) has created a video tutorial to help families navigate this online learning platform. Visit https://www.lwsd.org/help/classroom-teams-support

For additional, self-guided support, feel free to look through the documents below to help you navigate the Classroom Teams platform:

As always, feel free to reach out to your student’s librarian for any help navigating technical issues you may be having like forgotten passwords. 

Additional Help Resources:

From the Counseling Center
Virtual College Fair
The Pacific Northwest Association for College Admission Counseling (PNACAC) is sponsoring a virtual college fair from October 19-23. During this week, college representatives will be standing by, ready to meet Washington students and their families. From live presentations on financial aid and how to write the application essay, to text chat, videos and downloadable college materials, this virtual experience will allow students to explore, learn, and connect with colleges and universities from around the country (and world!). 

We encourage your student to register in advance then login to explore 145 colleges. The event website and recordings will be available until December 31, 2020. 

Advanced Placement (AP) Exam Information for 2020-21
This year, the AP exam registration process will occur in two steps:
  • Step 1: Lake Washington High School students must sign up for AP Classrooms. Students will sign up in their AP class with the guidance of their AP teacher. They will ‘join’ the class which will allow them access to AP Classroom course material, a resource that will be accessed by their teacher during the course. Every student will need to sign up to have access. All students should mark ‘yes’ they plan to test. College Board has suspended the cancellation fee for the 2020-21 school year, so students may cancel an exam at any time. Students should complete this task asap.  
  • Step 2: The second part is to actually pay for the exams. The payment window for all exams will be October 1 through October 30, 2020. Please pay online at https://payments.lwsd.org. Your printed receipt is your payment confirmation. If you need help with online payments, need other payment options, or have questions regarding financial assistance, please contact LWHS bookkeeper Kendria Zard at kzard@lwsd.org or 425-936-1719. Exam fees are $96 per exam. AP Capstone Exams (Seminar and Research) are $144 per exam. Remember: If students have not signed up for AP Classrooms, we will not be able to order an exam for them.

In addition, LWSD is offering late registration from February 16 to February 26, 2021.
  • Late registrations have a $50 per exam late fee in addition to the $96 exam fee.
  • Details on the late AP registration process (February 16-26) will be available in December.
  • After February 26, we will not accept ANY registrations/payments – no exceptions.

LWHS Counseling Center
Student Store Updates
The Student Store is working hard to bring Kangs all the cool gear, masks and bags your student needs to show their spirit! To do this safely the store will only be open during Student Pick Up days.  

The store will be located outside, near the front of the school on the following days:
  • October 14, 9:00 am-2:30 pm
  • October 28, 9:00 am-2:30 pm
  • November 18, 9:00 am-2:30 pm
  • December 2, 9:00 am-2:30 pm

Cash/Check Only!

Click here for a list of available items for sale and pricing.
National Honor Society Applications Due October 13
Have you heard? Applications for National Honor Society are being accepted! Applicants must have a minimum 3.6 GPA, 2 honors or AP classes, and teacher recommendation letters. Applications are due October 13.

Interested applicants should email bshoda@lwsd.org to apply.
Fall Groups Available with School-Based Social Workers
Did you know? Each high school in the Lake Washington School District has a dedicated social worker through Evergreen Health. This fall, the social workers are offering a variety of group sessions for all high school students and families in the district. Each day of the week will feature a different group, including:
  • Healthy Youth Development for Parents
  • Coping with Anxiety and Depression
  • Mid-Week Mindfulness
  • Self care and Coping with COVID-19
  • Parent's Support Group

These groups are focused around psychoeducation, skill building, resources and support. Click here for more information and to sign up.

Questions? Contact Lindsay McMeins, LWHS Social Worker
College & Career Center Live Wednesdays
Live Wednesday sessions are "college visits" brought to students through MS Teams. The information sessions are presented by college admissions reps and include helpful information about individual colleges as well as other pertinent information for college-bound students. Find dates and participating colleges and topics on the LWHS College & Career Center website.

Questions? Contact Charolett Henderson, LWHS College & Career Specialist
Send Us Your Senior Memories!
Senior parents, family members and Class of 2021 students, we want your pictures or short video clips of those special moments this year! Please click below to upload your images so we can possibly include them in an end of year presentation at our Senior Salute or other recognition event. IMPORTANT – we do need names of all students pictured so we can confirm permission for publication.
LWHS PTSA Senior Salute Chair
You Are Invited
Peter Kirk PTSA, Kirkland Middle School PTSA and Lake Washington Schools Foundation have teamed up to bring you the opportunity to view The Upstanders at home the week of October 12-16.
This IndieFlix documentary is about resilience and the power of connection to end bullying including in person and online. Our students spend more time than ever online due to remote learning. Despite not being together face-to-face, this subject feels more relevant today than ever! Watch with your teen and learn ways they can be upstanders in their circle of influence.
Thank you to our neighboring schools and the foundation for sharing this opportunity with our families. Register early, spots are limited!
The Lake Washington Schools Foundation Updates
Upcoming Balance in Mind Events
Join Balance in Mind for Parent Chats and talk with mental health experts and other parents in a safe and supportive environment. The next Parent Chat is October 7 covering Stress and Teen Substance Use and Abuse: What Parents Need to Know. For details and registration go to www.lwsf.org/youthmentalwellness

“All in for Kids” Fundraising Campaign kicks off on October 7
With a new and very unique school year upon us, you may be feeling a little helpless right now. Many families are struggling and most of us would like to help. What can you do right now to make a difference?

Go ALL IN FOR KIDS with a donation to the Lake Washington Schools Foundation! We've been helping students, families, and schools in the Lake Washington School District for fifteen years with programs like Balance in Mind, LINKS Mentoring, Pantry Packs and Reach for Success grants. With your help, we can ensure that every student in our district has what they need to succeed this school year, no matter what form school takes. Click here to donate now!
October 6: Creating Closeness Presentation
October 8: LWPTSA Virtual Brown Bag
October 12-16: The Upstanders Documentary Viewing
October 13: National Honor Society Applications Due
October 14: Coffee with Christina, 9:00 am (Note New Date!)
October 16: LEAP Day (No School)
October 20: LWPTSA Special Education Understanding Legacy
November 2: Reflections Submissions Due
November 11: Veteran's Day (No School)
November 18: PTSA General Membership Virtual Meeting, 7:00 pm
November 25: Half Day
November 26-27: Thanksgiving Break (No School)
Information distributed in the Kang Crier does not imply endorsement by Lake Washington High School PTSA. We assume no responsibility for any content that does not originate from lwhsptsa.org, nor do we independently verify or exert editorial control over information not specifically endorsed by LWHS PTSA. Lake Washington High School PTSA shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused by the use of this content.