January 5, 2025: Issue 10

Upcoming Events

In this Issue

Jan 6: Return to school; 8:30am start time

Jan 9: 6pm Kang Coffee Hour on MS Teams

Jan 15: 7pm PTSA General Membership Meeting at LWHS College & Career Center

Jan 20: No school; MLK Jr. Day

*bell schedule for the week of Jan 20

Jan 28: 9am Kang Coffee Hour in person in the LWHS College & Career Center

Feb 13/14: No school, Mid-Winter Break

*bell schedule for the week of Feb 10

Feb 17: No school; President's Day

*bell schedule for the week of Feb 17


  • Principal Dr. Bell's message
  • Free SAT/ACT Practice tests - register by Jan 15
  • College Essay Workshop - offered through mid-January


  • Senior Party tickets available!
  • LWHS Theatre presents John Cariani's LOVE/SICK Jan 10, 11, 17 & 18


From the Desk of LWHS Principal, Dr. Christine Bell

Dear Kang Families, 

I hope that you had a wonderful winter break and a happy New Year. I am looking forward to welcoming students back on Monday. This is the time of year when we evaluate where students are in relation to meeting standards and succeeding in their end of semester finals. Our finals begin on the 21st of January, the day we return from taking time off school to honor Dr. Martin Luther King. The schedule is posted on our website.

Please note that there is tutorial time built into each day of finals. This allows time for students to access additional help from their teachers. Students should focus on attendance and work directly with teachers in the two weeks leading up to the end of semester one.

At the end of the month, we will also begin the process of helping students request courses for next year. Please carefully consider the following timeline and information.

LWHS Registration for the 2025-2026 School Year

We’re excited to begin registration for next school year as we transition to a 6-period schedule. It’s important for students to register during the open window to ensure they are scheduled for the appropriate classes. Key details include:

  • Registration Launch:
  • A registration video will be shown during ROO A on Friday, January 31st.
  • The registration portal opens on January 31st at 3:30pm and closes on February 17th at midnight.
  • Instructions will be posted, and students can begin entering their class requests after school on January 31st.

  • Family Planning:
  • Use mid-winter break to review registration materials and course options with your student.
  • Encourage students to prepare questions for their counselors before their one-on-one meetings.

  • Counselor Support:
  • February 3rd–17th: Counselors will be available in the College & Career Center during lunch to answer questions and assist with registration.
  • Students can also turn in registration forms to the counseling office during this time.

  • One-on-One Meetings:
  • February 18th–28th: Counselors will meet individually with students to finalize course selections during pullout sessions in the following classes:
  • 9th Grade: Biology
  • 10th Grade: English 10/English 10 Honors
  • 11th Grade: US History/AP US History

  • Key Reminders:
  • Discuss course selections as a family and make thoughtful decisions.
  • Encourage students to ask teachers and counselors questions during the open registration period to ensure their courses are the right fit.
  • Drop-in support with counselors is available during lunch throughout the registration period.

You can use this link to access the LWSD Course Catalog from last year. District staff are working out final details on the catalog for this year and it will be ready to send out by the end of the month. The catalog will help you spend some time considering options prior to registration. Please note that course offerings are subject to enrollment.

Stay tuned for communication via ParentSquare with links and details about the registration process. Let’s work together to ensure a smooth and successful transition to next year!

Welcome back, and Go Kangs!

Christine Bell, Ed.D

Principal, Lake Washington High School


Free SAT/ACT Practice Tests - Register by Jan 15

LWHS PTSA is partnering with Princeton Review to give students the opportunity to take the SAT or ACT just “for practice” at no cost. Students can take this practice test any number of times and the scores from these do not go on their record.

Students take the tests online at a date and time that is convenient, within the time window:

  1. Register by Jan 15th for the test in the "SAT/ACT Practice Tests" section of the lwhsptsa.org/Programs website.
  2. Online test taking window: Jan 18th – Feb 18th

Note: If your student has taken an earlier practice test, they can take it again. However, please note that the set of questions will be the same.

Questions? Contact Julie Jiang, LWHS PTSA SAT/ACT Practice Test Chair.

College Essay Workshop Updates

January Deadlines?


There is still time for essay support! We are offering Zoom sessions and CEW Offline through mid-January.

Students can schedule a session or utilize CEW Offline if they need any last minute help.


Questions? Ask us!


Reminder: Senior Party Ticket Sales Available Now


Your senior is invited to a safe and fun-filled post-graduation all-night party on June 16th presented by the LWHS PTSA. We provide transportation to two surprise venues, entertainment, food, prizes, and a memorable end-of-the year experience. The party is the night of graduation, June 16th, with check-in starting at 9:15pm.  

When: Monday, June 16th, 2025 

Start Time: 9:15pm check-in at LWHS 

End Time: 5:30am on Tuesday, June 17th, at LWHS 

Tickets can be purchased from the PTSA website under the Senior section. You do not need to be a PTSA member, but you do need an account to buy a ticket. Tickets start at $190.  


  • $190 through February 18th 
  • $200 through April 27th 
  • $210 through June 2nd (Sales end ON June 2nd!)

Do you know that scholarships are available to help buy a Senior Party ticket? See Pauline Gillespie in the main office to get more information or send her an email, psaloisgillespie@lwsd.org.


Click Here to Buy Tickets

Questions? Contact the Senior Party Co-Chairs at seniorparty@lwhsptsa.org.


Reminder: LWHS Theatre Presents John Cariani's LOVE/SICK

Show dates: January 10, 11, 17 & 18, 2025

John Cariani’s LOVE/SICK is a collection of nine slightly twisted and completely hilarious short plays. Set on a Friday night in an alternate suburban reality, this 80-minute romp explores the pain and the joy that comes with being in love. Full of imperfect lovers and dreamers, LOVE/SICK is an unromantic comedy for the romantic in everyone.

Click here to buy tickets!

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Information distributed in the Kang Crier does not imply endorsement by Lake Washington High School PTSA. We assume no responsibility for any content that does not originate from lwhsptsa.org, nor do we independently verify or exert editorial control over information not specifically endorsed by LWHS PTSA. Lake Washington High School PTSA shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused by the use of this content.