Dear Kang Families,
At Lake Washington High School, we are committed to fostering a culture of integrity and accountability in academics. One of the key areas where this commitment is tested is in addressing academic dishonesty, which includes plagiarism—the act of presenting someone else's work (or AI-generated work) as one’s own.
To ensure clarity, here is the process we follow, as outlined in our Student Handbook:
Notification: The teacher informs the student and their guardian(s) of the violation, providing specific evidence.
Documentation: The teacher submits a Behavioral Support Form, and an administrator records the infraction in Skyward as a behavioral offense and issues a detention.
Redo for Credit: Students are required to redo the assignment or assessment for full credit. A plan is created with input from the teacher, student, guardian(s), counselor, and administrator, ensuring accountability and support.
Repeat Offenses: If multiple offenses occur, a restorative conference is held to identify the root cause, discuss long-term consequences, and create a support plan for the student.
Further Violations: Continued academic dishonesty may result in additional disciplinary actions, including suspension or restrictions, per LWSD’s Student Rights and Responsibilities.
We encourage parents to help their students understand the value of original work and the importance of academic integrity. If your student has questions or concerns about an assignment, it is essential that they work directly with their instructor to resolve the issue. Open communication between students and teachers is critical to navigating challenges and maintaining high standards.
In working together, we can support our students in developing the skills and ethical practices needed for success in college and in life. Thank you for your support of our learning community.
Whether you’re traveling over the break or staying cozy at home, I wish you and your loved ones a joyous holiday season and a New Year filled with blessings. This time of year reminds us to cherish moments with family and friends. As the American author William Blake beautifully said, “In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy.” May your winter be filled with warmth, love and meaningful memories. Happy Holidays!
Christine Bell, Ed.D
Principal, Lake Washington High School