2021-22 Short Course Season | Spring 2022
All team information can be found on
Coach's Corner
A Message from Head Coach George Adcock:

Congratulations on a great Short Course season. It was great to see so many fantastic swims at the championship meets. Best times, new qualifying times, podium finishes, Blazers and LSC records. Blazers managed to take a victory as the top team at MVS Open Champs and MVS Districts West and second at MVS Age Group Champs. These results required a team effort, support and energy from all athletes, volunteers and supporters. Congratulations to all our Blazers athletes, parents and volunteers who loaned us their energy and support for the championship season. We are all looking forward to celebrating the accomplishments of our athletes at the upcoming banquets.

We now turn our attention to our summer long course season. Welcome to all our new families and athletes who have joined in the last month or so. We are excited to have a great Summer Season. As always this summer looks like it will go fast. Blazers look to be representing all over the country, Florida, Minnesota, California, Michigan, Missouri and of course right here at home as well. 

The first meets have been posted and summer practices schedules will be ready here shortly. Look for group specific information from your group coaches in the next couple of weeks if you do not have already. 

The end of school leading into summer always seems to pass so quickly, being prepared to swim fast this summer begins now. Leave nothing to chance as we look to take another step forward come championships in July and August. 

Let's Go Blazers 
George Adcock 
Head Coach 
Kansas City Blazers 
Team Updates
The Blazers had an outstanding short course season! Check out our season highlights and upcoming information for the Long Course Season!
Coaches' Corner
Now that the short course season has ended, take a moment to hear from your primary coach as to how each training group is shaping up, what we are looking forward to and our path into the Long Course season! Visit our Team News page for our Coaches' Corner!
2022 Long Course Practice Schedule (June/July)
Our Long Course practice schedule is set to begin Tuesday, May 31, 2022. The Team schedule is tentative and subject to change. Please refer to your group page for more details or contact your swimmer's primary coach.
**All practices & locations are subject to change depending on facility availability. We will continue abiding by the recommendations of USA swimming, Missouri Valley swimming, Johnson County Health and Environment, JCPRD and any other relevant governing organization during any/all Blazers Activities.**
2022 Long Course Meet Schedule
Meet schedule is now posted to the Swim Meets tab at You will need to be logged in to your TeamUnify account to view. For meets specific to your training groups, please refer to your group page and or ask your swimmer's primary coach.
Mark your calendars now! The Blazers prioritizes team participation at each end of season Championship Meets. We encourage all of our qualified swimmers to sign-up and plan to attend so they can be part of the exciting environment that is Districts and Champs!
Registering for Swim Meets:
  • How to Register Via Team Unify: After signing in to Team Unify (TU) and selecting the swim meet you will attend from the homepage, please refer to #’s 3 - 6; 8 & 9.
  • Swimmers must be registered by the deadline listed on the meet page.
  • Coaches will select events. Preliminary Entries will be posted for review 2 days prior to the registration deadline. Please make time to review your swimmers events and ask any questions prior to the registration deadline.
KCB Volunteer Opportunities:
KCB will have several opportunities for our families to fulfill their volunteer obligations this season. Below are the dates to keep an eye on:
  • KC Cup - June 3 - 5, 2022
  • Missouri Valley Long Course Championships - July 28 - 31, 2022
Please visit our Volunteer Page for more information on Volunteer Requirements. Visit our Parent Resources Page for additional season information.
Upcoming Meets
ISCA Elite Showcase Classic
This month 19 Blazers swimmers will be traveling to St. Petersburg, FL to participate in the ISCA Elite Showcase Classic. This meet is open to swimmers 14 & under all over the country. This is the first year the Blazers are attending this meet and we are looking forward to race kids from all over the East Coast and Midwest! We are incredibly proud of all the athletes who qualified and those attending! Good Luck Blazers!

We are hoping to permanently add this meet to our competition calendar so if you want to attend in the future or are interested in how to qualify be on the lookout for meet information this fall!
Attending Blazers Swimmers:
Kinley Baber ▪︎ Aahana Basak ▪︎ Hayden Benbow ▪︎ Ashlyn Bolyard ▪︎ Casey Carpenter-Ross
Neo Glennon ▪︎ Elizabeth Heise ▪︎ Henry Heise ▪︎ Emma Huebner ▪︎ Vivian Hughes ▪︎ Andrew Jamison
Clara Seemann ▪︎ Eric Spencer ▪︎ Abby Stidham ▪︎ Maddy Timson ▪︎ Samantha Walley ▪︎ Matthew Warren
Nathan Weiner ▪︎ Sasha Weiner
Blazer Performance Highlights
The Blazers had an outstanding short course season! Check out our highlights from Championship Season!
2022 MV Short Course Districts - West Championships
The Blazers dominated this year's Short Course Districts-West Championships in Topeka in both performance and team spirit! Congratulations to all of our swimmers who competed and took KCB all the way to #1 with an overall team score of 3553 points! What a way to kick off Championship season!
2022 Missouri Valley Short Course Open Championships
We had an INCREDIBLE weekend at Missouri Valley Open Championships! We came ready to race and finished 1st overall as a TEAM by just 1.5 points. This just goes to show how important EVERY SINGLE PERSON on this team is – our performances as a team carried over and helped bring us to the top. Way to go, KCB!
2022 MV Short Course Age Group Championships
The Blazers placed 2nd overall and had outstanding performances from all of our Age Group Swimmers! The energy was electic and an exciting way to end the season in our home pool! Thank you to all of the families who stepped up and volunteered to help use host an awesome championship meet!
2022 Region VIII Sectionals
KCB travelled to Columbia, MO for the 2022 Region VIII Sectional Championships and finished the short course season with outstanding performances!  We had 23 swimmers Blazers compete and as a team placed in the Top 10 finishing in 8th overall out of 46 teams!
KCB Swimmer Spotlight
Halee Evans
Sectionals Cut
100 Breaststroke
We take pride in the accomplishments of our Blazer Athletes and highlight our swimmers excelling in and out of the water through our social media!

For more information, visit our Swimmer Spotlight page at!
For an in-depth look at the athletes featured, give us a follow!
Congratulations to our Blazers for Breaking records this past season!
Upcoming Team Events & Programs
Upcoming Team Events and information about our ongoing Blazer Programs.
Save the Date:
Senior Spring Banquet

Sunday, May 1st
JCPRD Arts & Heritage Center | 6:00pm
For swimmers in Junior I and above.

Registration Deadline: April 18th 
Registration is open through 'Team Events' on your training group page. You must be logged in to your TeamUnify account.
Save the Date:
14 & Under Season Celebration!

Sunday, May 15th
Shawnee Mission Park Shelter 12 | 2:00pm
For swimmers in Junior II, Age Group I & II

Registration Deadline: May 1st
Season Assessments

Do you have a friend interested in joining the Blazers? We ask all prospective swimmers to participate in an evaluation. This evaluation process allows our coaching staff to place swimmers in the appropriate practice group based upon their current skill and for their long-term development and success.

To be added to our waitlist for an individual evaluation appointment, please contact us!
Pre-Blazers Program

Pre-Blazers is our pre-competitive program designed to provide an introduction to competitive swimming through skill development and having fun! For swimmers ages 6 - 14 years old, who are water safe, have had swimming lessons and are interested in learning about competitive swimming. This program is offered twice a week and provides a bridge between lessons and competitive swimming.

Senior Prep

Our Senior Prep Group offers a broad-based training approach for athletes 13 years and older. The group's emphasis is on general conditioning along with technique work. This group is appropriate for swimmers, who enjoy competitive swimming, are interested in improving their skills and increasing their fitness for high school swimming or summer league. 

For more information on upcoming team events and programs, please visit our website!
Team Resources
Suggested articles, volunteer opportunities and additional team information to help support our swimmers and our club.
Parent Corner
Blazers, now more than ever we need your support! Our team is growing quickly and so are the number of opportunities for our club to host and run swim meets for athletes to race and continue to better their performance and experience overall! This is where YOU come in! Given our long standing reputation for hosting well-run swim meets both on the local and regional level, consider becoming an official and help the Blazers continue to offer premier competitive opportunities that benefit our swimmers and the community!
For more information on becoming a USA Swim Official visit or contact Christian Frank, Blazers Official's Coordinator. 

Good Reads:
Volunteer Opportunities
Please visit our Volunteer Page for more information on Volunteer Requirements. Visit our Parent Resources Page for additional season information.
Why Become A USA Swimming Official?
To gain a better understanding of your child's sport,
To have the best spot on deck for watching everyone swim,
To satisfy your volunteer hour requirement,
And many other perks like free meals and heat sheet!

For more information on becoming a USA Swim Official contact Christian Frank, Blazers Official's Coordinator.

What is a Blazer Booster?
The Blazers Booster Program gives parents the ability to directly impact the overall team experience by assisting in funding coaching development and equipment to assure our program offers quality experiences to the swimmers and fans. A new sound system, starter horn, public address system, are some examples of equipment that is needed. Click the link for a list of more specific benefits for the two levels of Booster supporters. 

MAAPP - Safe Sport
The Minor Athlete Protection Policy (MAAPP), which was mandated by the US Center for Safe Sport, addresses one-on-one interactions, social media and electronic communications, travel: local and team, locker rooms and changing areas and massages, rubdowns and athletic training modalities. 
You can learn more about USA Swimming MAAPP on the USA Swimming website and to read the full policy please click the link below. 

Missouri Valley Swimming
Time Standards, meet information and general inforamtion about our LSC (Local Swimming Committee).

Blazers Team Suit
Don't forget to get your Blazer's Team Suit for the upcoming season!

Vist SwimQuik or order online:

Need new fins or a team suit?

Visit SwimQuik for all your Blazers equipment, apparel and spirit wear needs.

4876 W 135th St, Leawood, KS 66224

Call: 913.649.8456

Thank you to our Sponsors!