Voice For Liberty
Individual liberty, limited government, economic freedom, and free markets in Wichita and Kansas.
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The kind of rules we should have are the kind that we'd make if our worst enemy were in charge.
-- Walter E. Williams

So that the record of history is absolutely crystal clear. That there is no alternative way, so far discovered, of improving the lot of the ordinary people that can hold a candle to the productive activities that are unleashed by a free enterprise system.
-- Milton Friedman

By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity. Another man’s, I mean.
-- Mark Twain

Ignorant people think it is the noise which fighting cats make that is so aggravating, but it ain't so; it is the sickening grammar that they use.
-- Mark Twain

No matter how cynical you get, it is just impossible to keep up.
-- Lily Tomlin
Wichita employment situation, February 2022
For the Wichita metropolitan area in February 2022, the major measures of the employment economy improved.
Kansas employment situation, February 2022
In Kansas for February 2022, the labor force grew slightly, the number of people working rose, and the unemployment rate fell, all compared to the previous month.
Kansas GDP, fourth quarter of 2021
In the fourth quarter of 2021, the Kansas economy expanded at the annual rate of 1.5 percent. Gross Domestic Product grew in 47 states, with Kansas ranking forty-sixth.
Kansas Personal Income
For the fourth quarter of 2021, the rate of personal income growth in Kansas was near the bottom of the states, although Kansas fared better for the entire year.
Inflation high and rising in March
As measured by the Consumer Price Index, inflation remained high in March 2022, and the rate accelerated.
Kansas Tax Revenue, February 2022
For February 2022, Kansas tax revenue was 5.3 percent less than February 2021 and down 46.8 percent from January 2022.
Wealth in Kansas and the States
How does Kansas compare in measures of household wealth?
Wichita employment situation, January 2022
For the Wichita metropolitan area in January 2022, the major measures of the employment economy improved.
Updated: Kansas hotel guest tax collections
Kansas hotel guest tax collections presented in an interactive visualization. Updated with data through January 2022.
Kansas State Government Tax Collections for 2020
Kansas state government tax collections fell to $3,315 per person in 2020, a decrease of 4.9 percent from 2019.
Monthly State Tax Collections
Tax collections by states, collected monthly by the Census Bureau.
Real Personal Income for Metropolitan Areas
An interactive visualization of real personal income in metropolitan areas.
Jobs in Kansas Census Tracts
An interactive visualization of jobs and changes in Kansas census tracts.
Wichita since the start of the pandemic
How has Wichita fared since the start of the pandemic compared to other metropolitan areas?
Migration trends in Kansas and the Nation
New U.S. Census Bureau data shows that Kansas continues to have low rates of domestic migration, with more people moving from Kansas than moving to the state.
Marijuana Tax Revenue in Kansas
When advocating for legal marijuana in Kansas, supporters point to increased tax revenue as a compelling benefit to the state. But it may not make much difference.
Gross Domestic Product in Metropolitan Areas
Examining the economy of metropolitan areas in an interactive visualization. Wichita examples included.
Information Technology in Wichita
While Wichita economic development leaders have tried to turn Wichita into a hub of information technology-related industry, it has not worked so far.
Poverty and Income in Kansas Counties
Charts of household income and poverty rate for counties in Kansas.
Gross Domestic Product in Kansas Counties
Examining the economy of Kansas counties in an interactive visualization.
Support the Voice for Liberty
You can support the Voice for Liberty in several ways.
Poverty and Income
An interactive visualization of household income and poverty data for states and counties.
Gross Domestic Product by County and Industry
A visualization of real gross domestic product in counties by industry. Examples from Kansas included.
Taxation in the States
How does taxation differ in the states? There can be large differences.
Per Capita Personal Income in Metropolitan and Micropolitan Areas
How does Wichita compare in Personal Income? We can learn in this interactive visualization of Per Capita Personal Income in urban areas in the United States.
Personal Income in the Counties
How does Sedgwick County compare to other counties?
Updated: Economic Indicators in the States
A visualization of coincident and leading economic indicators for the states.
Wichita property tax rate: Up, just a little
The City of Wichita property tax mill levy rose slightly for 2021.
Business Formation in Kansas
For both business applications and business formations, Kansas is growing slowly compared to other states.
Kansas food sales tax cut proposed
Who is harmed by the Kansas food sales tax?
Claycomb connection to real estate developer criticized
A Wichita developer makes generous campaign contributions to a city council candidate, raising questions about both parties. While this current issue is troubling enough, there’s something else that is more bothersome. David Burk, in the past, misrepresented himself as an agent of the city in order to reduce his taxes.
Downtown Wichita Tax Base
There's been much investment in downtown Wichita. But it isn't evident in the assessed value of property, although the recent trend is positive.
Monthly state retail sales
Monthly retail sales by state and major retail sector, in an interactive visualization.
Income in Wichita
A map showing median household income in Wichita and some surrounding areas.
Population of the States
Population growth (or loss) is not distributed uniformly among the states.
Kansas County Population
There are large differences in the trend of population among Kansas counties.
Kansas since the start of the pandemic
How has Kansas fared since the start of the pandemic compared to other states and the nation? Updated through August 2021.
Counting jobs in Kansas
There is more than one way to evaluate jobs and employment. Depending on the method, Kansas has either recovered from the pandemic or is still behind.
Wichita Population
The Wichita metro population grew from 2010 to 2020, but at a slow rate.
Migration to and from Wichita
The Wichita metropolitan area often suffers from negative domestic migration, but in 2020 domestic migration was positive.
Downtown Wichita Business Activity
Business activity in downtown Wichita continues to rise.

New data from United States Census Bureau shows business activity in downtown Wichita continuing an upward trend. The increase in the number of business firms is slight.
State tax collections during the pandemic
In Kansas, as in many states, tax revenues have not been a problem.
Kansas since the start of the pandemic
How has Kansas fared since the start of the pandemic compared to other states and the nation? I have the data, charts, and interactive visualization. Updated through June 2021.
Wichita city population rises in 2020
Wichita city population rose in 2020. It was the second year of increase after two years of decline.
Counting jobs in Wichita
Since the start of the pandemic, has the employment situation in Wichita bounced back?
Income tax rates and taxes paid
Is there a relationship between marginal tax rates and tax dollars collected? Not much.
Prices generally rise, but not all
While the price level as measured by the Consumer Price Index generally increases when considering all items, individual items may take different paths.
Labor productivity in Kansas
In labor productivity, Kansas is in the middle of the nation, but ranks better among neighboring states.

Chart: Coffee and cell phone service
While the price level as measured by the Consumer Price Index generally increases when considering all items, individual items may take different paths.

Counting jobs in Kansas
Since the start of the pandemic, has the employment situation in Kansas bounced back?

There is more than one way to evaluate jobs and employment, and depending on the method, Kansas has either recovered from the pandemic or is still behind.

Airport traffic statistics, 2020
Airport traffic data presented in an interactive visualization, updated through 2020.
State government employees in Kansas
Kansas has more state government employees per resident than most states, and the trend is rising.
My struggle with Dupuytren’s Disease
Dupuytren’s Contracture, or Dupuytren’s Disease, is “… a benign condition which causes a tightening of the flesh beneath the skin of the palm and can result in permanently bent fingers.” I am afflicted with this, in a fairly severe manner.
National employment, April 2021
The national jobs report for April underperformed expectations and the unemployment rate rose slightly. The March jobs figure was revised downward significantly.
Wichita ethics code to be considered
The Wichita city council will consider an ethics code that overlooks a simple and effective solution to a problem.
Quarterly tax collections
Tax collections by state and local governments fell by about one percent during calendar year 2020 when compared to the year before.
Kansas school spending
Kansas school district spending, updated through 2020 and adjusted for inflation.
Updated: Presidential data explorer
Explore the economic record of presidents through the lens of data, with new views and updates.
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) for Kansas
Looking at Kansas school test scores as compared to the nation.

For example, for grade 4 reading, we can see that when considering all students, the percent proficient or better is the same for Kansas and the nation. But for each of the subgroups Black, White, and Hispanic, Kansas ranks lower, and sometimes by significant margins. There is a similar pattern for grade 4 reading.
School spending in the states
School spending in the states, presented in an interactive visualization.
Unemployment by president
An interactive visualization of unemployment by presidential terms.
Say no to special tax treatment, again
In Kansas, a company seeks to avoid paying property taxes, again. It's still a bad idea.
Kansas agency revenue
Data regarding State of Kansas agency revenue presented in an interactive visualization, with data through fiscal year 2020.
Visualization: Kansas 2020 presidential election
An interactive visualization of the 2020 general election for president in Kansas, at the precinct level.
Wichita economic dashboard
Charts of economic indicators for Wichita, compared to Kansas and the United States.
Kansas economic dashboard
Charts of economic indicators for Kansas, compared to the nation and surrounding states.
Trump-supporting QAnon seen as public security threat
QAnon, a conspiracy theory group mentioned favorably by President Donald J. Trump and embraced by other Republican leaders, represents a public security threat, according to the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point.

Originally published August 23, 2020. In light of recent events, it seems the authors were prescient.
Zip code populations
An interactive visualization of population by zip codes shows the parts of Wichita that are growing.
Zip code business patterns
Employment, establishment count, and annual payroll presented in an interactive visualization.
Downtown Wichita jobs rise
The reported number of jobs in Downtown Wichita rose in 2018, but there is an issue with the data.
Updated: Kansas hotel guest tax collections
Kansas hotel guest tax collections presented in an interactive visualization. Updated with data through November 2020.
State population estimates for 2020
Compared to the nation and surrounding states, Kansas is growing slowly. This is an interactive visualization.
Downtown Wichita population is up
New Census Bureau data shows the population growing in downtown Wichita. But the Bureau says the population is far below that reported by the downtown Wichita development agency Downtown Wichita.
Small area income and poverty estimates
An interactive visualization of household income and poverty data for states and counties, now with data through 2019. The poverty rate for Sedgwick County and the nation trend closely, and both are higher than the statewide rate for Kansas.
Real gross domestic product by county
Real GDP values by county, presented in an interactive visualization.
Pandemic’s influence on economy’s path
No matter who is president, a large challenge lies ahead, says the Federal Reserve.
Downtown Wichita attraction attendance
Attendance at downtown Wichita attractions presented in an interactive visualization.
Attendance at Sedgwick County attractions
Trends in attendance at Intrust Bank Arena, the Sedgwick County Zoo, and Sedgwick County Park.
Local government employment in Kansas
Kansas has nearly the highest number of local government employees per resident, compared to other states.
Intrust Bank Arena loss for 2019 nears $5 million
A truthful accounting of the finances of Intrust Bank Arena in downtown Wichita shows a large loss.
Fake news: How it happened
When politicians condemn fake or phony news, it may be of their own making.
In Kansas, explanations for tax collections may vary
Kansas officials have explanations for low tax collections, but don't mention the same contributing factor when touting high collections.
Presidential approval
Explore and compare the approval ratings of presidents in this interactive visualization.
Kansas school spending, through 2020
Charts of Kansas school spending presented in different forms.
Partisan Conflict Index
Have you suspected that the country has become more partisan? An index supports that.
Could drug price regulation produce good and not harm?
A sampling of criticism of drug price controls.
Rethinking the city and the community for a post-pandemic world
How has the pandemic affected cities in general and Wichita specifically, and what are implications for the future? This is a video lecture by sociologist Chase M. Billingham.
Kansas general fund spending and receipts
The Kansas budget is volatile, with rising spending and a large deficit.
Wichita officials may have won a battle, but the Century II war isn’t over
On Century II, Wichita City Hall won the first round, but the public issue remains, writes John Todd.
Kansas spending
Kansas governmental spending from several perspectives.
Wichita economic development examined
"What may look like economic growth on the surface ends up being, upon closer scrutiny, an expensive exercise in the rearrangement of existing business activity."
STAR Bonds redirect jobs, not create them
As Kansas desperately searches for ways to pull itself out of the COVID-19 depression, policymakers will undoubtedly consider economic development tools as an answer. Kansas Sales Tax Anticipation Revenue Bonds, or STAR Bonds, are some of the most notable tools at the disposal of state and local governments. However, the latest research suggests that policymakers shouldn’t rely on STAR Bonds to grow jobs.

This story presents a report from Kansas Policy Institute.
Border wall procedures criticized
A government watchdog says the procedures for acquiring the southern border wall are inadequate, and the ability to maintain complete operational control is diminished.
Updated: Century II resource center
The Century II resource center has been updated with documents and news stories, including coverage of the recent court decision.
Wichita property tax on commercial property: High
An ongoing study reports that property taxes on commercial and industrial property in Wichita are high. In particular, taxes on commercial property in Wichita are among the highest in the nation.
Presidential data explorer
To examine the record of presidents regarding economics, I gathered data from several sources and present it in an interactive visualization. Data includes:

  • Jobs
  • Labor force
  • Unemployment
  • Dow Jones stock market index
  • Gross Domestic Product
  • Inflation

For each president, data is presented by month, with the first month of each president’s term having number one.
Household income in the states
A visualization of household income by state, adjusted for inflation.
Wichita aerospace manufacturing concentration
Wichita leaders want to diversify the area economy. Has there been progress?
Federal revenue and outlays
An interactive visualization of federal government revenue and spending from 1962 to the present.
Stephen Ware: Debate on masks, freedom
This op-ed by Kansas University Law Professor and noted libertarian Stephen Ware shows how libertarians can tolerate, if not embrace, a government mandate to wear masks to help slow the spread of COVID-19.
Employment in the states
An interactive visualization of monthly employment in the states by major industry category.

One chart, titled “Single State Comparison,” lets you select one state. It then plots that state as one line, and all other states as another line. The nearby example shows this chart with Kansas as the selected state, with data starting in 2010 and ending this February, the last month before the response to the pandemic significantly affected jobs in the United States.
Wichita presents industrial revenue bonds
A presentation by the City of Wichita regarding IRBs is good as far as it goes, which is not far enough.
Wichita needs transparency from its agencies
When the Wichita city council delegates spending to outside agencies such as Visit Wichita, it should insist on the same transparency requirements the city itself faces.
Should Wichita have a deputy to the mayor?
A proposal to hire a deputy or chief of staff to the Wichita mayor is a good idea which will increase transparency and accountability of elected officials.
Small area income and poverty estimates
An interactive visualization of household income and poverty data for states and counties.
Intrust Bank Arena economic impact holds mistake
A report on the economic impact of the first ten years of operation of the Intrust Bank Arena in downtown Wichita incorrectly reported tax revenue.
Naftzger Park
If you want to keep up with news regarding Naftzger Park, join this Facebook group:

Kansas school employment
Kansas school employment rose for the current school year. An interactive visualization.
Performance levels in Wichita schools
There is some good news in the performance level reports for Wichita public schools.
Kansas school salaries
This is an interactive visualization of Kansas school salaries for superintendents, principals, and teachers, for each school district.
Missing from Wichita city documents: Sales tax
It would be simple for the City of Wichita to include additional relevant information regarding economic development incentive decisions.
Wichita to Ghana, again
News of a Sedgwick County Commissioner's trip to Africa has raised some controversy, and something like this has been tried before.
Wichita should post fulfilled records requests
When the City of Wichita fulfills records requests, it should make those records available to everyone.
Naftzger Park event management agreement ambiguous
The profit-sharing agreement for Naftzger Park event management contains ambiguity that could lead to disputes.
Wichita public schools, by the charts
Data from the annual report for the 2018-2019 school year for USD 259, the Wichita, Kansas public school district.
Century II resource center
Updated and refreshed: A resource of information about the Century II Performing arts and Convention Center in Wichita.
Wichita legal notices an easy start on the path to transparency
Kansas law requires publication of certain notices in newspapers, but cities like Wichita could also make them available in other ways that are easier to use.
Financial state of the cities
Wichitans carry a "Taxpayer Burden" of $1,200 per taxpayer, which is not as bad as many cities.
Electoral College math
In the Electoral College, residents of different states have widely varying influence.
Wichita to consider tax forgiveness outside policy parameters
The Wichita city council will consider a tax giveaway for an economic development project that does not meet its stated policy.
Can Wichita learn from a setback?
What can Wichita learn from the news of layoffs at Spirit and Textron?
Sedgwick County talent attraction
In an index ranking counties in talent attraction, Sedgwick County has not performed well.
City comeback bingo
Wichita has amenities that are promoted as creating an uncommonly superior quality of life here, but many are commonplace across the country.
Kansas sees large drop in test scores
Using demographically-adjusted scores, Kansas falls in state rankings of National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). Looking at change across all four tests, Kansas had the largest drop in state rankings except for New Hampshire.
State and local government employees and payroll
Looking at the number of government employees in proportion to population, Kansas has many compared to other states, and especially so in education.
Wichita, not that different
We have a lot of neat stuff in Wichita. Other cities do, too.
In NAEP mapping study, Kansas shines
In a new edition of a study that assesses the stringency of state school assessments, Kansas performs well. Click for more.
Wichita transit center application
Although plans have changed, an application by the City of Wichita holds interesting observations and claims. Click for more.
New metropolitan rankings regarding knowledge-based industries and entrepreneurship
New research provides insight into the Wichita metropolitan area economy and dynamism.

There have been some rankings showing Wichita doing well in jobs at young firms. That’s good, as young firms — which are different from small business — are vitally important to economic growth.

This study, however, shows Wichita lagging in young firm employment ratio. In these rankings, Wichita came in at position 247 of 379 metro areas. That is better than the overall ranking for Wichita, which is at number 319. Click for more.
Wichita ballpark STAR bonds, 2018 issue
A bond disclosure document anticipated a development agreement for land surrounding the new Wichita ballpark. Click for more.
Wichita and national jobs
Overall, since 2011 — roughly the end of the Great Recession — Wichita has been gaining jobs, evidence being its trend line above zero in the nearby chart which shows the change in jobs over the same month one year ago. But the line has not always been above zero, indicating months where the Wichita metropolitan area had fewer jobs than the year before. Click for more.
In Wichita, respecting the people’s right to know
The City of Wichita says it values open and transparent government. But the city’s record in providing information and records to citizens is poor, and there hasn’t been much improvement. Click for more.
Sedgwick County tax exemptions
Unlike the City of Wichita, Sedgwick County has kept track of its tax exemptions. Click for more.
The use of sales tax proceeds in Wichita
Must the City of Wichita spend its share of Sedgwick County sales tax proceeds in a specific way? Click for more.
Sedgwick County income and poverty
Census data show Sedgwick County continuing to fall behind the nation in two key measures. Click for more.
Ranked-choice voting in Kansas
A look at ranked-choice voting and how it might have worked in the Kansas Republican gubernatorial primary election in August 2018. Click for more.
Kansas highway pavement conditions
Each year the Kansas Department of Transportation surveys the condition of highway pavement and issues a report called the Network Optimization System (NOS) Survey.

Of the condition of highways, the report notes: “Since the data was first collected in 1983, the percentage of pavement surface in good condition has appreciably increased while the percentage of poor pavement has significantly decreased.”. Click for more.