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Weekly Update

January 24, 2025

Kansas Lawmakers Weigh Property Tax Relief

In December, we highlighted the legislature's focus on delivering property tax relief this session. As anticipated, lawmakers have proposed various ideas, from sweeping constitutional amendments to targeted measures. 

SB 35 proposes eliminating property tax levies that fund facility improvement projects at public higher education institutions. Instead, these levies would be replaced with General Fund dollars, and funding would gradually increase based on available revenue. 

HB 2005 introduces an income tax credit for military veterans, covering up to 75% of their annual property tax payments. 

SB 10 seeks to exempt offroad recreational vehicles, e-bikes, boats, aircraft, and trailers under 15,000 pounds from property taxes. 

HB 2011 proposes lowering local property tax rates starting in FY 2026 and tying future rates to the total revenue generated in FY 2026. This policy, known as a revenue limit, has been adopted in other states to control property tax growth.

SCR 1603 aims to limit annual property assessment increases for tax purposes to no more than 3%. As a constitutional amendment, it would require voter approval to take effect.  

While pundits often refer to property taxes as the "most hated tax," they remain Kansas's second-largest revenue source for K-12 education. This raises a key question: How will the state compensate for lost revenue if property tax relief reduces school funding? 

Take HB 2011, for example. The fiscal note reveals that the proposed revenue limit would shift the burden to the state, requiring increased General Fund dollars to sustain K-12 funding. 

Aligned's Take: Tax relief can be a sound policy and is often popular, but it comes with tradeoffs. Policymakers must consider the broader implications, especially for critical services like education. 

Missouri News

Early childhood council discusses program updates & strategic initiatives

The Missouri Early Childhood State Advisory Council met yesterday and reviewed key updates on early childhood programs, including collaboration between Parent Advisory Councils, new federal regulations for Head Start, and updates on the First Steps Early Intervention Program. The council also discussed its strategic plan, the rebranding of the Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Program, and the progress of activities planned for 2024.

Read our meeting recap.

House Activity

On Wednesday, the House Elementary and Secondary Education Committee heard HB 371 (Pollitt), which requires the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) to develop, use, and report student grade-level equivalence data success. During his testimony, Pollitt explained that the bill would add a fifth category, 'grade level,' to help parents better understand their children's achievement status.

DESE currently uses four categories: below basic, basic, proficient, and advanced. "You always hear folks say, 35% of our fifth graders are reading proficient or advanced. Well, actually, that's above grade level. When you try to explain to somebody that grade level is somewhere in the upper end of basic, I think we should define what grade level is," said Pollitt.

Hearings next week

The House Elementary and Secondary Education Committee will hear HB 711 (Pollitt), the Open Enrollment bill, which is legislation establishing procedures for nonresident students to transfer to accepting districts outside of where they reside.

The House Economic Development Committee will also hear HB 269 (Shields), which establishes three tax credit programs to expand childcare options for employers, employees, and childcare providers.

Aligned's take: We will testify in support of HB 711 and HB 269.

Next week, DESE Commissioner Dr. Karla Eslinger will provide the Senate Education Committee with an update on departmental operations on Tuesday at 8:00 a.m.

Read the weekly legislative report.

Budget and Revenue

Next week, Budget Director Dan Haug and the Office of Administration's Division of Budget & Planning team will give an overview of Governor Kehoe's FY 2026 General Revenue Budget on 1/28/25 at 1:00 p.m. in the Joint Committee Room (room 117). On 1/29/25, the House Budget Committee will receive presentations on the supplemental budget (HB 14) and the governor's budget.

In other news

Kansas News

Education policy proposals emerge in Topeka

In addition to property tax relief, we’re closely monitoring new education proposals at the Capitol.

Highlights include: 

  • HB 2033: Expands the use of at-risk funds to include accredited dyslexia programs and nonprofit services. 

  • HB 2034: Authorizes school districts to employ chaplains or allow them to volunteer in schools. 

  • SB 50: Standardizes a 5% interest rate for Kansas Board of Regents scholarship programs and shifts repayment agreements from individual colleges to the Board of Regents. 

These proposals represent just the beginning of what promises to be an active legislative session for education policy. Sweeping measures like SB 48 deserve a deeper dive in future newsletters as the session progresses.  

Aligned’s Take: We will continue to monitor legislative developments and provide insights as they unfold. 

Read the legislative report.

In other news

Brian Brush joins Aligned board

Aligned is thrilled to announce that Brian Brush has joined our Board of Directors!

Brian is passionate about making a positive difference for students across the Kansas City area and beyond, and we’re excited to have him join us in supporting education in Kansas and Missouri.

Brian brings a wealth of experience to Aligned. He has built a dynamic career that spans consulting, product management, and financial planning. His journey started with nonstop travel as a consultant before he transitioned to product innovation at H&R Block.

Twelve years ago, Brian pivoted to the financial planning industry and is now a Wealth Advisor with Focus Partners—Wealth. Throughout his career, Brian has demonstrated a unique ability to unite people from diverse backgrounds to achieve shared goals.

As a father of three children attending school in the Shawnee Mission School District, Brian has a deep interest in public education. He’s been an active volunteer, coaching youth sports, serving as PTA Treasurer, leading Boy Scouts, and advocating for public schools. His volunteer work has provided opportunities to see how positive adult engagement and financial support can create lasting impacts for students.

We’re excited to have Brian’s passion, expertise, and dedication to education on our Board of Directors.

Upcoming Events at Aligned

SLDS Lunch and Learn

There is still time to join our Lunch and Learn in Topeka on Monday, January 27, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in committee room 142-S. We will discuss our Statewide Longitudinal Data bill (SLDS), a key policy priority for this legislative session.

Learn more about SLDS here.

Earn a Georgetown University Certificate in Finance

Join us in June as Aligned and Georgetown University present the Edumonics Certificate in Education Finance course in Kansas City.

You will learn about:

  • Cost drivers in education
  • Allocation and accountability structures
  • Instruction delivery model implications
  • ESSA and state policy effects in a local context
  • Productivity analyses

Participants earn 3.0 CEUs, 36 CPEs, and/or 30 professional development credits upon successful program completion.

Register to attend the in-person event.

Download our brochure for sponsorship opportunities.

We are grateful to our event sponsors for their support:

  • Venue Sponsor - Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
  • Platinum Sponsor - Missouri Charter School Association
  • Gold Sponsors - U.S Engineering and Holland 1916 Inc.
  • Bronze Sponsors - JE Dunn Construction and KIDaccount

Despite the cold, sessions activity in Topeka and Jefferson City are heating up nicely this year. Let's hope our Chiefs stay hot as well.

All the best,

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Torree Pederson



(913) 484-4202


Linda Rallo

Vice President


(314) 330-8442

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About Aligned

Aligned is the only state-wide non-profit, nonpartisan business group working in Kansas and Missouri on educational issues impacting the full development of our children, from supporting high-quality early learning to solid secondary programs that provide rigorous academic programs and real-world learning opportunities.

Our vision is that our public education systems in Kansas and Missouri have the resources and flexibility to prepare students to pursue the future of their choice.

We are currently focused on education policies that will strengthen early childhood education, teacher recruitment and retention, and school finance reform.

Learn more about our work.