Kardel Newsletter, Events & Programs
O, H & S Wellness World

The O, H & S Committee attended the first annual Hearts & Hands Conference designed to recognize the dedication of care givers and support workers in the various positions in BC. Discussions included keeping our energy levels high and taking time for ourselves.  The conference was upbeat and energetic with lots of door prizes and give aways.  Other topics included  Baggage and Boundaries with regards to care givers, Dementia with some role playing involved so participants developed a better understanding of this very complex illness.  All in all the conference was very informative and a successful fun experience. 
Lakes News        

Brent celebrated his 49th birthday on September 27th.  
He enjoyed a birthday luncheon with his parents and friends and lit up with candles on his cake.
Lakes Rd home went apple picking and picked about 4 boxes of free apples and have been enjoying applesauce, apple crisp, and the promise of apple pie in the future. Our volunteer Jason helped with the work and the tasting.



Family Works - upcoming evening meeting

Community Living Victoria is happy to sponsor "Family Works - Discovery: A Way to Discover Gifts in Support of Employment on November 3 from 6-9:00pm. 
Click here for more details


 Henry House News
The team at Henry House celebrated a joint birthday since all the guys have
October birthdays. Robert's family was especially happy as this was his first party ever with friends. Robert moved into Henry House this past summer and is settling in very nicely; he's made a great addition to Henry House. Though he has been welcomed by all of his housemates Rob has found a special bond with Steve who seems to have taken on a "big brother" role.

Random Act of Kindness Day

The Victoria Foundation is proud to sponsor Random Act of Kindness Day on Friday, November 4.  You can pass along a Random Act of Kindness card and ask the person to pay it forward.  Cards can be picked up at a few locations -  click on the poster for details and check out ideas for 101 Suggestions for Random Act of Kindness Day.
Click here for more details.   

 CLBC's Widening Our World (WOW) Awards

Every year, Community Living BC's Widening Our World (WOW) Awards celebrate the different ways people are building inclusion across B.C. 

The WOW awards are intended to show everyone in B.C. what an inclusive community looks like. When you nominate someone for a WOW Award, we are asking you to answer questions about how the person(s) you are nominating is making their community a place where people of all abilities are valued and respected.

We know people are doing this work all across the province. Whether it is an employer, teacher, support worker, volunteer, self advocate or someone else breaking down barriers, we are looking to you to tell us about it - and show us what it looks like!

Click here to access CLBC's website for more information.

The Santa Shuffle

The Salvation Army is sponsoring the Santa Shuffle, a Fun Run and Elf Walk on Saturday, December 3 starting a 10:00am at the Victoria West Community Centre. 
If you are interested in participating or know someone who might be, please click here for details about registration. 

Help us Solve a Mystery  

A mandolin and case has been found in storage in the Kardel office and we'd love to get it back to it's rightful owner.  If you think you know who it belongs to, please email Kim at hradmin@kardel87.com.  Thanks!

Kardel Consulting Services |  info@kardel87.com | 250-382-5959 |
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