The big all-member meeting on Thursday was excellent. As usual, we had wide-ranging topics. They included:

- Upcoming events/classes and new resources

- Where to go for “screwball tech questions” in terms of *useful* forums?

- Joel seeks advice on his launch to managed services after twenty years of B/F

- Advice on how to avoid the “race to the bottom”

- Avoid losing clients in the process

- Considering a 4-day workweek in SMB IT

I am pleased to say that, every time we have one of these meetings, it is a great discussion about how to be successful in IT consulting in small business. This week is a great example of that. From the struggles of daily operations to speculations about great ideas for the future: We cover it all!

The recording is posted. Members check the "Member Calls" group for the notes and recording.

This week is a normal member meeting. Then, on March 4th we have the monthly First-Thursday SBT Roundtable. Our guest will be Janet Schijns from the JS Group. Don't miss it! Link is at the top of your Dashboard.

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