Town of Bedford
July 15, 2022
Dear Bedford,
It is Recreation and Parks professionals day, and it feels very appropriate to thank them today with all the activity and work these folks manage in our parks, pools, camps, senior programs, landscaping town properties, and more.
It is a pleasure to see normal summer activities happening and to hear about people going on vacation. While I feel lucky to have things mostly normal, COVID-19 is still very much among us and positive rates are going up. Please take precautions if you don’t want to get it.
At our meeting on Tuesday, the Town Board heard from several presenters who gave informative updates:
Auditor Alan Kassay from PKF O’Connor Davies presented the 2021 financial statements and letter to management. We are proud Bedford has maintained our AAA Bond Rating and healthy reserves. This will be extremely important going into what looks to be a challenging 2023 budget.
Sustainable Westchester presented an opportunity for municipalities to automatically reduce the electric bills of low income residents with a community solar program. The Town Board will be considering a local law to enable this type of program in Bedford and set a public hearing for September 6.
State Lawmakers, Assemblymember Chris Burdick and State Senator Shelley Mayer, updated us on the legislative activities in Albany this past session and a special session recently held to enhance gun laws and protect reproductive rights in the wake of the US Supreme Court rulings on these topics.
Board of Assessment Review chair John Loveless gave an update about the responsibilities of that 3-person Board to hear grievances and decide whether to change the assessment value of a property.
Health and Wellness Fair committee reported on their progress in planning for a community event in the fall which is well underway. Date, how to participate, and more information to be available soon.
Beautification measures were discussed next steps identified in a work session with the Town Board and we discussed engaging a consultant to focus on economic development.
If you are around this week, remember to support local businesses and visit the Katonah Sidewalk Sale on Saturday, join the Rotary Club and BV Lions Club for Blues and BBQ on Sunday, visit local cultural and arts institutions, enjoy a concert Thursday evening thanks to the Katonah Memorial Park Association, and learn more about reducing waste, saving energy, and how you can get more involved in our town’s climate action goals at Bedford 2030’s Climate Action Mixer on Wednesday evening. Find information about these and other local events below.
Please reach out if you have questions or concerns.
Have a lovely weekend.
Be well,
Farms/Old Post Water - Please Limit Use
Due to the lack of rain, many towns are experiencing diminished water supply in local wells. The Farms/Old Post water district in Bedford Village received a notice today from the Department of Public Works with recommendations to reduce outdoor water use until further notice. Click here for the official notice.
As you may remember, the town is seeking new well sites for this water district which should result in improved quality and increased capacity. The Town has obtained rights to test wells in a new location and the town engineer is working to get county and state health department approvals to install test wells. This will likely occur late summer or fall. Assuming good results, we can get approval for the permanent wells and construction can occur in 2023 after final design approval and bidding. The Town has been approved to obtain a matching grant from the state for this (approx) $1.5 million project.
Beautification and Economic Development
At Tuesday's meeting, the Town Board reviewed some of the beautification projects underway and discussed some new opportunities as well.
- DPW and Parks are scheduled to make improvements to the commuter parking lots this fall including improved lighting and landscaping.
- The Town Board asked for a cost estimate and proposal from Planning Director Jesica Youngblood recommending a plan for where brackets may be installed on light posts and poles to accommodate hanging flower baskets and flags in commuter parking lots and hamlet business districts.
- Planning Director Jesica Youngblood will work with Town Board Member Stephanie McCaine on a plan for wayfinding signage at major entrances to town and report back to the Town Board in August or September with options.
- KVIS volunteers will be presenting a suggested landscaping and sign plan for the corner of Route 35 and Cherry Street and other civic groups may have proposals for additional beautification infrastructure for the town to consider.
- The Bedford Hills business district sidewalks will be re-done and new street trees will be planted starting in September followed by street paving. New sidewalks are also planned for parts of Katonah and Bedford Village.
The Town Board will consider allocating American Rescue Plan Act funds for a one-year part-time consultant to focus on business and community promotion in each of our hamlet business districts to support economic development opportunities. This job would include business promotion, attraction, and retention, small business development, and community vibrancy and engagement activities. The Town Board will consider this allocation and ask for public feedback at the August Town Board meeting.
Organic Recycling Facility
At the Town Board meeting on Tuesday, the legality of the organic recycling facility on Beaver Dam Road was called into question because the deed to the property indicates the property is for park or playground purposes. The town attorney analyzed the case law and confirmed to the Town Board that the operation is legal and its function is to process the town park materials and provide mulch and compost to the benefit of the parks and town properties.
The yard waste processing facility operates Monday through Friday 7am to 3:30pm. Residents may drop off yard waste and pick up mulch or compost free of charge.
Now may be the time to opt in if you opted out!
As you probably already know, the Town of Bedford engages Westchester Power which opts residents into a green electric supply. Residents may opt out of Westchester Power and stick with the supply provided by their utility company, choose the Westchester Power brown option, or sign a contract with an independent energy supply company.
- As of July 1, ConEd service territory participants have temporarily been switched back to the ConEd standard supply and we await results of the recent bidding process. Con Ed Participants should have received a letter from Sustainable Westchester explaining what to expect. We hope to hear of a compliant bid that will opt you back in to Westchester Power this fall.
- Eligible residents in NYSEG service territory were re-enrolled in program supply in March.
NYSEG Customers who have opted out of Westchester Power, given today’s volatile energy market this is a good time to consider opting in.
While the main goal of the program is to help us all move to clean renewable energy, at 10.19 cents the 100% renewable energy community default has been looking good versus rising NYSEG rates. Westchester Power also offers a Standard non-renewable supply which, at 8.74 cents. Of course we can’t know for certain where utility rates will go, but with all of the uncertainty in the economy and, in particular, the energy sector, it’s nice to know there is a refuge. Westchester Power’s rates for NYSEG customers are fixed until November 2023. If you previously opted out or for some other reason are not in the program now, you can enroll online at, or by calling the Sustainable Westchester office at 914-242-4725.
Bedford Village Historic District Review Commission – 1 opening
Board of Assessment Review -1 Opening
Board of Ethics – 2 Openings
Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity Advisory Committee – 4 Openings
Traffic Safety Working Group – 1 opening
Composting can improve air quality by diverting food waste from incinerators and landfills. Community compost is free and allows you to drop off your food waste at the recycling center. Curbside compost is a paid service which picks up at the end of your street each week. Bedford residents get a 50% rate on curbside compost!
Rotary Club of Bedford-Armonk and the Bedford Village Lions Club.
Adult tickets: $35 each Family tickets: $100 per family
Bedford 2030's
Climate Action Mixer
Wednesday, July 20
6:30 PM- 8PM
Bedford Hills Memorial
The Park Pavilion
Free food and giveaways, zero-waste DIYs, & demonstrations and conversations with your neighborhood climate advocates. The event will feature a local beekeeper with her bees, a clothing and bike swap to promote reuse and upcycling. RSVP Here
Town of Bedford Recreation and Parks and Katonah Memorial Park Association
50 Gardens!
The Westchester Pollinator Garden Tour
with Healthy Yards and Bedford 2030
Sunday June 24
An interactive map found here provides the location of the gardens, the hours of operation of specific gardens, and their descriptions.
Bedford Hills Free Library
Fiesta with Flor Bromley
Saturday July 16 @11AM
To sign up, call 914.666.6472 or email
Dive into Reading at the Pool
July 19 @1PM
Alzheimer's: Healthy Living for your Brain and Body
July 19 @ 7PM
Fin-tastic Sharks!
July 21 @ 4:30 PM
Lunch Brunch at the Pool
July 19 1:15 PM
Shark Party
July 21 @ 3:15PM
Music & Meditation in the Garden
With Emi Ferguson, flute, and Ashley Jackson, harp
July 16 at 11AM
A Night at the Opera with Stephanie Blythe & Laquita Mitchell
July 22 @ 8PM
Summer Creativity Club
July 20th @10AM
Third Thursday
Enjoy Free Admission to the KMA
July 21
Red Barn Discovery Center
July 20 @10AM & @2PM
July 21 @10AM & @2PM
Guided Historic Landscape Tour
July 22 @11AM
AA Resources
If you're struggling with alcohol addiction, help is available.
- provides substance abuse resources for people seeking treatment for their addiction or who want to better understand their addiction.
- is very similar to and provides addiction resources along with a local treatment center directory.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Dial or text: 988
Thanks to the hard work of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline and many other advocacy organizations, starting Saturday, July 16, 2022, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline can be reached by texting or calling the nationwide, easy-to-remember 3-digit code: 988
Contacting this number is a direct connection to caring support for anyone in mental health distress, that may include:
- Thoughts of suicide
- Substance use crisis
- Emotional distress
Please note:
- Veterans, dial 988 and press 1 for dedicated support for those who served in our armed forces,
- The National Suicide Prevention Text Line (741-741 text TALK), and
- The original lifeline number (800) 273-8255 is still available
988 is a free service available to everyone. You can contact 988 by chat, text, or phone. Access support in Spanish by pressing 2. Interpretation services are available in over 150 languages.
Past Supervisor newsletters: