Learn More about Your Chamber Professional Peers

Kay Keller
[email protected]
How long have you been
in the Chamber profession
4 years  

How long have you been in your current position?
4 years this month        

What do you love most about your job?
My community and our Chamber partnerships. Bringing the right strengths together for greater accomplishments.

Tell us about your most embarrassing Chamber moment.
Fortunately, I haven't had any. I am certain there will be many!
Which Chamber Executive has had the biggest impact on your career and how
Tommy Jennings and Teri Smiley. They are ALWAYS willing to share what they know. They are both people builders!
What is your Chamber's signature event?
The Oconee Fall Festival. It is our largest revenue generator behind dues. It's in its 43rd year. Attendance of 25,000 for a one day arts and crafts festival. Held in October and hugely volunteer supported.
What is your favorite Georgia destination outside of the one you represent and why
The North Georgia mountains of Rabun County. It is my happy place. Such a peaceful, outdoor H eaven. 

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
HA! A sorority girl at UGA. I am a UGA graduate but I was not in a sorority.