Open Music Sessions Featuring Kayla Marque
Join us for December's Open Music Sessions, featuring the music of
Kayla Marque.
The event starts this Friday, December 7, at
7 pm, at Open Media Foundation (
700 Kalamath Street).
Head to Studio A at 8 pm for comedy from Sexpot Comedy, followed by the music of Kalya Marque.
Join and share our Facebook event.
Support Your Community! Join the Civic Network!
Civic Network: Doing Good, Better |
Support your community and local nonprofits by joining the Civic Network!
Civic Network is an open-source platform created as a way to help communities achieve their goals. It provides a user-friendly place to connect, collaborate, and coordinate across efforts by sharing documents, tracking actions, and managing projects.
Open Media Foundation partnered with Civic Network to create this video.
To learn more about Civic Network, visit their website
New Open.Media Clients
Open.Media has two new clients using video to enhance their local government's transparency - Manitou Springs, CO and Glendale, CA. Welcome!
Open.Media is an innovative software platform l
everaging the latest in video tools and technology to create transparency portals for governments of all sizes.
Welcome to Our New Staff
Join us in welcoming our new staff members!
Samantha Taglienti Rodgers is OMF's new Administration & Development Coordinator. She has a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Musical Theater from The University of the Arts and also holds a Masters in Arts Development and Program Management from The University of Denver.
James Boyce is joining OMF as an AmeriCorps VISTA, working on the new Open Media Career Engine (see below). He received his Associates Degree in Music from the Community College of Denver and is presently working on a degree in Philosophy from the University of Colorado - Denver.
Learn more about Samantha and James and the rest of the OMF/DOM staff by clicking
Open Media Career Engine
This exciting initiative will result in an online job board for employers and job seekers in the media industry in Colorado.
Two AmeriCorps VISTAs at Open Media Foundation, Joslyn Dorrelle and James Boyce, will spearhead the initiative.
If you want more information about the Open Media Career Engine, contact Joslyn and James at joslyn@openmediafoundation.org and jamesb@openmediafoundation.org.
DOM Equipment Rentals
Have you ever wanted to rent a large amount of equipment, but found the price too high? We've got a solution for you with our
commercial rental packages!
We're now offering a variety of packages for your equipment needs, from a fun karaoke night to a professional video shoot! Each package is discounted at 20% of the normal cost, so get out there and plan your event/shoot!
As a reminder, DOM members get 20% off their next rental when they refer a brand-new commercial renter! If you have any questions, please email
rentals@openmediafoundation.org. Happy renting!
DOM Member Profile - Tim Johnson
Tim Johnson has been a DOM member for 3-1/2 years, and his contributions to the DOM community are numerous. We asked Tim about his time at DOM, and what a membership has meant to him.
"I joined DOM to have access to all of the equipment and studios here, and to learn how to produce music videos. My membership at DOM is priceless. As a non-commercial artist, I would be financially unable to afford the equipment that DOM provides. So, DOM is directly responsible for my contribution to and my growth in this society. The projects that I've produced, thanks to DOM, are many songs and videos, including Blackout Love, Hypocritical, and Terence Mckenna. I've also produced videos for my friends, April Bond and Mike DeCesare; a full-length concert for Sworn Us Under; and a documentary about my friend called Am I an Artist, featuring BGOLD. But my most current project that I'm so excited about is me."
Open Media Lab
Do you need assistance on your current audio or video project? Or are you just not sure how to get started? Join us for Open Media Lab on Wednesday, December 21st, at 6:45pm. We will have staff and instructors on hand to answer your questions about editing, graphics, sound, and more! Meet other Denver Open Media producers to network and collaborate on projects. The session runs from 6:45pm-8:30pm and is free for DOM members.
Screenwriter's Meet-Up
Workshop your screenplay! Talk shop and flex your writery chops with other creative storytellers Thursday, December 27th, from 6pm to 8pm.
Workshop your script or story in a no-pressure, judgement-free, creative environment. We workshop feature scripts, shorts, documentary ideas, TV show ideas, and more. If you have a story to tell, this is the group for you!
Open Media Foundation
700 Kalamath Street, Denver, CO 80204