
August 2023

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8/16 - ECO Talks: Fall Vegetable Gardening

8/26 - Happy to Help

9/5 - Post-Labor Day Cleanup

9/20 - ECO Talks: Tough Texas Plants

9/23 - Fall Sweep


Fall Vegetable Gardening

Did you know that fall is one of the best seasons to plant a garden in Texas? Cooler weather, less insects and fall rains. Planting fall vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, carrots and cabbage not only help encourage a healthy diet, but it also saves money on food.

Growing your own vegetables is fun and gardening can relieve stress according to a 2017 meta-analysis in Preventive Medicine Reports that looked at 22 different case studies.

Have we piqued your interest, but don't know where to start? Keep Grapevine Beautiful’s August ECO Talks speaker Loretta Bailey will tell you the type of plants to choose, soil preparation and other valuable details to have a thriving vegetable garden. You’ll be ready to plant this Fall!

To learn more about how to create the perfect garden join us at The Rec of Grapevine on August 16th, from 7:00 to 8:00 PM!

Register Here

Did you know?

Outdoor Water Saving Tips

  • Many homeowners over water their lawns, either by watering too often or by applying way more water than necessary. You can encourage deeper roots and a more drought-tolerant lawn by spacing out your irrigation days to water no more than two days a week – even less if it’s rained.

  • Following the Weekly Watering Advice at will help you save thousands of gallons of water annually. Homeowners that follow the watering advice can keep their irrigation systems off an average of 25 or more weeks out of the year.
  • Keeping your irrigation cycles short, six to eight minutes per cycle for spray heads and 12–14 minutes for rotors, will help minimize runoff and water waste. Consider adding a second cycle which allows the soil to absorb the water, preventing runoff.
  • Make sure your rain and freeze sensors are working properly on your sprinkler system. If you don’t have one, install one. They are a proven way to reduce your overall outdoor water use by 5–10 percent.

Learn More

Free Irrigation Evaluations

Outdoor water use can add up to 50% or more of the water we use during the summer. Improving sprinkler system efficiency can minimize waste and build a healthy landscape.

The evaluation program provides a comprehensive look at your sprinkler system including components, controller and current watering schedule. This free residential program provides a valuable, detailed report with recommended changes to help increase efficiency and reduce water waste.

Sign up

In Case You Missed it...

How littered is Grapevine?

Keep Grapevine Beautiful conducted the annual litter assessment Saturday, July 8th by auditing a statistical sample of properties and public rights-of-ways throughout the City. This year’s overall litter index score of 1.35, a decrease of 22% from last year’s score of 1.73. Areas are scored from 1 – 4 and the lower the score the lesser amounts of litter are visible from the roadway.  

Scoring is based on a one through four scale. Areas assigned a 1 are those areas where virtually no litter can be observed. Any litter seen could be collected quickly by one individual. A score of four is the worst. These areas have a continuous amount of litter. Equipment may be needed to clean the area; illegal dumpsites normally qualify for a score of four.  

The bulk of the visible litter was found in an area from Grapevine Mills Mall Circle to 121 south frontage road, along 121 south to Grapevine Mills Blvd. N., the Wm. D. Tate Ave. service road to Timberline Dr. and Hwy. 114 south frontage road to the U-turn underpass near the old Sam’s Warehouse.

We are looking for concerned citizens that are interested in adopting these and other areas to help reduce litter. If you are interested, click here for more information about our Adopt-An-Area Program.

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