Keep It Local
January 28, 2021
In addition to "Tuesday Tidbits" we are offering more free advertising opportunities to spotlight Chamber Member Businesses/Organizations with our "Keep It Local Thursdays" email. If you have an event, fundraiser, promotion, deal, sale item, general information, etc. that you would like to share, please send a promotional image (.jpg or .png) to [email protected] by 12:00 pm each Wednesday. We'll add it to our "Keep It Local Thursdays" email which will go out to our full Chamber Member email list and we will share the email on our Facebook Page.

We want to help share your news and offers during this time, so please send us your images! We'll accept any size image, and if you need help creating an image, we can create one for you for a small fee. For ideas, please check out the examples above.
News Releases
Wednesday, February 3, 4:00 PM
Tuesday, February 9, 6:00 PM
Monday, March 1, 12:00 PM
Click here for a printable version of our events calendar.
Sponsored by:
CHAMBER NOTEBOOK: CORE Treatment Services, Inc.
CORE Treatment Services, Inc., is a non-profit organization whose vision is to make Manitowoc County the healthiest recovery community in Wisconsin.

CORE strives to assist individuals by treating their substance use and mental health disorders and support them in achieving the goal of living a life in long-term recovery.

CORE believes that when you treat the individual, you treat the community. 
When addicted individuals are healed holistically, at their CORE, families are reunited, employers get better employees, communities get leaders and we change the trajectory of lives for generations. They start by treating the CORE of the individual, but the impact fans out to the entire community because of the profound ripple effect healing from addiction has.

Keeping aligned with their vision, CORE provides qualified counselors who will go the extra mile to treat the whole person: mind, body and spirit. CORE provides substance use disorder and mental health services, including Residential Inpatient Substance Use Treatment, Substance Use Day Treatment/Partial Hospitalization, and Mental Health and Substance Use Outpatient services. CORE also has two supported Transitional Recovery Homes — one for men and one for women — that are staffed eight hours a day by recovery coaches and certified peer support specialists for additional support beyond treatment.

CORE’s mission is to identify and meet the unmet needs of the recovery community. CORE does this through the guiding principles of commitment to excellence, collaboration and servant leadership. Holding true to its mission, CORE has identified the significant need in the community for additional behavioral health outpatient services.

CORE is pleased to announce their Behavioral Health Outpatient Clinic is open and accepting new clients. CORE’s Behavioral Health Outpatient Clinic can treat individuals, couples, families or groups with the following treatments, and more:

  • Dialectical behavioral therapy;
  • Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing;
  • Motivational interviewing;
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy; and
  • Rational emotive behavioral therapy.

CORE accepts most insurances.

Book a session today by calling 920-663-1035. Their hours are flexible, and they have the capabilities to do virtual sessions (telehealth).

For more information, visit

"The Chamber of Manitowoc County, with its publishing of The Chamber Notebook, provides space for Chamber members to present information about their business. The publishing of this information is in no way intended as showing a preference for that business by The Chamber."