In wastewater treatment, water can be separated from biosolids by various means. Here at the Ventura Wastewater Reclamation Facility (VWRF) we use a centrifuge that separates water from biosolids by high revolution, creating pressure and separating the water. Once dewatered, biosolids are sent off for agricultural use or to the landfill, while the remaining water is pumped back to our aeration tanks for treatment. Contaminants, like heavy metals for example, can render our biosolids useless for agricultural use and can possibly leach into the environment at landfills. To see a list of contaminants and other items that should never be sent down the drain to our wastewater plant, please visit our “Think Before You Flush” webpage. Remember you should only flush the 3 P’s- pee, poo and (toilet) paper!
To learn more about the City's wastewater treatment process, visit our Wastewater page.