General Manager's Message

I am pleased to announce that Ventura Water customers continue to conserve at record levels. These efforts are helping to keep our local water supply sustainable. We appreciate our community members’ concerns for the City’s water resources and value the input you provide. We are fortunate to have skilled and knowledgeable staff that are just as passionate as you, and assess water supply and demands through various planning efforts including the annual Comprehensive Water Resources Report and the Urban Water Management Plan. These assessments consider new development projects and the anticipated increase in water demands and impact on water supply, to ensure a balanced and stable water future. We utilize additional tools to manage our water resources including the Water Shortage Event Contingency Plan and Water Waste Ordinance. You can learn more about these efforts at the Water Commission meetings held every fourth Tuesday of each month. A lot of work goes into ensuring a secure water supply for existing and future customers.

I had the privilege of being a panelist at the September 8th Forum on Ventura County’s Water Crisis and California’s Drought, hosted by Assemblymember Steve Bennett. This was a great opportunity to talk about Ventura’s water supply reliability and to showcase how conservation has allowed Ventura to meet its water demands. Many questions were submitted at this forum, as well as at other community meetings, regarding why the City allows development projects and how it impacts water supply. The City’s Ventura Water and Community Development departments are working together to bring you those answers and assist in moving the City forward in the development of the General Plan. We plan to host a community workshop in mid-October to address the community’s concerns and provide more information on the City’s water neutral development policy and future water supply projects. Stay tuned for more information.  


Gina Dorrington

VenturaWaterPure: Local Supply | Trusted Solution

VenturaWaterPure (VWP) is a multi-benefit water reuse program that will recover, treat, and reuse water that is currently discharged into the Santa Clara River Estuary, creating a new, local, drought-resilient water source that isn’t dependent on rainfall. This trusted solution, used internationally and throughout California, will produce up to 20% of Ventura’s total water supply. Learn more at

Gardening Series 

Greywater & Rainwater Harvesting

Learn how to collect rainwater and reuse household greywater to irrigate your landscape at this online event to be held on Saturday, October 15, 2022. Our free monthly Gardening Series classes are held on scheduled Saturdays from 10am-11:30am.

To register, visit our sign up page here.

Wastewater Treatment - Process Flow:

Dewatering Centrifuge

In wastewater treatment, water can be separated from biosolids by various means. Here at the Ventura Wastewater Reclamation Facility (VWRF) we use a centrifuge that separates water from biosolids by high revolution, creating pressure and separating the water. Once dewatered, biosolids are sent off for agricultural use or to the landfill, while the remaining water is pumped back to our aeration tanks for treatment. Contaminants, like heavy metals for example, can render our biosolids useless for agricultural use and can possibly leach into the environment at landfills. To see a list of contaminants and other items that should never be sent down the drain to our wastewater plant, please visit our “Think Before You Flush” webpage. Remember you should only flush the 3 P’s- pee, poo and (toilet) paper!

To learn more about the City's wastewater treatment process, visit our Wastewater page.

Employment Opportunities

View current employment opportunities with the City of Ventura here. 

Water Commission
The public is invited to join us in-person for the upcoming Water Commission Meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 27, 2022, at 5:30 p.m. at the Ventura City Hall, Community Meeting Room, Second Floor.

Click here for meeting agendas and more information.
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