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1/12: RICHARD WOLFF interviewed by Brian Edwards-Tiekert


1/19: DIANE RAVITCH interviewed by Philip Maldari
Diane Ravitch

Interviewed by Richard Wolinsky   




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SaveKPFA seeks to rally progressive support for the station. We are committed to finding common ground with others who share our concerns about KPFA. We need to save this precious resource. More at
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Pacifica fails to mail recall ballots to listeners, missing its own deadline of December 30   

Thanks to the many KPFA listeners who contacted SaveKPFA this week after receiving our postcard urging a YES vote on the recall of Pacifica treasurer and KPFA board member Tracy Rosenberg. | LEARN MORE ABOUT THE RECALL | READ FACTS ABOUT THE KPFA CRISIS

We believe that Pacifica has missed its own deadline to mail ballots -- December 30. According to procedures in the network's by-laws, ballots should have been mailed to all current KPFA listener-members between December 15 and 30. In addition,
delivering recall petitions
Listeners Sharon Maldonado, Kim Waldron, Ying Lee & Barrie Mason (l to r) delivering petitions to KPFA's board.
Pacifica's executive director Arlene Engelhardt told SaveKPFA that the network had planned to do so by December 30. So far, we have received no confirmation from Pacifica as to when ballots will be mailed. 


Among those endorsing the recall are:
Aileen Alfandary, News Co-Director
| Tina Bachemin, KPFA Reporter | Larry Bensky, Pacifica National Affairs Correspondent (1987-2007) | Dana Frank, Professor of History, UCSC | Brian Edwards-Tiekert, KPFA News | Mitch Jeserich, Letters and Politics | Rose Ketabchi, Free Speech Radio News | Ying Lee, Asian-Americans for Peace and Justice | Sasha Lilley, Against the Grain (Shop Steward, CWA Local 9415) | Philip Maldari, The Sunday Show (Shop Steward, CWA Local 9415) | Joanna Manqueros, Music of the World | Diana Martinez, Letters and Politics | Lynn Hollander Savio, Mario Savio Memorial Lecture & Young Activist Award | Dan Siegel, Activist and KPFA Board Member ...and many others are flowing in. (Check for to see updates, including our SUPPORT and ENDORSERS pages.)    


Listeners' demands for impartial oversight accepted "in principle" 

Over 760 listeners have so far signed SaveKPFA's petition demanding Pacifica find a neutral third party to administer the recall vote to ensure it is conducted cleanly and impartially. Many signers have added passionate comments urging Pacifica to quit stalling, such as Sheila Goldmacher, who wrote, "Enuf shenanigans! I want an honest, transparent election conducted asap! How much more money are you willing to have us lose? Get on it now." | SIGN THE PETITION, or SEE SIGNATURES 


The Pacifica National Board has agreed "in principle" to hiring a third party, and it is SaveKPFA's understanding that Pacifica will hire a reputable nonprofit that conducts elections to do the balloting. When Pacifica does finally mail the ballots, SaveKPFA will forward to Pacifica the names and addresses of those who have contacted us to tell us they had not received ballots.


Be on the lookout for election manipulations

For a recall election to be valid under Pacifica's bylaws, at least 10% of KPFA's members must vote. That's about 1700 to 1800 members, according to figures announced by management at recent local board meetings. The recall passes if a majority of those voting approve it.

kpfa clockPacifica, however, recently indicated that it would only view a recall as valid if a majority of all eligible KPFA listener-members vote -- or about 9,000 members. Under that interpretation, members who don't vote, for whatever reason -- for instance, because their ballots got lost in the mail, or they were on vacation, or they died -- are automatically treated as "no" votes.

This interpretation is a blatant misreading of Pacifica's bylaws, and contrary not only to common sense, but also to the conduct of elections historically within Pacifica (listener turnout in elections at Pacifica stations usually under 15%). Such an interpretation would make the recall of any board member nearly impossible, undermining the principle of member control of Pacifica.

Like most of Pacifica's previous election manipulations, it probably wouldn't hold up in court. But it does demonstrate that Pacifica may manipulate the rules in Rosenberg's favor. SaveKPFA will fight for a transparent and democratic procedure, and against any  designed to thwart the will of KPFA's listener-members.

Finally, some listeners have asked about voting online. To our knowledge, online voting will not being used for this election. Members should look for ballots in the mail. Please vote as soon as you receive your ballot!  Questions? Drop us an email or call us at 510-969-9373.  

SaveKPFA donate button Reaching KPFA listeners: how you can help        

We are very grateful to those of you who have generously helped cover the costs of our recent mailing to KPFA's listeners. SaveKPFA now has an online account for those who would like to support our work. (Of course, we encourage you to support KPFA as well.)  

Here's one other very important thing you can do. The majority of KPFA listeners do not yet know the story of what's behind the decline in KPFA's programming. Please forward this newsletter to everyone you know who may be a KPFA listener, and talk to your friends and neighbors about what is happening at the station.

SaveKPFA WELCOMES ENDORSEMENTS from all members of the KPFA community. View our list of endorsers and join us by filling out this form.  


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