Director of Community & Economic Development
SBOP Administrator
Your Small Biz Update
March 1, 2021

I am pleased to announce that we enter the month of March with Clark County BDAC (Business Development Advisory Council) in full gear, working to make 2021 the best possible experience for our small business community. In their first meeting of the year, BDAC discussed the new iteration of SBOP, which is being redesigned in alignment with our COVID-era budget and resources. It was agreed that the program will move to a virtual format. In April we will address training topics, with ongoing discussions to work out timing and details.

In this edition of the Small Biz Update, smaller businesses can take advantage of an exclusive PPP application period, the IRS is encouraging eligible business owners to take advantage of extended employer tax cuts, and we encourage you to check out local business resource organizations that are working to keep small businesses connected and growing through the pandemic. Plus, upcoming events this month will celebrate women in business, answer your tax questions, and keep you up to date on PPP.

As always, we are committed to serving local small businesses. If you have questions about doing business with the County please contact Purchasing and Contracts at or call (702) 455-2897.

If you have questions about SBOP please email or call (702) 455-6489.

To your success,

Shani J. Coleman

Director, Clark County Community & Economic Development
SBOP Administrator

PPP Exclusive Application Period is Underway
For Smaller, Underserved Businesses
The exclusive, 14-day Paycheck Protection Program loan application period announced by the Biden Administration last week began on Wednesday, February 24th, and ends on March 9, 2021, at 5:00 pm. The Small Business Administration (SBA) established the special application period for businesses and nonprofits with fewer than 20 employees. The temporary changes are designed to promote equity in the distribution of coronavirus relief funds.

SBA has announced four additional changes designed to open up PPP to more underserved businesses including sole proprietors, independent contractors, self-employed individuals, small business owners with prior non-fraud felony convictions, owners struggling with student loan debt, and non-citizen small business owners who are lawful U.S. residents.

After the exclusive application period for low- and moderate-income businesses ends, larger organizations may also continue to apply.

Federal Law Extends COVID Employer Tax Credit
Designed to Keep Workers Employed
The Internal Revenue Service is urging employers to take advantage of the extended employee retention credit aimed at helping businesses that keep employees on the payroll despite challenges posed by COVID-19.

Eligible employers can now claim a refundable tax credit against the employer share of Social Security tax equal to 70% of the qualified wages they pay to employees after Dec. 31, 2020, through June 30, 2021. To learn about eligibility and see full details visit the IRS online.
Commission Hearing of Study Results Rescheduled
Feasibility of a County Redevelopment Agency
The Clark County Commission has rescheduled its hearing of a report on the feasibility of reestablishing a County Redevelopment Agency. Commissioners are now scheduled to hear the report during their March 2nd meeting, which begins at 9:05 am in the Commission Chambers at 500 South Grand Central Parkway, Las Vegas, NV, 89155. Local residents can view the session live, online.

In 2009, Commissioners voted to suspend the current Redevelopment Agency after deciding funds allocated could be used differently. The agency was initially created to help improve blighted areas designated as redevelopment areas/zones. After the suspension, the agency's resources were redirected to fund education, health care, and safety.

As the valley grows and changes, it is possible that a redevelopment agency could enhance the County's ability to address long-standing blight and needs for urban renewal.

For instructions on how to view Commission meetings live, please visit the Clark County Website.
Network & Grow Your Business During the Pandemic
Resource Organizations Offer Connections & Support
Chambers of commerce, business associations, and trade organizations can help you find solutions to business challenges, connect with other professionals, gain marketing exposure, and get access to discounts on a variety of products and services. Organizations like the ones listed below provide technical support and or educational seminars, meetings, expos, and other events free of charge to help members and guests grow sustainable companies. If you're seeking to stay connected during the pandemic, you might find some of the workshops and webinars listed at the following links to be a good fit.
For the best results, once you find an organization you want to be a part of, get involved. By volunteering and participating on committees you can get to know your colleagues better and demonstrate your expertise. It's a great way to build the "know, like, and trust" factor that may lead to new referrals and clients.
Business-Building Events

Every Thursday thru March 2021, 2:00pm (PST)
Join the SBA Nevada District Office Team each Thursday at 2:00 pm to ask your PPP questions. Each session will provide a general overview and any recent updates before
Q&A begins.

Friday, March 5, 2021 - 8:30am-11:30am (PST)
In honor of Women's History Month, the Nevada Women's Business Center, in collaboration with the POWHer of WE (Women Entrepreneurs) organization, will co-host this annual International Women's Day virtual event. Amazing women share their stories from Surviving to Thriving in business during economic adversity and more.

March 11, 2021 - 8:30am-10:00am (PST)
For women in business interested in addressing common business issues, the Small Business Development Center is relaunching its Business Women’s Initiative series. This meeting is to hear from women what they need. Supported by the U.S. Small Business Administration, Nevada Small Business Development Center, and the Nevada Women’s Business Center.

SCORE - Virtual Event
March 11, 2021 - 10:00am (PST)
April 15th is just around the corner and if you have tax questions, this event may provide some answers. Join a LIVE Q&A session with Certified CPA Micah Fraim, a SCORE business mentor. You can submit questions during registration and during the LIVE webinar. You’ll also hear tax advice you can implement throughout the year.
Selling to government?
Simplify the process.
The Nevada Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) and Procurement Outreach Program (POP) provide free services to simplify the process of selling goods and services to government. These programs from the Nevada Governor's Office of Economic Development provide services free of charge.

Keeping Your Profile Up To Date
If your business contact information has changed since you first signed up for a Clark County small business training program or newsletter, please provide your new information using the "Update Profile" link in the footer of this email. Never miss out on new updates that can help you grow your business!

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