It's easy to take your lungs for granted until you get sick or have trouble breathing. Let's start 2022 with a few tips to help you protect your lungs and breathe easier.

  • Test your home for radon and if you rent, talk to your landlord or housing provider about steps they are taking to test the building.

  • Talk to your doctor about any changes in your lung health or symptoms like coughing or difficulty breathing. You can also ask your doctor if a lung cancer screening is right for you.

  • If you smoke and are interested in quitting, we have resources to help. After quitting, you gain health benefits such as improved lung function and improved circulation. Over time, your risk for certain lung diseases will also go down.

  • Stay active and exercise regularly. Talk to your doctor before beginning a new exercise routine.

  • If you live with lung diseases like asthma or COPD, get to know the ways you can manage your condition.
Get Involved With RHA's Associates Board & Make an Impact in Chicago Communities
New year, new ways to make a difference. This year, you can step up to make an impact in your Chicago community. Join Respiratory Health Association’s Associates Board to have a direct impact on the lives of people living with lung disease. With your help, we will create a future where everyone can breathe clean air!

RHA’s Associates Board is a group of young professionals, 25-40, dedicated to volunteering their time, talents, and energy to building a future with healthy lungs and clean air for all. Members serve as advocates for RHA and our work addressing asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), lung cancer, tobacco control, and air quality.

If you are looking to make an impact in your community and feel passionate about lung health, join us for an informational happy hour on Tuesday, February 8 at 7 PM Central Time.
Reach Your Fitness Goals While Supporting
Healthy Lungs & Clean Air for All
Interested in conquering a new fitness challenge while making a difference in the fight against lung disease? You may find what you're looking for at one of our upcoming events!
Save the date! Our world-class stair climb is returning to Soldier Field on Sunday, May 15. The support of loyal climbers like you helps us continue our work toward healthy lungs and clean air for all.

The 2022 climb will offer exclusive access to the stadium and a unique event experience, as participants will take steps toward a future free of lung disease in Soldier Field's upper level. This year, climbers can invite guests to cheer them on and stroll the stadium where football legends have played.

Registration will open in early February...we hope to see you at
Soldier Field!
Be part of something powerful and join Lung Power Team to run the 2022 Chicago Marathon! Sign up to run for healthy lungs and clean air and check 26.2 off your bucket list. You can also sign up as a runner or walker in a race of your choice!
Protecting Lung Health Is Our Priority
As we get into the swing of a new year, a new legislative session has also just started in Springfield. We are working with partner organizations and lawmakers in 2022 on a number of policy priorities that support our vision of healthy lungs and clean air for all.

Here are a few areas we are focusing on during the upcoming year:

Climate & Equitable Jobs Act (CEJA) Implementation 
Passed late last summer, CEJA sets Illinois on the path to 100% clean energy by 2050 and commits millions of dollars to quickly accelerate transportation electrification in Illinois.

In 2022, we will work to make sure the new law is implemented in equitable ways that best benefit air quality and lung health in communities across the state. 

Adding E-cigarettes to the Indoor Smoke-free Law
The electronic cigarette industry has continued to dodge legislation that would add their products to the current state law, which prevents smoking in public places and places of employment. RHA is working to get e-cigarettes included in the law's language and protect the lung health of Illinoisans along the way.

Working on New Environmental Justice Initiatives
RHA is working with other organizations to support the Environmental Justice Act, a new bill that will protect communities that are receiving inequitable treatment under current laws. By outlining strategies to ensure these communities are treated fairly, the bill will ensure everyone has a chance to breathe clean air and have healthy lungs. 

Additional Lung Cancer Screening Funding
RHA is focused on improving access to lung cancer screening. We are currently working to secure an additional $1 million in funding from the upcoming state budget for these important health tests.

Want to help someone living with lung disease? Donate today so we can continue offering programs & resources that empower patients to manage their health & live better every day.
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