As we get into the swing of a new year, a new legislative session has also just started in Springfield. We are working with partner organizations and lawmakers in 2022 on a number of policy priorities that support our vision of healthy lungs and clean air for all.
Here are a few areas we are focusing on during the upcoming year:
Climate & Equitable Jobs Act (CEJA) Implementation
Passed late last summer, CEJA sets Illinois on the path to 100% clean energy by 2050 and commits millions of dollars to quickly accelerate transportation electrification in Illinois.
In 2022, we will work to make sure the new law is implemented in equitable ways that best benefit air quality and lung health in communities across the state.
Adding E-cigarettes to the Indoor Smoke-free Law
The electronic cigarette industry has continued to dodge legislation that would add their products to the current state law, which prevents smoking in public places and places of employment. RHA is working to get e-cigarettes included in the law's language and protect the lung health of Illinoisans along the way.
Working on New Environmental Justice Initiatives
RHA is working with other organizations to support the Environmental Justice Act, a new bill that will protect communities that are receiving inequitable treatment under current laws. By outlining strategies to ensure these communities are treated fairly, the bill will ensure everyone has a chance to breathe clean air and have healthy lungs.
Additional Lung Cancer Screening Funding
RHA is focused on improving access to lung cancer screening. We are currently working to secure an additional $1 million in funding from the upcoming state budget for these important health tests.