February 2022
Rabbi Perry's Articles

President's Articles

Ed Director's Articles

Yahrzeits Jan 30-Feb 5
(will be read Feb 4)
Florence Epstein
Charles Fidler
Herbert Fischler
Olga Weiss Furedi
Tillie Katz
Raymond Leonard
Bette Lewin
Dorothy Loyer
Sarkis Nahabedian
Sol Rauch
Charles Richards
Russell Richmond
Patricia Valleley
Shirley Wettreich

Yahrzeits Feb 6-12
(will be read Feb 11)
Estelle Cohen
Jean Cowdery
Margaret Denly
Marc Hirsch
Walter Kent
Joab Rabinowitz
Alexander Sevici
Hillard Shurdut
Esther Waxman
Alfred Zehngut
Yahrzeits Feb 13-19
(will be read Feb 18)
Saul Benowitz
Morris Berger
Dora Birnbaum
Irene Brother
Edward Heckel:
Hattie Hirshman
Bernie Hurwitz
Kevin J. McHugh
Judy Heines Miller:
Glen Murray
Edward Richards
Louis Sagansky
Lena Scolnick
Annette Skolnick
Alec Stall
Charles Steinberg
Star (Marilyn) Zieve

Yahrzeits Feb 20-26
(will be read Feb 25)
Murray Bernstein
Hanna David
Hanna Kapon David
Gloria Fierverker
Ben Goldfarb
Henry Howard
Morris Hyatt
Danny Lapin
Dolores Lubowitz
George Kyte Mackillop
Frank Niedergang
Dora Porfetta
Estel Porfetta
Esther Porfetta
Isha Porfetta
Jacob Porfetta
Leon Porfetta
Albert Powell
Larry Sauer
Audrey Sawyer
Judith Solo
Stanley Young
Yahrzeits Feb 27-March 5
(will be read on March 4)
Jack Bresnick
Frances Strock Circle
Donna D'Agata
Edith Follis
Paulene Leader
Sandee Martin
Charles Miller
Julia (Sabel) Salmirs
Randy Shuldiner
Mack Weinstein
Morris Wyszogrod
Donation Acknowledgements:

The following donations were received from December 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021. All donations are very much appreciated – thank you!

Donations from our members

General Fund
John & Deborah Arthur (in memory of Harry Rubinstein)
Bill & Joan Bernstein (in memory of Harry Rubinstein)
Stuart & Susan Bernstein (in memory of Harry Rubinstein)
Dan & Janet Dubner
Davida Gilmore (in memory of Harry Rubinstein)
Jesse & Bonnie Heines (in memory of Harry Rubinstein)
David & Fran Hirschel (in memory of Harry Rubinstein)
Dennis & Susan McHugh (in memory of Harry Rubinstein)
Dennis & Susan McHugh (in honor of the birth of Ephriam Cohen, grandson of Deborah Cohen)
Jane Morrissey (in honor of the birth of Theodore Waters)
Ilene Order (in memory of Harry Rubinstein)
Hale Powell & Rabbi Shoshana Perry
Bruce & Anne Rosenberg (in memory of Harry Rubinstein)
Howard & Ava Schutzman (in memory of Harry Rubinstein)
Mel & Judy Starr (in memory of Harry Rubinstein)
Roy & Carrie Steiman (in memory of Harry Rubinstein)

Chai Fund
Dan & Janet Dubner (Yahrzeits of Bertrand Goldstein, Nathan & Sally Dubner)
Dan & Janet Dubner (in honor of 50th wedding anniversary of Bruce Goss & Julie Beck-Goss)
Darren & Staci Landress (in memory of Harry Rubinstein)
Paul & Toby Sedgwick (in memory of Harry Rubinstein)

Adult Education Fund
1 Anonymous Donation (in memory of Harry Rubinstein)

Capital Building Fund
Mitch & Joanne Hyatt (in memory of Harry Rubinstein)
Hale Powell & Rabbi Shoshana Perry (for upcoming capital building campaign)
Anita Rubin (in memory of Harry Rubinstein)

Education Fund
Rob & Michelle Janoschek (Yahrzeit of Werner Janoschek)
Stephen Lange & Yael Hurwitz-Lange 
Sharyn Sevigny (in honor of Rabbi officiating at Cara’s unveiling)

Library Fund
Dan & Janet Dubner (in memory of Harry Rubinstein)

Martin Ames Social Action Fund
Dan & Janet Dubner

Music Fund
Hale Powell & Rabbi Shoshana Perry (in honor of 50th wedding anniversary of Bruce Goss & Julie Beck-Goss)

Susan Murray Youth Scholarship Fund
Matthew & Rebecca Abrams (in honor of Shalomites Creative Service)
Dan & Janet Dubner (in honor of the birth of Cooper Newlon)

Temple Beautification Fund
Barry & Lucy Danzig (in memory of Harry Rubinstein)

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
Deborah Cohen (in memory of Harry Rubinstein)
Kristin Morris (Yahrzeit of Robert Morris Sr.)

Zelman Kamien Tree of Life Fund
Dan & Janet Dubner (1 leaf in honor of birth of Owen Nathaniel Hurd)
Bob & Marilyn Frank (1 leaf in memory of Harry Rubinstein)

Donations from friends of Congregation Shalom

General Fund
Joseph & Judith Burns (in memory of Harry Rubinstein)
Mitch & Maryann Chase (in memory of Harry Rubinstein)
Elder Services of Merrimack Valley (in appreciation of Christmas bags for Seniors)
Jerry & Sheila Fischer (in memory of Harry Rubinstein)
Suart & Imi Gould (in memory of Harry Rubinstein)
Susan Lipschitz Revocable Trust (in memory of Harry Rubinstein)
Stephen & Frances Meidell (in memory of Harry Rubinstein)
Marion Muskiewicz (in memory of Harry Rubinstein)
Samuel & Esther Rosenzweig (in memory of Harry Rubinstein)
Paul Royte (in memory of Harry Rubinstein)
Steven & Susan Smith (in memory of Harry Rubinstein)
Phyllis Whitney (in memory of Harry Rubinstein)

Chai Fund
Erica Merrill (in memory of Harry Rubinstein)

Education Fund
Stephen & Seena Urquhart

Temple Beautification Fund
Tony & Kate Stoupas (in memory of Harry Rubei
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
Phyllis & Alan Kritz (in memory of Harry Rubinstein)
Carol Marine (in appreciation of beautiful memorial service for Adele Smith)
B'nai Mitzvot

No B'nai Mitzvot this month
New Members
Please welcome the following returning member to our temple family: 

David Spiegler
Thank Yous
I am so thankful and appreciative of your donations, cards, phone calls and well-wishes on the joyous occasion of the birth of my grandson, Ephraim Hesh Cohen.
Deborah Cohen
Special Apology/Thank you

As Rabbi Perry’s husband, it has been rarely in our 23 years in Chelmsford that I have addressed our Temple community. 

However, as many of you know, I participated in a widely publicized and painful incident during the early stages of the Covid pandemic in 2020.  Although I am not an angry person I became enraged at two young people who insisted on not wearing masks when I was nearby. Unfortunately, my 20 seconds of rage was captured on video and subsequently widely televised. In the aftermath, I had to deal with a number of legal repercussions (all of which are now resolved),

As I write about those moments of public anger I am struggling to find a word somewhere between “apology” and “explanation”. “Regret” is simply not a word strong enough to express my feelings.

A lot of people were hurt by the events of that November 14. Many of my friends and fellow congregants were disappointed and shocked that the husband of our rabbi was capable of such anger and such a loss of composure. 

It has pained me a lot that my behavior that day was so hurtful to the congregation and an extreme challenge to Temple leadership and the Board. Not to mention the Rabbi, my wife. It was a crisis that threatened to diminish the moral credibility of our Temple and undermine the cohesion of our community.

A simple” apology” to individual friends and to leadership in the congregation is not enough. Maybe it is not even enough to voice my deepest regret in writing as I am now. I will leave the “explanation” to those who reflect back on the stress and extraordinary anxiety of the last 20 months of pandemic.

However, I do want to thank those of you who showed the two of us support with phone calls, cards, delivered food, flowers and even with silent thoughts or prayers. All of that helped reach this point where we can look back at a regrettable moment in the past and also appreciate the warmth and compassion of the Shalom community. 

Again, Thanks everyone for your support and positive thoughts, 
Hale Powell
Congregant of the Year

The Board of Trustees is accepting and reviewing recommendations for Congregant of the Year recognition. Please privately contact a member of the Board of Trustees with your recommendation and reasons for recommending your nominee. Due date for recommendations is March 11th.
Nominations for Trustee/Officer

In compliance with our temple's Policies & Procedures, it is time to reach out to the community for recommendations for open trustee/officer positions on the Board of Trustees. The community can provide nominations to Gary Green and Staci Landress, the Board representatives of this year's Nominating Committee. Please send recommendations to  nominating@congregationshalom.org. Due date for nominations is February 11th.
And Don't Forget...
Youth Scholarships
Throughout the year, there are many enriching Jewish experiences available to our youth through our synagogue or the community.These include, but aren't limited to, summer camps and trips to Washington, New York, and Israel. Fortunately, there is some scholarship money available through the temple to those families in need of financial assistance for these opportunities. Please contact Margie Berenson at 
scholarship@congregationshalom.org with any questions and/or for an application form. 
Grocery Cards

Grocery cards are available for Hannaford, Stop&Shop and Donelan's, and the Temple earns a 6% profit. This leads to thousands of dollars for our programs, with no extra out-of-pocket money from you. Contact Toby Sedgwick,
giftcards@congregationshalom.org to sign up for the monthly program, or to just get a few cards when you are doing a lot of shopping, and then start giving back to Congregation Shalom while you fill your fridge. You can have grocery cards sent to college students too!
Order Bookplates for our High Holiday Prayerbooks

We are always pleased to accept bookplate orders at any time of the year. One set of bookplates costs $36.00. Since there are 2 bookplates, you do not have to have the same name on both plates. Use this LINK to obtain the order form. Please send the completed form and check (addressed to Congregation Shalom) to Laura Rodman at 35 Digital Drive # 201, Nashua, NH 03062.

This is a beautiful way to remember lifecycle events.
Caring Committee

The Caring Committee is always available to provide meals or transportation to those members and families who need a little help. Please don't hesitate to email Katie Wolman at caringchair@congregationshalom.org or Rabbi Perry at rabbi@congregationshalom.org, or feel free to call Katie at home.
Changed your address? 

Notify us at emailchange@congregationshalom.org and we'll make sure all the right organizations at the Temple are informed. Please include your full name in your request.
iGIVE for Congregation Shalom

Shop online at 783 different well-known stores and donate money to Congregation Shalom. It's free and easy! Register at iGive for Congregation Shalom. Then, just go to the link when you shop.
If you make a purchase through iGive within 45 days of signing up, an extra $5.00 will go to Congregation Shalom. If you have any questions, please contact Laura.
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