Keeping Connected
March 18, 2021
Protect the Ballot Initiative Process!
The Missouri House has passed two bills that—if they become law—could effectively end the ballot initiative process in Missouri. Some politicians are no longer satisfied with just reversing the will of the people. They want to silence us completely.

We can—and we MUST—protect the ballot initiative process in Missouri.

Here’s what they’re trying to do:
  • Charge you a $500 fee just to start the process
  • Shorten the period of time in which you can gather signatures
  • Increase the required number of signatures by hundreds of thousands
  • Require a ⅔ supermajority vote to become law, instead of a simple majority

Stop Work Requirements on Food Assistance!
Senate Bill 138 imposes strict work requirements on the SNAP Program. SNAP (otherwise known as Food Stamps) is a program that helps almost 700,000 Missourians every month to buy food to feed their family. Especially during a pandemic, we should be strengthening this program and helping families survive, not making it harder to access.
SNAP is a nutrition program, not a jobs program. Punishing people for being unemployed by taking away their food assistance won’t help them find a better job or find work faster.
Contact your senator and ask them to VOTE NO on Senate Bill 138. Find your state senator here.
Protect Our Right to Protest!
SB 26 would restrict our freedom to join together and demand justice for our communities. This bill would be used to prosecute already marginalized voices of Black and Brown Missourians. 
SB 26 has passed the Senate and has a hearing scheduled for Mon., March 22 at noon in the House Crime Prevention Committee.
Urge Lawmakers to Support the For the People Act
(H.R. 1/S. 1) Today!
Congress must pass the For The People Act (H.R. 1) — a bold, comprehensive package of democracy reforms including independent redistricting commissions, citizen-funded elections, closing the revolving door between government and corporate interests, and protecting voters against discrimination.

Equal Rights Amendment Progress
The U.S. House of Representatives voted yesterday, with bipartisan support, to remove the arbitrary deadline for ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment. It’s a huge leap forward toward guaranteeing constitutional equality between men and women. Stay tuned for opportunities to take action in the Senate.
Election Protection Volunteers Needed
Membership Info
Even if you can’t come to meetings or become personally involved, your membership is important…and greatly appreciated.

Benefits of Membership
When you join Women’s Voices you:
  • Make our voice stronger when we advocate with elected officials.
  • Provide support to the organization by adding your name to our advocacy efforts.
  • Provide ideas and suggestions to help determine how to define our positions and choose our causes.
  • Are eligible to vote on important decisions such as Women’s Voices taking a position on a social justice issue or supporting/opposing a ballot measure.
  • Participate in advocacy activities in any way that you want or is possible for you.
  • Can take pride in your affiliation with a strong, progressive group of women working for social justice.
  • Help cover our administrative and outreach costs through your dues.
Annual Dues:

$40 (Regular Membership)
$75 (Silver Level)
$100 (Gold Level)
$10 (Student Membership)
Send a check (payable to Women's Voices) to: 
Women's Voices
7401 Delmar Blvd. 
University City, MO 63130