Keeping Connected August 2, 2024 | |
Connect Virtually
We will continue using our new live streaming equipment. You may access our Sunday morning worship service via our YouTube Channel and our Facebook page.
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Summer Sunday Worship Schedule Changes
Starting June 23, Christ Church will transition to our summer worship schedule. We warmly invite you to join us for our Saturday service of Holy Eucharist at 5pm or Sunday service of Holy Eucharist at 9am.
Following the Sunday 9am service, we will be gathering for a delightful tradition: Lemonade on the Lawn. This is more than just refreshments; it's an opportunity to mingle, connect, and bask in the sunshine together. We'd love to see you there!
Summer Office Hours
In July and August, our church office will be closed on Fridays. We will resume our normal Monday through Friday office schedule in September.
Rev. Melissa: On Retreat for Summer Thursdays
Episcopal priests have an agreed-upon amount of annual retreat and continuing education days (in addition to vacation days) in their covenants with their congregations. Rev. Melissa has elected to take seven of her 19 retreat and continuing ed days on Thursdays this summer, starting July 11th and ending August 22nd, to focus on spacious time for prayer, reading, and planning for adult formation in our coming program year. She will update her out of office email auto-response and will post a sign near her study door about her summer hours.
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Dear Ones of Christ Church,
In these mid-summer days, when the news cycle feels relentless, I am finding provision and sustenance in early morning walks, the smell and feel of the breeze off the bay and river, and the sound of that breeze blowing through leaf-filled trees. I find delight in the sound and sight of bird visitors to our yard— two curious adolescent cardinals and their parents, vibrant goldfinches, bold chickadees, the wren that sleeps up in the corner ledge of our back porch. I find joy in the smell and taste and sight of garden-grown tomatoes.
Our lectionary readings this week (Exodus 16:2-4,9-15 and John 6:24-35) and in the weeks ahead tell about God’s provision—of bread and water in the wilderness, of the life-giving bread and water we find in Jesus, of God’s work of love and justice in providing spiritual and actual food for all people.
Where do you find God’s provision and support in your life? In your communities? In the world around you?
For me, especially in these beautiful summer days, a sense of grief and urgency around climate change is very present, and I am praying for God’s provision and guidance for all of us as we seek to pay attention to and courageously name, pray, address, and live through the environmental crisis we face. The Episcopal Church’s creation care ministries are one place I am looking to, and that we might look to together, for resources. We will honor the season of creation together in our liturgies and in other ways this September and October as a parish—stay tuned. For now, I invite us to ponder: Where are the places, in your life, and in your communities, where you sense the work of God’s justice and love are most needed, now? How might we name and join in that work?
With blessings of sustenance and provision for our journey,
Melissa +
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Last week we received in over $3861. When giving online, be sure to change the 'Fund' to 'Pledges' so your contribution goes toward your pledge.
Thank you for your loving support of Christ Church.
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Christ Church Online Giving
You can make donations, pay your pledge, donate to the food pantry etc. easily by using our online giving tools.
Go to and click on the Donate button or go to
You can also text CCP to 73256
When you get to the page, enter how much you would like to give what fund (Flowers, food Pantry, general Offering, Pledge, etc). You can even choose if you want this to be a one-time gift or multiple times – for example paying your pledge weekly or monthly.
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Click Continue and on the next page enter your information to use a credit card or a bank account. | |
Your giving statement from Christ Church will reflect all the amounts given.
Your continued giving to Christ Church even during the summer is important to support our ministries and our mission!
If you have questions talk with Donna Lawrence or Ray Rogers.
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Evening Women's Group
Evening Women will be held on August 7 at Donna Lawrence‘s home 21 Pine Ridge Way, Carver. Please RSVP to 508-243-2293 or We will begin at five.
Plymouth Taskforce to End Homelessness Annual Golf Tournament
The Taskforce will be holding its annual golf tournament on Monday, August 26th a Southers Marsh beginning at 1 PM. Our goal is to raise $50,000. We are looking for new golfers and sponsors. Go to our website – to download the registration form. Christ Church is one of three churches to host the Overnights of Hospitality, a winter sheltering program for unhoused individuals.
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Accompanist Job Posting
Christ Church Parish in Plymouth, MA seeks a collaborative, creative, and community-oriented accompanist to join us in making a joyful noise at our worship services, choir rehearsals, and other special services.
Click here for more information. And please feel free to share this posting with others!
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Christ Church Thrift Shoppe |
Sales have been steady and the shop could use your help. Before attending services on Saturday or Sunday, please help us restock by donating items (no clothing) into the green collection bin located in the Narthex. Gently used, clean items from smoke-free homes such as kitchenware, fiction books, jewelry, and home decor would be greatly appreciated.
Larger donations and clothing are always welcome during store hours. Please do not drop items on the porches or in the driveway when the shop is closed.
Summer discounts continue with all clothing just $2.00 with exception of boutique items now priced at 50% off.
Summer Shoppe Hours
Thursday and Friday 10-4
Saturday 10-1
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Christ Church Food Pantry | |
This week we are low on:
Chicken noodle soup
Tomato soup
Ramen noodles
Fresh onions
Small bottles of dish soap
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All are welcome to the Christ Church Food Pantry!
We are open by appointment:
Tuesday 4:00-5:15
Thursday 12:00-1:15 and 4:00-5:15
Saturday 10:00-11:15.
Call the pantry message line: 508-746-4959, ext 6, BY 1 PM THE DAY BEFORE YOU WISH TO PICK UP YOUR ORDER. Our volunteers check messages and return your call from their homes to ask you what you need.
Leave a message if you wish to donate non-perishable food and household items, or you may leave your donations under the mailboxes outside the office or in the front entrance to the sanctuary. Squirrels like to get into any bags left on the porch of the food pantry!
If you wish to volunteer, contact Eileen Paris at
For more information, please contact Barbara Wojtklewicz at 617-291-4634, or by email at
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Pastoral Care
For any pastoral care needs of Christ Church, please call Robin Nielsen (774-454-2776) or email ~ A home visit, a home visit with holy communion or a phone call can be arranged. Although a small group, our Pastoral Care Ministry team meets monthly in confidence.
For any pastoral emergencies, please call Rev. Melissa Howell 508-746-4959 ext 4, and follow the instructions in her voice message.
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We want to keep you in the loop regarding the happenings at Christ Church. Please send your announcements for the weekly bulletin and Keeping Connected, to the office by 12 Noon on Wednesday. They should include date, time, place, description of event, contact information and should be written exactly the way you want them to appear. | | | | |