Volunteers Brighten Lives!
Keeping In Touch, Volume 18

Tutor ID Number:

Greetings Tutors!

Although virtual, program support is feeling a little more familiar. This week two sessions of Peer Tutor Mentor (PTM) meetings were offered. And next week, we begin In-Service programming with sessions on ZOOM 101 and WhatsApp 101.

Some of the content in this edition of Keeping in Touch is in response to the tutors participating in this week's PTM session. Requests were made to help identify internet resources for picture prompts to generate vocabulary and discussion. Keep your requests for materials and resources coming. I want to hear from you about what would best serve you in this newsletter!

As always, please do not hesitate to reach out if you have questions or need help with tutoring strategies during this time. Be well and take care. 

With gratitude and hope, 

Carol Garcia
Tutor Support Specialist
Light a Spark Through Literacy
Online Activity Links:

These are online activities that you may be able to use with your student: 

Labor Day

40 Hours Week - This resource is all about the song 40 Hour Week by the band, Alabama. See below for the song's lyrics, a PowerPoint illustrating the words to the song, and the music video.

Labor Day Video 1

Labor Day Video 2

Listening and Reading – High Intermediate and above

Reading – High Intermediate and above


Lost and Found

YouTube lesson: Losing things and finding them

General Online Activity Links - High Beginning and above:  Integrated skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing)

Lost Engagement Ring
Human Teeth

Smartphone Glass

Working Week
New tutoring opportunity:

We are expanding our pool of tutors who work with referrals from the DuPage County Probation and Court Services Department. We will be hosting a virtual orientation session in September for tutors to learn more about this program and how your valuable tutoring skills can help. We will email you when we have set a date for the orientation.

To learn more about the Probation Tutoring Program, check out our latest Spark Blog post!
Activity Links:

These are individual activities about Labor Day and Lost & Found. You may be able to use one or more with your student:

Labor Day

Integrated Skills



Lost & Found


Integrated Skills


Reading & Vocabulary

Reading & Writing

Emergency Rental Assistance:

The Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA) is providing COVID-19 related emergency rental assistance to those who qualify. Click here for more information.  
ProLiteracy Prescription Card:

Proliteracy has provided a Prescription Savings Card resource to member organizations. 

This is a simple way to get discounts on prescriptions, regardless of insurance status. The card is free and doesn’t require any personal information, activation, or enrollment.

Anyone affiliated with Literacy DuPage is eligible to use this card.

Click here to download the card.
LDP Staff Directory, Quick Reference:

For all other questions or concerns, please call us at 630.942.5210 or email us at info@literacydupage.org.
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Literacy DuPage | 630.942.5210 | info@literacydupage.org | www.literacydupage.org