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Greetings Tutors! As we approach the fall season, we recognize this time as one of change. When the days become shorter, the air becomes crisper, and the leaves turn their brilliant orange, yellow, and reds; one can feel overwhelmingly inspired to initiate change in their life.
Change is experienced in many ways. This edition of Keeping In Touch features tutoring suggestions related to housing topics, including packing and moving to a new home. Any move, big or small, requires numerous adaptations. Due to COVID-19, the 2020 US Census adjusted its data collection timeline from April 1, 2020, to September 30, 2020. In the event your student and their family haven’t participated in the Census, included in this newsletter are ESL video presentations and curricula that can be used with your student to help her/him better understand the importance of providing census data.
We hope you and your student continue to keep in touch with each other and find meaningful ways to interact.
May you use this change in seasons to move forward, out of the now and into the new. As always, please do not hesitate to reach out if you have questions or need help with tutoring strategies during this time. Be well and take care.
With gratitude and hope,
Carol Garcia
Tutor Support Specialist