What is happening at the Casa while we can't be together on campus? If you've been reading this weekly email and staying connected on social media, you know that many of our ministries are finding creative ways to continue our mission and keep our fellowship thriving until we can be together again. Casa leadership and staff have made more than 1,000 phone calls to check in on community members and continue these efforts each day. Fr. Sam's Zoom class on Franciscan prayer was a hit with more than 50 attendees, and the feedback was to keep these types of offerings coming. Family Faith Formation members are "gathering" several times a week, and many Faith in Action volunteers are working for their ministries in new ways. Of course, the friars and liturgy team continue to provide us with beautiful liturgies and music. We are working to serve you in the best ways possible and appreciate your participation, kind words, and support. Read on for the latest news!

Kindness During Challenging Times
Difficult times cause stress, but they can also shed light on great kindness in people. During a FOX10 News piece this week, our own Ryan Sheade, LCSW, shares the importance of keeping our focus on the good . Ryan is the Director of the Casa's Therapy, Support, and Counseling Ministry.

"Praise Be to You"
Click here to see the Casa band's performance of "Praise Be to You," highlighted by images from the grounds.

Online Masses
Visit our YouTube channel for Daily Mass, Monday - Saturday at 8 am and Sunday Mass on Saturdays at 5 pm (with links to the worship aids). After these times, Masses are available for on-demand viewing. Visit our bulletin webpage for digital Sunday bulletins produced by our bulletin publisher, J.S. Paluch Company, Inc. Included are readings, prayers and reflections for the week. We greatly appreciate all who can continue their weekly giving online .