Have you considered volunteering your time on behalf of your community? The current two-year terms of office for three Village Board seats expire on April 30, 2019. Village Board members attend one meeting a month where they oversee village finances, advise and take action on such matters as street and house maintenance, and advocate for changes that will benefit Harper's Choice. The nomination period runs from March 1 - March 14, 2019. Information and nomination petitions will be available at Kahler Hall and for download on our website at www.harpershoice.org on March 1; a maximum 150-word CANDIDATE'S STATEMENT is due at Kahler Hall by 5:00 pm on March 14. The STATEMENTS may be emailed to manager@harperschoice.org, preferably in a MS Word document. For more information, contact Village Manager Steve Ingley at 410-730-0770 or via
HCCA is looking for volunteers to help us count ballots on Election Day, Saturday, April 27 at 3:00 pm at Kahler Hall. If you are available and would like to assist the Election Monitor Committee with this task, please contact Village Manager Steve Ingley at 410-730-0770 or
January 12, 2019, 2:30pm
Robinson Nature Center
6692 Cedar Lane, Columbia
Get active and enjoy nature (two great resolutions for 2019)! Join a naturalist for a guided winter hike during which you can try a range of activities to help your family stay moving and entertained during the cold weeks ahead. We'll head back inside to brew and enjoy kid-friendly wassail (mulled cider) to help take the chill out of winter! Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
Ages 6+ with an adult, $9 per person. To register, call
Beale Street Puppets Dig Those Dinos!
January 19, 2019
8:30am - 11:00am
6310 Hillside Court, Columbia
Love being outside and working with kids? CA Camps is looking for people like you! It's a great place to work, too - take it from Cara, a camps director who's been working at CA Camps for nine years: "I love that as a summer camp director, I can play and be silly with the kids!"
CA Camps is hosting an open hire event on Saturday, January 19 from 8:30-11am at CA Headquarters (6310 Hillside Court). Available jobs include Junior Counselors, Counselors, Supervisors, Lifeguards, Canoe Specialist, Archery Specialist, and Camp Directors.
Applicants must be at least 16 years old by June 20, 2019. For job descriptions, please visit
The Annual Celebration Of The Life and Legacy of Civil Rights Leader Martin Luther King Jr.
Covenant Corner
Please note that all exterior holiday decorations and lighting should be removed by January 31. We enjoyed the displays; thank you for sharing your holiday spirit with us!
Curbside Holiday Tree Recycling is available through January 19th on your regular recycling day. Trees will not be collected on trash days before January 19th. Be sure to remove all tinsel, garland, ornaments, tree stands, plastic bags, or any other man-made materials. Tree must be cut into 4-foot lengths or smaller and tied. Bundles must weigh less than 40 lbs. Set your tree out the night before your pick up; trees are picked up by a separate truck between 6 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Alpha Ridge Landfill Residents' Convenience Center
Don't worry if it's past January19th...You can still RECYCLE your tree at the landfill. Hours: Monday through Saturday from 8 am - 4 pm. No plastic bags permitted.
Tree Drop-off Sites
There are several sites where you can take your tree to be recycled; 2 are close to Harper's Choice:
Kendall Hardware; 12260 Route 108
Cedar Lane Park; 5081 Cedar Lane off Route 108
HCCA INCLEMENT WEATHER CLOSING: Harper's Choice Community Association does not follow Howard County school closings; we evaluate local weather conditions and monitor County, State and Federal closings. Every attempt will be made to open as soon as it is safe to do so and staff can make their way in to work. We will put weather-related closings on our website and Facebook page.
MOVE CARS OFF PUBLIC STREETS: When a substantial snowfall event is planned, please move all cars into driveways so plows can clear the streets curb to curb.
DO NOT PARK ALONG CUL-DE-SAC ISLANDS: Plows can only clear your circle if there is enough room for them to turn and room to push the snow. Park in your driveway or garage when snow is predicted.
UNCOVER STORM DRAIN INLETS: If melting snow has no place to drain, it can cause street icing and flooding.
CLEAR THE SIDEWALKS: The owner of property abutting a sidewalk is required to remove snow from the sidewalk within 48 hours after the snow has fallen (Howard County Code). This includes public sidewalks that are adjacent to your property or behind your property.
Where to Go For More Snow Information
Snow Emergency Info. 410-313-2900
Bureau of Highways 410-313-7450
Bureau of Utilities 410-313-4900
Bureau of Environmental Services 410-313-6444
Architectural Committee
We are looking for residents interested in serving their community on the Architectural Committee. With a small commitment of two evenings a month, your impact can be BIG. You will be helping to shape the development that is coming to Harper's Choice in the next few years. The Architectural Committee meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. Members must also be compliant with the Village covenants and obtain a compliance letter from this office for any property that they own in the Village. We currently have one open seat on the AC. If you have the time to volunteer and an interest in the covenants, contact the Covenant Advisor, Debbie Nix for information.
Applications are due two weeks prior to the meeting date. 1st quarter meetings:
January 22; February 12, 26; March 12, 26; April 9, 23. Applications and Guidelines are posted on our website.
Have you visited us on Facebook lately?
Please join us on Facebook for up-to-date information about what's happening in and around the Harper's Choice Community.
Architectural Committee Meetings
Changes made to the exterior of homes in Harper's Choice require approval of the Village Architectural Committee (AC).
The AC will meet on Tuesday, the 8th & 22nd at 7:30 PM to review applications.
The deadline to submit applications for approval is two weeks prior to the next meeting date.
Village Board Meetings
The next meeting of the Village Board is scheduled for February 5th at 7PM. Approved Agendas and Meeting Minutes are/will be available on our website.
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Village Manager
Facility Manager
Covenant Advisor
Event & Community Outreach Coordinator
Village Board Member
Village Board Member
Village Board Member
Village Board Member
Columbia Council Rep
Village Board Member
* Term expires 4/30/19
5440 Old Tucker Row Columbia, MD | 410.730.0770 |
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