November 15th   Weekly e-Newsletter for the Village of Harper's Choice.
HCCA Shredding Event
November 17, 2018 @ 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Florence Bain Center Parking Lot
5470 Ruth Keeton Way
Columbia, MD 21044

Save The Date: Pizza With Santa, Saturday, December 15th
11AM - 1PM
Kahler Hall, 5440 Old Tucker Row

Pizza with Santa will be held on Sat., December 15th, from 11am - 1pm at Kahler Hall. This holiday tradition is especially for Harper's Choice residents. Space is limited. The event is free, but tickets are required. Click here to register for tickets or pickup at Kahler Hall.

Guests will enjoy pizza, face painting, and hearing Santa read ' Twas the Night Before Christmas. We will be showing The Polar Express starting at 11:30am in the Ballroom. Bring your camera and enjoy a special family photo opportunity with Santa!

We encourage attendees to bring one, non-perishable food item per ticket to this event. Donations will be given to the Howard County Food Bank.

Anne Berk Will Celebrate with Cake and, of Course, a Dance
Anne Berk, a proud Rockette from the 1930's, will be turning 100 on November 26th, 2018. Since leaving the Rockettes, Anne has lived a full life, working as a switch board operator for General Marshall during WWII, raising a family, running her own children's dance school for over 20 years, and teaching and performing with seniors as "The Rockettes of Ages" - until she was 88.5 years old. Today, Anne lives at Winter Growth Assisted Living in Columbia, MD, where she enjoys socializing and participating in a wide variety of activities with other residents and day program participants. 

Dance is still one of Anne's greatest joys. Since moving to Winter Growth in 2017, she has choreographed and led multiple performances, including Independence Day celebration dances, as well as the Center's annual Easter Parade. At her one century mark, she still manages to out-kick everyone from her chair!

The community is invited to join Winter Growth for Anne's birthday celebration at 11am on Wednesday, November 28th. There will, of course, be a fun dance performance choreographed by Anne, as well as cake for all. Please RSVP to Colleen at
Symphony of Lights Festivities
Drive Through the Light Displays
Nov. 22-Dec. 30 (Wednesdays-Sundays), 6-10 p.m.
* CLOSED Sunday, Dec. 2

Symphony of Lights is a time-honored Howard County holiday tradition. Called "must see" and chosen as a Baltimore Sun "Swift Pick," this family-oriented specticle is a dazzling display of more than 100 larger-than-life animated and stationary holiday light creations, made up of approximately 300,000 bulbs. During the past 20+ years, nearly 2 million individuals have visited the lights, and proceeds from the event have raised more than $8 million to benefit Howard County General Hospital: A Member of Johns Hopkins Medicine.

Click here for directions and parking.
Covenant Corner


Now is the perfect time to check your outdoor lighting. For safety and security, reset lights on timers, complete any needed maintenance to your fixtures, verify that the lights are working properly and, that they give off enough light. Consider converting fluorescents to LED's and older non-working gas fixtures to electric. If you plan to replace your post lamp or other exterior lighting, don't forget that replacement may require Architectural Committee approval. Please contact the village Covenant Advisor with any questions. 

Volunteer Opportunity
We still have one open seat to fill for the Architectural Committee. If you have ever thought, "Wow, who approved that color change!" or "I would really like to contribute to my community in some small way," then this may be the opportunity you've been looking for. We are looking for interested residents who are available the second and fourth Tuesday evenings each month to serve on the Architectural Committee. The AC meets twice monthly at 7:30 p.m. to review architectural change applications, discuss covenant violations and keep the guidelines current. Note: persons wishing to serve on the AC must be able to obtain a Letter of Compliance from this office, stating that their property is free of covenant violations. Contact the Covenant Advisor for more information.  
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Architectural Committee Meetings

Please check the calendar on our website for the latest meeting dates.
Changes made to the exterior of homes in Harper's Choice require approval of the Village Architectural Committee (AC).
The AC will meet on Tuesday, the 27th at 7:30 PM to review applications. 

The deadline to submit applications for approval is two weeks prior to the next meeting date.
Village Board Meetings

The next meeting of the Village Board is scheduled for December 4th at 7PM. Approved Agendas and Meeting Minutes are/will be available on our website.
Keeping You Informed
This weekly e-Newsletter serves as a recap of news and events we share with our community throughout the week via other social media channels. Connect with us on Facebook  and  Twitter  to receive more regular announcements and information from us.
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Stay Connected
Village Manager
Facility Manager
Covenant Advisor
Melanie Jeffers
Event & Community Outreach Coordinator

Your Village Board
Village Board Member
Village Board Member
Village Board Member
Village Board Member
Columbia Council Rep

Village Board Member

* Term expires 4/30/19
** Term expires 4/30/20

5440 Old Tucker Row  Columbia, MD | 410.730.0770 | Email | Website