Architectural Committee News and Notes
Hard to believe, but there are just three remaining AC meetings through the end of the year. Please prepare your exterior alteration submissions with that in mind. The deadlines and meeting dates are below:
Deadline: Meeting Date:
November 2; November 13
November 9; November 27
November 29; December 11
The AC will return to bi-weekly meetings in 2019, on January 8.
Volunteer Opportunity
We still have one open seat to fill for the Architectural Committee. If you have ever thought, "Wow, who approved that color change!" or "I would really like to contribute to my community in some small way," then this may be the opportunity you've been looking for. We are looking for interested residents who are available the second and fourth Tuesday evenings each month to serve on the Architectural Committee. The AC meets twice monthly at 7:30 p.m. to review architectural change applications, discuss covenant violations and keep the guidelines current. Note: persons wishing to serve on the AC must be able to obtain a Letter of Compliance from this office, stating that their property is free of covenant violations. Contact the Covenant Advisor for more information.
Keep Leaves and Debris out of the Storm Water System
It is illegal to blow or pile leaves in the street. Howard County Code addresses the discharge of leaves into the street: "A person may not obstruct, damage, or destroy public property." [Title 18, Subtitle 2, Section 18.205, subsection (b1).]
Help prevent storm drain clogs and pollution to streams and the Chesapeake Bay by taking advantage of the weekly curbside yard waste collection service to properly dispose of fallen leaves and fallen or pruned tree debris. Put your tied bundles of tree limbs, open paper bags of leaves, or your yard trim recycling can out on the curb for pickup on your regular recycling day. No limit to the number of cans, bundles or bins.