November 29th   Weekly e-Newsletter for the Village of Harper's Choice.
Save The Date: Pizza With Santa, Saturday, December 15th
11AM - 1PM
Kahler Hall, 5440 Old Tucker Row

Pizza with Santa will be held on Sat., December 15th, from 11am - 1pm at Kahler Hall. This holiday tradition is especially for Harper's Choice residents. Space is limited. The event is free, but tickets are required. Click here to register for tickets or pickup at Kahler Hall.

Guests will enjoy pizza, face painting,and we will be showing The Polar Express starting at 11:30am in the Ballroom. Bring your camera and enjoy a special family photo opportunity with Santa!

We encourage attendees to bring one, non-perishable food item per ticket to this event. Donations will be given to the Howard County Food Bank.

HCCA & AllSpice Hospitality Presents "Create & Taste" Gourmet Grilled Cheese, Artisan Soups & Wine!
Wednesday, January 9, 2019
6:30pm - 8:30pm
Kahler Hall, 5440 Old Tucker Row, Columbia, MD 21044
Click here to purchase tickets.

Howard County high school students who are interested in visiting Spain or France next summer are invited to find out about the program at our next information session for teens and parents on Thursday, November 29 from 7-8pm at Columbia Association Headquarters, 6310 Hillside Court. Students who participated in last year's Sister Cities High School Summer Exchange Program will be in attendance to share their experiences.

The month long summer exchange program with Columbia's sister cities in Europe allows Columbia/Howard County high school teens to spend two weeks of cultural and linguistic immersion in July 2019 in Cergy-Pontoise, France, or Tres Cantos, Spain. Teen participants will spend two weeks living with a host family in France or Spain (departing at the end of June 2019). Upon returning to the U.S., the American teens then host the French or Spanish student they lived with for two weeks. 

The program accepts high school sophomores, juniors and seniors in Level III and above of Spanish and French (and native speakers). The fee is $700 for CA residents and $850 for nonresidents. Airplane tickets are purchased by CA and reimbursed by participants. Airfares will range from $1,000 to $1,400 per ticket. There are excellent scholarships available for Columbia/Howard County residents who qualify.

To read an article featuring high school students who participated last year talking about their experience, click here.

Student alumni at Atholton High School were also interviewed by their school newspaper, the Raider Review. Here is an excerpt from the full article.

Imagine: You are on top of the Eiffel Tower, sipping a warm cup of coffee under the stars, and munching on a nutella crepe in the summer heat. Or, wait - you are gazing at the magnificent Royal Palace of Madrid while you speak Spanish with a native! You can experience these things and more by participating in the Columbia Association Sister Cities Program.

This year, six French students at Atholton went to Cergy-Pontoise, France, with Sister Cities. They stayed there with their French student's family for two weeks, and then they brought their student back to the states to live at their house for two weeks. One participant, junior Zoe Shi, went to France for her Sister Cities destination, where she roomed with Flavie. "It expands your outlook on the world and it's way cheaper than taking a normal vacation to the country," she said.

If you can't make the information session on November 29, there will be three more opportunities to find out about the program: 
  • Tuesday, December 11
  • Wednesday, January 16
  • Thursday, January 31
The application packet is online at The deadline to apply is February 15, 2019. For more information, contact Laura Smit at 410-715-3162 or
Columbia Athletic Club to Reopen Tomorrow, November 30

The wait is nearly over - Columbia Athletic Club is set to reopen on Friday, November 30! For regular updates, including descriptions and photos of the major construction efforts, as well as an FAQ, visit . We look forward to celebrating this occasion with you, so drop by and see us! 
Columbia Art Center 

A holiday exhibition featuring fine artwork in all media priced for sale at $200 or less. Ideal for holiday shopping and home decorating! To participate, please obtain an entry form by emailing  or calling 

Salon Series

Psychedelic Folk: Miles Gannett and Sean P. Finn
Saturday, December 1, 7pm
Admission: $10 fundraiser for Little Patuxent Review
Miles Gannett is a singer-songwriter/guitarist who has been writing and performing music since his single-digit years. Most recently, Miles founded and leads the psychedelic rock band Fractal Cat, which has released three albums of all-original material since 2012. Miles will be accompanied by multi-instrumentalist Sean P. Finn on violin, trumpet, and French horn. Sean and Miles perform together in Fractal Cat, as well as the psychedelic folk/country/bluegrass group The Shroom Pickers.
Holidays at The Other Barn

Building Today For A Healthier Tomorrow

Project recap:  Last November, the hospital began construction of the 48,000-square-foot addition that will bring much-needed treatment space to the hospital. The two-story addition includes a new observation unit and an inpatient psychiatry unit. 

A lot has happened since we launched our building project last year. After temporarily moving the emergency room entrance to the hospital's main entrance, we were able to begin construction on the site. To date, we have:
·     Excavated the site of the old emergency room parking lot
·     Removed over 1,000 truckloads of dirt from the site (that's 20,000 tons of dirt!)
·     Created a foundation for the new building
·     Completed the elevator block shaft and two stair towers

We continue to make steady progress. In the past month, we've seen quite a few developments, including:
·     A completed basement slab
·     Underground plumbing
·     A new cooling tower installed on the roof
·     Electrical tie-ins from the new building to the existing building
·     A crane brought onsite to begin erecting steel (scheduled to be completed by mid-December)

Work continues on the new building that is roughly 20 percent complete, and much has been accomplished. Progress is made every day and we are looking forward to the next stages of construction in the coming month including pouring the floor concrete slabs and beginning to erect steel columns and beams.

We are committed to meeting the needs of our growing, changing community and appreciate your support as we complete this crucial project. To learn more about important developments as we build today for a healthier tomorrow, visit

The construction project includes:
·     A new 48,000-square-foot addition, which will add approximately 40 treatment spaces.
·     A new ER entrance, waiting area and evaluation area to improve our patients' experiences and expedite the flow               through the ER and hospital.
·     A new observation unit adjacent to the ER.
·     A new inpatient psychiatric unit.
·     Additional treatment spaces for pediatric behavioral health patients to address the unique and growing needs of                 adolescents with substance use and mental health issues.
·     Enlargement of the adult behavioral health unit in the adult ER.

Covenant Corner

Leaf Removal and the Covenants

Residents are responsible to remove the leaves from their property as part of the covenants for maintenance, Article VI Section 6.01. Please mulch your leaves into the lawn or remove all leaves and yard waste and place into paper bags, yard waste bins or open boxes and place out curbside for collection. Residents may not sweep or blow leaves into the street or curb gutters. Leaf removal should be an ongoing task undertaken several times throughout the fall. Please help us keep Harper's Choice looking nice and keep your leaves out of the neighbor's yards and out of the storm drains.

Volunteer Opportunity
We still have one open seat to fill for the Architectural Committee. If you have ever thought, "Wow, who approved that color change!" or "I would really like to contribute to my community in some small way," then this may be the opportunity you've been looking for. We are looking for interested residents who are available the second and fourth Tuesday evenings each month to serve on the Architectural Committee. The AC meets twice monthly at 7:30 p.m. to review architectural change applications, discuss covenant violations and keep the guidelines current. Note: persons wishing to serve on the AC must be able to obtain a Letter of Compliance from this office, stating that their property is free of covenant violations. Contact the Covenant Advisor for more information.  
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Architectural Committee Meetings

Please check the calendar on our website for the latest meeting dates.
Changes made to the exterior of homes in Harper's Choice require approval of the Village Architectural Committee (AC).
The AC will meet on Tuesday, the 11th at 7:30 PM to review applications. 

The deadline to submit applications for approval is two weeks prior to the next meeting date.
Village Board Meetings

The next meeting of the Village Board is scheduled for December 4th at 7PM. Approved Agendas and Meeting Minutes are/will be available on our website.
Keeping You Informed
This weekly e-Newsletter serves as a recap of news and events we share with our community throughout the week via other social media channels. Connect with us on Facebook  and  Twitter  to receive more regular announcements and information from us.
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Stay Connected
Village Manager
Facility Manager
Covenant Advisor
Melanie Jeffers
Event & Community Outreach Coordinator

Your Village Board
Village Board Member
Village Board Member
Village Board Member
Village Board Member
Columbia Council Rep

Village Board Member

* Term expires 4/30/19
** Term expires 4/30/20

5440 Old Tucker Row  Columbia, MD | 410.730.0770 | Email | Website