Keeping Up with Kesher Israel | |
Join us! We are always looking to strengthen daily minyan.
Sign up for the Minyan Support Whatsapp Group here.
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Mazal tov to Kesher Israel Board Member Tali Kosowsky on her wedding to Benjamin Ushman.
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Mazal tov to Melissa Sanchez who was recently appointed by the Board of Directors as Kesher's Communications Secretary. We would also like to thank
outgoing Board member, Sara Sacks, for her time and efforts during her
Board tenure.
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Upcoming WITS (Wine in the Shul)
Join us for a special upcoming WITS event
Friday Jan 17th, 5:30pm after davening, celebrating the 1st Wedding Anniversary of Aliza & Ruven Kotz
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Sephardi Minyan
Shabbat, January 18 at 8 AM in the Bayit
Join Kesher Israel's Sephardi Minyan for Shacharit this week at 8 AM in the Bayit. For more information reach out to
Winston Ashley (awinley@gmail.com).
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Operation Benjamin - Powerpoint Lecture
Saturday January 18 at 7:30 PM at the home of Judah Rose and Alisa Schreier
Register here to receive the address.
Please join Kesher Israel on Motzei Shabbat, Saturday, January 18, at 7:30 PM, to hear from Shalom Lamm, co-founder and Chief Historian of Operation Benjamin at the home of Judah Rose and Alisa Schreier. Operation Benjamin is dedicated to identifying American Jewish soldiers who lost their lives during World War II and were mistakenly buried under Latin crosses in foreign cemeteries and across the U.S. Working closely with families and the American Battle Monuments Commission, they conduct meaningful ceremonies to replace these crosses with Stars of David. To date, they have successfully completed 30 replacements in countries including France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Italy, and the Philippines. Free, register here.
Kesher Board Meeting
Sunday, January 19, from 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM on Zoom
Please join us for the next meeting of the board of Kesher Israel. All Board meetings are open to Kesher Members (in good standing), except when the Board goes into executive session, and we encourage all shul members to attend.
If there is a specific topic you would like to discuss at this meeting or if you'd like the Zoom link to attend, please email the corresponding secretary at board@kesher.org.
Professor Rollston Lecture
Sunday, January 19 at 7:30 PM - 9 PM at Kesher Israel
Join us on Sunday, January 19th from 7:30 PM until 9:00 PM for a
lecture by Professor Rollston titled ‘What are the Earliest Hebrew
Inscriptions from the First Temple Period’. Professor Rollston is a Professor of Biblical and Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations. His lecture will take place at Kesher, and will be followed by a wine and dessert reception.
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Torah on Tap
Wednesday, Jan 22 from 6PM - 9PM at The Admiral
Join Kesher Israel, and Moishe Houses Columbia Heights, Arlington, Georgetown, and Bethesda this month for Torah on tap on Wednesday, January 22nd, from 6:00 to 9:00 PM at The Admiral! Grab a drink with other young professionals in the area. There will be some learning led by Rabbi Shafner. Your first drink is on us.
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Georgetown Ministry Center Winter Shelter Meals
Kesher volunteers will again have the opportunity to prepare and/or serve dinner for GMC Winter Shelter guests who are experiencing homelessness from Monday, January 27 through Thursday, January 30. To register, please click here.
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Coat Disposal
If you're missing any coats or other items in the social hall or on the coat racks, please remove by January 19. Any remaining items will be donated or disposed of.
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“Medicine After the Holocaust” - Distinguished Scientist Seminar Series
Monday, Jan 27th at 4 PM
Georgetown University, Warwick Evans (Building D) and via Zoom.
In recognition of International Holocaust Remembrance Day and cosponsored by the Kennedy Institute of Ethics and the Pellegrino Center for Clinical Bioethics, Sheldon Rubenfeld, MD, FACP Executive Director, Center for Medicine after the Holocaust present a lecture on both the central and indispensable role of the German medical profession in the design and implementation of the Holocaust and Germany's impact on contemporary American medical education, human subjects research, and health care policy.
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Celebration of Light - Interfaith Council of Metro Washington
Thursday, January 30 at 6:30 PM at Washington Hebrew Congregation
Join us for Celebration of Light on Thursday, January 30th at 6:30pm (VIP reception at 6pm) at Washington Hebrew Congregation. The evening will feature MSNBC/NBC News Anchor RICHARD LUI in conversation with Rabba Rori Picker Neiss, Jewish Council for Public Affairs and Chandra DeNap Whetstine, One America Movement. The program will showcase the powerful work being done by our speakers to bridge divides and better meet the pressing needs of our communities.
More information can be found here. Tickets can be purchased here.
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Bikur Cholim of Greater Washington Kosher Food Pantry
Please support community kosher food pantries located in the following hospitals:
1. Children’s National Medical Center
2. Adventist Shady Grove
3. Adventist White Oak
4. Holy Cross Silver Spring.
5. MedStar Montgomery (coming soon)
6. Suburban Hospital (coming soon)
7. Sibley Memorial Hospital (coming soon)
In order to support this vital campaign, please click here for more information.
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All classes made possible through the Dr. H. Harold Gelfand Memorial Institute of Adult Education | |
Postponed Basic Judaism Course
Next Class on 1/15 at 8 PM on Zoom
This crash course on Judaism is designed to provide an overview of the history of Judaism, its beliefs, practices, and cultural traditions. The course is open to individuals of all backgrounds -- no prior knowledge required. This five-week course will cover topics such as Jewish prayer, Shabbat, customs, and the role of Judaism in the relationships. The course will be taught by Rabbi Hyim Shafner, who will use a variety of teaching methods to engage learners and facilitate an interactive learning experience. Click here for more information and to register for the course.
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Sunday Bagels and Parsha
Sundays, following Shacharit
Come for breakfast...stay for some learning about the upcoming weekly Torah portion.
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The Long Lasting Heretical Messianism of Shabbetai Tzvi
Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM via ZOOM
Join us here.
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Daily Halakhah with Rabbi Shafner
Monday-Friday, after Shacharit, at Kesher and via WhatsApp
Rabbi Shafner’s Daily Halakhah takes place live in Shul between Mincha and Maariv each day, or you can tune in to it on the WhatsApp group by clicking here.
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Nosh & Learn for Young Professionals
Tuesdays, 7:30 PM, Kesher Social Hall
Calling all Young Professionals! Join us Tuesday night in the Social Hall for our new class on the weekly parsha: Nosh & Learn! Please contact Maddie Dahl with any questions.
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Basic Judaism
Wednesdays, 8:00 PM, via ZOOM
An In-Depth Overview of Jewish Law and Practice with Rabbi Shafner. Not just for beginners!
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Daily Daf Yomi Shiur
For more information, please contact Alan. All instances via ZOOM
- Monday - Thursday, 9:00 PM
- Friday, 8:00 AM
- Saturday shortly after Shabbat, varies based on Havdalah
- Sunday, 9:00 AM
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If you are new to the community, we'd like to welcome you and make Kesher your new home. Tell us about yourself! Fill out this brief form, let us know who you are and how we can help you settle in. Email the Welcome Committee for more information or with any questions!
SAP and Tuesday Digest
Have something to share in the SAP or the Tuesday Weekly Digest? Email announcements@kesher.org by 5 PM Wednesday (SAP) or by 5 PM Sunday (Digest).
Rabbi Shafner is always available to meet with congregants or answer any questions they have and he loves doing it. Feel free to email, message, call or text him (202-867-7287) any time to meet. For immediate matters or immediate halachic questions, please text or call him, and if he does not answer leave a message and he will call you back.
If you have an extra place at your table for Shabbat, please put yourself down for a week on this spreadsheet so we can accommodate those who need a Shabbat meal. Thank you!
Kelim Mikvah
Please respect the privacy of women using the mikvah by not using the kelim (utensil) mikvah after sundown.
Sponsor Kiddush!
We provide kiddush every week for the congregation, with or without sponsors. Help support us by contributing to our kiddush fund. No donation is too small! Email info@kesher.org for more information about kiddush sponsorship.
Looking for Leiners
As a reminder to all the gentlemen in the community who attend the 9:00 AM minyan on Shabbos morning, the leining sign up is found at kesher.org/leining and we are looking for more Leiners! Signing up for even 1 Aliyah is helpful!
Support our Security
Support Kesher Israel's security programs by contributing to our Security Fund or applying to volunteer with Kesher's Community Security Service (CSS) team! Please contact security@kesher.org with any questions
Submit a Name to our Cholim List
To submit a name to be included on Kesher's Misheberach List, please fill out the self-service form at kesher.org/Cholim.
Have an idea for an event?
Do you have a great idea for an event? Is there an event you would like to see happen at Kesher but don't know where to begin? Fill out our event suggestion form here and see your idea possibly come to life!
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