Keeping Us Connected Newsletter

September 6, 2024

Mary has produced, together with the Holy Ghost, the greatest thing which has been or ever will be – a God-Man; and she will consequently produce the greatest saints that there will be in the end of time.

– St. Louis de Montfort

Dear Saint Mary Friends,


Today we complete the series on saints represented in our Adoration Chapel, with a look at St. Louis de Montfort.


He’s not a martyr like Anna Wang or Peter To Rot; nor did he have the dramatic life of a Josephine Bakhita, Martin de Porres or Kateri Tekakwitha. But he was a faithful priest and missionary throughout France who is responsible for profound insights into devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. In fact, it’s Montfort who gave us the first 33-day consecration to Jesus through Mary that so many have done over centuries. 

Here are just some brief highlights of his fruitful life:

Louis Grignion de Montfort was born in 1673, the oldest of eighteen children. As a child he spent long hours praying before a statue of the Blessed Virgin in the church at Rennes.

His seminary years were difficult, his superiors who were often lax in their faith, did all they could to delay his ordination, after which it was more than a year before he was given an assignment.

He Embraced Poverty

He walked 200 miles from Paris to Poitiers to reach his first assignment as chaplain of the hospital for the poor. The poor patients, seeing his own impoverished appearance, thought he was worse off than they and so took up a collection for him. He rejoiced to be identified with the poorest of the poor.

“Building a Calvary in our Hearts”

Montfort had a custom of often sculpting a Calvary scene to leave in parishes where he gave retreats. He did this on a hill near the parish church at Pontchateau. All was prepared for the bishop to come bless the scene. Sadly, some military commanders convinced the king and bishop that this was a base for British spies. The bishop then told him not only would he not bless the scene but that it would have to be demolished. Montfort went back to angry parishioners who wanted to march on the bishop’s residence. He serenely told them: “We had hoped to build a Calvary here. Evidently, the Lord wants us to build it in our hearts.”

Total Consecration: To Jesus Through Mary

He was most known for his writings on Mary. This in particular brought about demonic resistance and ecclesial obstruction. By the time of his death, he had been kicked out of all but two of France’s over 170 dioceses.

As he predicted during his life, the devil did all in his power to keep his writings from spreading. But miraculously, over a hundred years after his death in 1716, someone rummaging through a box of old books happened upon a manuscript titled Treatise on True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin. It soon spread far and wide, inspiring countless Catholics to follow the sublime path outlined by this humble priest.

In this spiritual masterpiece, Montfort shows Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary as the means for bringing about the kingdom of Jesus Christ on earth.

“All our perfection consists in being conformed, united and consecrated to Jesus Christ…. therefore the most perfect of all devotions is that which most perfectly conforms, unites and consecrates us to Jesus.”

“Now, Mary being the most conformed of all creatures to Jesus, it follows that, of all devotions, that which most consecrates and conforms the soul to Our Lord is devotion to His holy Mother, and that the more a soul is consecrated to Mary, the more it is consecrated to Jesus.”

Montfort's intense devotion to Mary is clearly Christocentric. So strongly does he insist on this point that he says if devotion to Mary alienated us from Jesus it would have to be rejected as a diabolical temptation.

Simply yet powerfully he presented Mary as the surest and safest way to Christ. It was the way the Father sent his Son to us; therefore our best way to Him is through her. He would say that when we pray “Hail Mary” she responds “Jesus!”

St. Louis de Montfort died in 1716 and was canonized in 1947. His Feast Day is April 28.


Msgr. Kevin T. Royal


Weekly Bulletin

Sunday, September 8

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time



The War with China, Russia & Iran...

by Deacon Rick Lawlor



St. Louis de Montfort on Mary  

Baby Olivia

A never before seen look at human life in the womb flyer

Sponsored by the Respect Life Ministry

Altar Server Training

Tonight's training has been cancelled. (All who RSVP'd attended the Sept 4 training.) If your child is interested in becoming an altar server, please contact Fr. Lomnitzer.

Relic Exhibition

Thursday, September 12

Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus

Timeline of Blessed Father Michael McGivney


Addiction & Recovery Group Weekly Book Study

Thursdays 7-8:30PM, in the old Adoration Chapel, begins September 19


Free CPR Training

September 8 - after the 9:00am and 10:30am Masses in the Barn sign up


Scripture Study

September 9 - October 7, 7-9PM

Holy Family Hall

A Biblical Walk through the Mass


Mothers' Club Meeting

Tuesday, September 10, 8pm in the Barn


COR Men's Meeting

Tuesday September 10, 7:30pm Holy Family Hall. Topic “The Nicene Creed”  


Organ Recital

Sunday September 15, 3pm - 4pm

Celebrating the installation of our new three manual Walker Digital Organ, followed by wine & light refreshments.

Special organist: David Enlow


To Benefit St. Mary Parish

September 28, 9AM - 12 Noon


Bible Study

Calling all Women! Thursday mornings 10-11:30 am in the Barn. Starts Oct. 3.


Parish Watch Party

The Chosen Season 4

October 13 & 20


D4L Adult Retreat

October 25-27


Religious Ed 2024-2025

Registration has closed

Children's Choir

Join us! Rehearsals Tuesdays at 5:30PM Starting October 8



EDGE Leaders Needed


A Homecoming to the Faith

Saturday, Sept 21, 3-9:30PM, St. Matthew Parish, Norwalk



Mass Schedule



Adoration Chapel

Prayer List


Online Giving

Campus Map

Suggestion Box


Partnership To End Human Trafficking - PEHT

Our Lady of Fatima Fraternity - Informal Inquiry Meeting - Sept 23

St. Luke's Guild for Healthcare Workers

Truth on Tap - St. Paul Guild for Evangelical Outreach

Are you Virtus Compliant?

St. Mary Parish

55 Catoonah Street

Ridgefield CT 06877


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