Yes, we are blessed indeed. Blessings and Congratulations to them all.
Feast of Pope John Paull II - October 22
Tuesday, October 22 was the Feast of Pope Saint John Paul II. During his seminary years in Rome, your pastor was fortunate, at times, to be in his presence. Most memorable was just weeks before my class’s ordination as Deacons, we joined the Holy Father in his chapel for his weekly Saturday radio broadcast of the Rosary.
Seminarians being no different than a crowd going into a concert or ballgame, in the pushing and shoving for the front pews, I ended up in the last row. But in God’s Providence, I was blessed.
After the Rosary the Pope was making his way down the center aisle to leave. At the very last row he turned to the Rector and Vice Rector sitting in the front row and said:
Pope: They all look so young
Your Pastor: Like yourself, Holy Father
He looked at me with intense eyes which seemed to say, “You have no idea what I’ve been through, but you will have your own path following Christ the Priest.” (He had been shot only a couple of years earlier).
These photos capture his gentle fatherliness – and my shock.