Eyes on the Road!

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Keeping You Connected
CWS Blankets Thanks You

Didja Know
We recently received a report that a van with United Church of Christ on the side and full of children was on Route 8...and the driver was texting. While we can't verify the accuracy of the report, it does serve as a reminder of the responsibility we have for the lives in our care. Please make sure those who are driving on behalf of your church know what is required of them to ensure the safety of their passengers.
Interim Associations Associate

Applications are now being accepted for the position of Interim Associations Associate with a start date of September 1, 2017. The deadline for submitting either you current Ministerial Profile, Transitional Minister Profile or Professional Resume is July 15, 2017 to Rev. Dr. Rita M. Root at rita@eoawraucc.org or 960 Portage Trail, Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221-3048.

Download the Position Description
Flexible Governance Training

The Congregational Vitality and Development Team is sponsoring two more training sessions on Leading into the Future: Flexible Governance. The first will be held on July 8 from 9AM to noon at   UCC Congregational (990 State St, Vermilion). The second will be on July 15 from 9AM to noon at Trinity UCC (215 High St, Wadsworth). To register, please email your name, contact information, and the name of your church to Bonnie Bates.
Sacred Conversations

Sacred Conversations will continue at Dover Congregational UCC (2239 Dover Center Rd, Westlake) on Sunday, July 9 at 7PM with guest speaker Dr. Brooks Berndt, UCC Minister for Environmental Justice. The United Church of Christ introduced a two year denomination-wide initiative called the Three Great Loves at General Synod. The Three Great Loves are love of neighbor, love of children, and love of creation. While the UCC will use the Three Great Loves in the broadest sense, Dr. Berndt will focus on the love of creation to understand climate change and what churches can do to be Creation Justice Churches.
Vacation Bible School

Maker Fun Factory VBS is coming to Richville UCC (6125 Richville Dr SW, Navarre) and you are invited! Sunday, July 9 through Thursday, July 13 from 6PM to 8:30PM. At Maker Fun Factory VBS, kids will participate in memorable Bible-learning activities, sing catchy songs, play teamwork-building games, make and devour yummy treats, experience one-of-a-kind Bible adventures, collect Bible Memory Buddies, and test out Sciency-Fun Gizmos they'll take home and play with all summer long. To register for this free week of fun, please call 330-832-1891.
Grand River Celebration

On Sunday, July 16 from 7-9PM at Central Congregational UCC (71 Park St, Madison), the churches of the Grand River Program District will gather to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the United Church of Christ. The Christian band, Firmly Grounded, will provide music followed by a time of gathering to eat and celebrate and share being together as one family of faith. All members of the church are welcome. For more information, email Pastor Rick Hughes.
Open House
NEOSOM Open House

The Northeast Ohio School of Ministry (NEOSOM), the new combined education program of the former Partners in Ministry and Lay School of the Church, invites everyone to an Open House from 5-8PM on Thursday, July 20th, at the Associations Office (960 Portage Trail, Cuyahoga Falls). This is a chance for current members of the program to reconnect and for persons interested in education in the church to learn about our courses, programs, and people. Refreshments will be served and the event will conclude with Evening Prayer at 7:30PM. The event is free, so bring your friends who may also be interested.
Youth Fellowship Fundraiser

A Youth Fellowship Bingo Party Fundraiser is Friday, July 21 from 6-8:30PM at First Congregational UCC (4022 SR 44, Rootstown). Play several games of Bingo for only $10 with prizes consisting of gift cards from area merchants and restaurants, theme baskets and various donated prizes. Food will also be available for purchase: walking tacos, sloppy joes, hot dogs, chili dogs, nachos, chips, desserts and beverages. All ages are welcome! For more info, call 330-325-7429.
Interment Service

The service of interment for the Rev. Dr. Michael Penn Moore, who will be laid to rest in the Church of the Redeemer UCC Columbarium (23500 Center Ridge Rd, Westlake), will take place Sunday, July 23 immediately following the 10:30AM worship service. Cathy Moore will greet friends during a coffee hour in the church's Gathering Room following the service. All are welcome. For more information email the church office of call 440-331-0834.
Bonnie Bates
Farewell Open House

You are invited to a Farewell Open House for Rev. Dr. Bonnie Bates on Sunday, August 6 from 2-5PM at The Church in Silver Lake (2951 Kent Rd, Silver Lake). She has been called by the Penn NE Conference to be their Conference Minister. Bonnie has served our two associations as our Associate for Congregational Vitality and Development with joy, expertise and innovation. This time of farewell provides an opportunity for you to personally thank her for her service and wish her well in the next chapter of her ministry in the United Church of Christ.
Summer Serve
The Great Summer Serve

Join youth from all across our associations for a day serving the people of Avon and Avon Lake, an epic worship service, crazy games, lunch, and a dinner cookout. This will be a day of making our communities better places little by little. The event is Sunday, August 13, 9:30AM to 6:30PM, at Avon Lake UCC (32801 Electric Blvd, Avon Lake). Rev. John Dorhauer, UCC General Minister and President, will be with us during worship.

Learn More & Register by August 2
Shane Claiborne
Theological Forum

The Second Annual Westside UCC Theological Forum welcomes Shane Claiborne to Cleveland for a presentation and conversation on faith and overcoming division. Registration has opened for this event which will be held on Saturday, October 14. This event is co-sponsored by Avon Lake UCC (Avon Lake), Dover Congregational UCC (Westlake), First Church UCC (Oberlin), and Pilgrim Congregational (Cleveland).

Learn More and Register
We're Glad You're Our Neighbor

Twenty American teenagers and adults of Muslim and Christian faith and seven Syrian refugee families spent June 25-28 together in Toledo sharing cultures and creating friendships. First Federated Church (10786 Mahoning Ave, North Jackson) organized the trip to coincide with World Refugee Day by assisting the resettlement organization US Together with gifts of household and school supplies. "For these families, it is reassurance that love still exists in humanity," says Pastor Jack Acri. The Church World Service banner reads "No matter where you are from, we're glad you are our neighbor" in Spanish, English and Arabic.

Read News Coverage
Medicaid Advocacy

Members of the Senate released a "discussion draft" of the Better Care Reconciliation Act, which is meant to replace the Affordable Care Act. This draft bill dramatically changes the Medicaid program by cutting funding and changing state reimbursement. If passed, millions of Americans will be at risk of losing their health coverage as early as 2021. Council for Health and Human Service Ministries (CHHSM) would like to share two resources to aid in your advocacy work. These will give you guidance as you reach out to elected officials and demand they protect healthcare for the most vulnerable in our society.

Medicaid Talking Points; Medicaid Advocacy Toolkit
Open Position

Trinity UCC in Wadsworth is seeking a part-time custodian needed for 25 hours per week, Monday through Thursday 9AM until 2PM and Sundays 8AM until 1PM. Some electrical skills and minor plumbing skills plus facility cleaning required. Cleaning equipment provided. Full job description available on request. Qualified applicants please email the church a resume with three references or send by USPS to Trinity UCC, c/o Pastor Jim Nolan, 215 High St, Wadsworth, OH 44281.
Parish Paper
How Can We Help Immigrants?

The Parish Paper is a wonderful resource to which the Ohio Conference has subscribed on behalf of all Ohio UCC churches. Each issue stands alone as a topic of interest and importance to being a living and growing congregation. With the Conference subscription, we in local churches and the associations have permission from the copyright holder to use the material per copyright restrictions. Please distribute only in its unaltered entirety.

Download This Month's Issue
Bible Dove Cross
Ordinations & Installations

Installation of Susan Parker Lehosky
July 16 ♦ 9:30AM
Trinity UCC
47345 Lewisville Northern Rd ♦ Lewisville

Installation of Luke Lindon
September 10 ♦ 10AM
UCC Congregational ♦ 217 E Liberty ♦ Medina  
Association Ministers' Schedules
Here's where your Association Ministers will be the next few Sundays.
Rita Root
Rev. Dr. Rita Root
July 9
Kent UCC ♦ 1400 E Main St ♦ Kent

July 16
Kent UCC ♦ 1400 E Main St ♦ Kent

July 23
Kent UCC ♦ 1400 E Main St ♦ Kent
Bonnie Bates
Rev. Dr. Bonnie Bates
July 9
Auburn Community Church
11076 Washington St ♦ Chagrin Falls

July 16
Susan Parker Lehosky Installation
Trinity UCC ♦ 47345 Lewisville Northern Rd ♦ Lewisville

July 30 
Pioneer Larger Parish
St John UCC ♦ 51705 German Ridge Rd ♦ Powhatan Point
Your Associations' Staff

Rita Root ♦ Associations General Minister 

Bonnie Bates ♦ Associations Associate for Congregational Vitality & Development

Margaret Borrelli ♦ Faith Formation Coordinator

Mark Frey ♦ Pastoral Excellence/Communities of Practice Coordinator

Don Hill ♦ Financial Development Consultant
Gene McAfee ♦ Dean of Lay Education Programs

Bob Richardson ♦ Coach Coordinator

Maureen Webber ♦ Spiritual Formation Coordinator

Lori Wick ♦ Youth Ministries Coordinator

Machelle Miller ♦ Office Manager & Bookkeeper

Cheryl McGraw ♦ Communications & Administration

Committee on Ministry Registrar

Submission Guidelines

If you'd like to share information about an upcoming or past event sponsored or co-sponsored by a church in our Associations, please send your article of 100 words or less in paragraph format to support.center@eoawraucc.org by Tuesday noon of each week. Be extravagantly welcoming by including in the article the name, location, address, date, time and contact information of the event. Items will run for two consecutive weeks. Fliers may be sent in addition to the 100 word article and a link will be provided in the article to the flier. Fliers should be less than 5MB and in Word or PDF format. Photos (which display next to your article) may be sent in addition to the article. Photos should be less than 5MB and in JPG or PNG format.

Eastern Ohio & Western Reserve Associations
support.center@eoawraucc.org | www.eoawraucc.org
This newsletter is brought to you by your OCWM contributions. 
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