Keeping Your Product Safe and Fresh

June 21, 2023

Issue 6

Bill Bess

Director of Carrier Development

Carrier Development

Bill Bess, Director of Carrier Development, was previously the manager of 

ALC Orlando, FL, and has been with the Allen Lund Company for 39 years. With over 45 years of experience transporting perishable products, Bess's expertise includes perishable supply chain protocols, claims resolution, and developing carrier-specific programs for the company.

Next up:

Grant Steffan

ALC Des Moines

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Allen Lund Company

KIF Editorial

It’s no secret that organized crime, scammers, and thieves are actively working to upset the legitimate flow of freight across the US and Canada. This type of crime has been going on for years, but in the last 12 months thieves have intensified their efforts. Cargo security is a major concern no matter what your role is in the food supply chain. We are all in this together and together we can tighten up our security and make a huge difference.


Allen Lund Company has taken a pro-active approach to identify and eliminate potential security breaches. We have made changes to our on-boarding process, which is closely monitored by our Carrier Resources department. Education and training for brokers has given them the tools to evaluate the potential risk that a carrier might exhibit and react accordingly. Our Accounting department scans thousands of bills of lading and invoices monthly, looking for any inconsistencies. In addition to the internal measures ALC has taken, we share information and best practices with the Transportation Intermediaries Association, CargoNet, Carrier411, and other transportation companies. These policy changes, information sharing, and additional training will continue to make a difference.


What can a shipper or a warehouse do to help prevent your product from being compromised?


  • Prior to loading, have your broker give your shipping department the driver’s name, company name, and trailer number. If the information doesn’t match call the broker.
  • Whenever possible use a temp recorder that has a tracking device built in. These devices have the ability to monitor temps and location.
  • Don’t rely on the pick-up number to verify the carrier.
  • Verify the driver’s name with their license. Insist that the bills are signed legibly by the driver and include their company name. If necessary, have the driver print their name and company name.
  • Driver should arrive with a pre-cooled trailer. Driver should acknowledge that they understand the desired temp and that it is in continuous mode.
  • Most importantly, use a transportation service provider that has the experience and protocols in place that are necessary to protect your product.

We are all in this together with the same basic goal…to deliver the safest and freshest product to our customers.

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Isabella Silva, Editor

ALC Marketing & Communications

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