This Sunday
This Sunday is the Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost. Peter Henry will be preaching his sermon entitled "The Legacy of Kindness" based on Ephesians 4:29-32 and 2 Samuel 9:1-13.
The music will be provided by Sarah Allred, David Brinson, and the Geneva Choir at 8:45; The Music Team at 9:45; and the Chancel Choir at 11:00. All services are in person in our Sanctuary and also live-streamed to Facebook and YouTube including a Live Chat feature. You may also listen to last week’s 11:00 service on WDAV (89.9 or Free childcare is provided for all services.
Sunday School for Children, Youth and Adults – Classes for children and adults meet in the Watson & Dana buildings. Classes for youth and 4th/5th grades meet in the Congregation House. All classes are at 9:45.
Adult Sunday School Classes meet at 9:45 AM.
· Connections Class – meets in Watson 310. This Sunday the class will be making “blessing bags” to hand out to those in need.
· Covenant Class – meets in Dana 146 welcomes Dr. Doug Ottati, who will be leading a three-week series on Faith and Politics. This week’s class will review some of the classical stances, e.g., monasticism, Augustine, and Calvin.
· Jubilee Class – meets in Watson 109 and Steve Justus will begin a series exploring the roots and contemporary manifestation of the tension between individualism and the public good with an emphasis on the influence of reformed Protestantism.
· Maloney Class – meets in Dana 153. Van Lear Logan teaches on The Family of Faith, Luke 1:5–23, 57–80.
· Pines Class meets in the Davidson Room on the Pines campus. Russel Mase teaches on The Family of Faith, Luke 1:5–23, 57–80.
· Screen and Scripture is an intergenerational Youth/Adult class that meets in the Youth Lounge. Currently they are watching episodes of Bluey, an Australian cartoon about a family of dogs that is equally beloved by children, teenagers, and adults."