




On Monday, our students were overjoyed to learn that St. Nicholas had visited our school to fill their "shoes" (that were left in the hallways) with goodies! The Feast of St. Nicholas is also a special day for our students, as our eighth graders prepared to open our traditional St. Nick's Workshop! This wonderful fundraiser not only assists eighth graders in securing funds for their graduation festivities, but it also reinforces the old adage, "it is better to give than to receive". All of our students had the opportunity to purchase small gifts for family members and as you can imagine, the bustle was magical and the Christmas excitement was brought to the next level! 

Thank you for your support of our 8th graders fundraising efforts.

A visit from the Maronite sisters this week, reinforced the meaning of Advent and how to prepare our hearts for Jesus this Christmas. As usual, our students love our monthly visitors and listen attentively to the message they provide. Speaking of listening attentively, Holy Mass on Wednesday morning was a prayer filled, reverent and wonderful experience! Our students hung onto every word that Father Ryan spoke, as he retold the events that unfolded with the apparitions of Our Blessed Mother as Our Lady of Lourdes. Students, young and old, were captivated by the story of Bernadette and her visits with the "beautiful lady". Father Ryan reminded us of the great love that Mary has for each and every one of us, and asked us to imagine Mary smiling at us with JOY!

O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us to have recourse to thee!

Enjoy the weekend with your families.





COVID Case Weekly Notification

Positive COVID cases for the Week of 12/3 to 12/10 ...... 2

Please click here for more information.


From the

Health Office:

  • A new face/voice in the Nurses' Office! For personal family reasons, Mrs. Maura Manning has decided to step back a bit from her nursing position, and will be taking a leave of absence. Mrs. Manning will continue to assist the school and support the health office by keeping paperwork updated and completing necessary reports. She will be onsite on Fridays. Mrs. Patti McEntee (Mrs. Bentley’s mom!) will be stepping in to help us as a substitute nurse in Maura’s absence. Mrs. McEntee has been an ER nurse for well over 20 years and it is a blessing that she is able and willing to step into this role. Please help me in welcoming Mrs. McEntee to our school community, and please add her email to your health office communication pmcentee@sfxacushnet.com. Thank you!
  • With a recent uptick in positive COVID cases, please be extra vigilant with daily health checks with your child(ren). Click here for DAILY HEALTH CHECK for rehanging on your refrigerator!
  • If your child(ren) is displaying signs/symptoms of COVID -19 OR if is awaiting test results, PLEASE do not send them to school!
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First trimester report cards were sent home electronically this week on Wednesday.

If for some reason you did not receive, please contact the school office.

Questions pertaining to your child's report card? Please connect with classroom teacher.


As we begin to think about registration for the 2022-2023 school year, please be aware that there are some changes to the FACE application:

  • There will be a new field to include unemployment information.
  • Tax documentation requirements have changed to requiring only 2020 Federal returns and 2021 W2s. The only exception will be for those families who do not have W2 income…then the 2021 return will be required.
  • FACTS application fee will be $40 per family.

The FACE website will serve as a good resource and will continue to have updated information.


There will be cookies for Santa!!!

Otis orders are expected to be delivered Wednesday, 12/15. An email will be sent on Tuesday with a timeframe for pick up!


 We've seen quite a few students in the office this week for face masks and water bottles. In an effort to limit the traffic in the office, please make sure your child(ren) leaves home with both of these items every day. Thank you!


This weekend... Gaudete Sunday!

Week #3 of Advent is certain to be filled with the JOY

that comes with carols, shopping, and preparing our hearts for the Christ Child

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Advent Families 2021

Our National Junior Honor Society students thank you for your support, generosity and participation in this rewarding opportunity to give to those less fortunate than ourselves! It is a great lesson for our children this Christmas. Our Advent families are going to be so blessed this Christmas. Our school families donated $2500 worth of gift cards, in addition to their prayers and Christmas cards with well wishes!

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As a "kick off" to next weekend's outdoor Christmas celebration & to continue our spirit of giving, the NJHS will be launching a toy drive on Friday, December 17th. Gently used or new toys will be collected & donated to Gifts to Give... and students can wear Green & Red that day too! More reminders next week..


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Please check today's Friday Folder for a flyer with reservation information for our Outdoor Christmas Event! We look forward to gathering safely to celebrate the JOY of the season as a school community. Please consider helping us to "light up the night" by purchasing a luminary to remember a loved one at this event!

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Before we know it...

Gala 2022!

We will bring in the new year with a bang and with gala planning!

If you happen to be out and about after Christmas and catch a glimpse of any amazing auction items, feel free to make a purchase! We encourage all families to donate an item to our annual fundraiser... details in 2022!

  • Campus Ministry Club (CMC) with Mr. Hamel this coming Friday the 17th from 3-4:30pm (regular extended care cost applies) Click here to let the office know to expect your middle schooler to stay and participate!
  • The Creative Treehouse with Mrs. Larkin continues next week on 12/15; Last class!
  • Mrs. Angeley's Christmas Crafternoon continues on Monday, 12/13!
  • The Intramural Girls' Volleyball Group could be wrapping up soon due to weather... stay tuned!
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Click here for DECEMBER Menu!


Fly on the Wall

A fly in the very busy and bustling St. Nick's Workshop this week heard the following:

Pre-K Student: "I have four gifts, so that's four dollars!"

8th Grade Elf: "Actually, your total is nine dollars."

Pre-K Student: "Nine dollars... nine dollars? That's a lot of dollars! I am outta here!"







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St. Francis Xavier School 

 223 Main Street, Acushnet, MA 02743