







This past week was our last full one before our April reprieve! Our fifth grade scholars launched us into this final stretch by presenting president/first lady projects to their parents. Students dressed the part and spoke from the perspective of the president/first lady they had researched. From Abraham Lincoln to Nancy Reagan, many of the greats were represented!  It was such a treat to have parents present in the building after such a long time of not being able to do so... GREAT JOB 5th GRADERS!

Speaking of "being launched", our third graders spent some time this past week studying the effects of force and motion, and the results were exciting! Students conducted an invisible forces lab experiment soaring "popper hoppers" through the air...a hands on learning in action!

Last night's April torrential showers were certainly worth the beautiful afternoon we were blessed with! Our walk down Main Street to pray the Stations of the Cross was wonderful, and the younger students walking alongside their buddies was long overdue. Our students were excited to journey down Main Street, and prayerful to journey with Jesus to Calvary.

Such a great "jump start" to Holy Week!

Finally, we are pleased to be able to gather as a school community in May to CELEBRATE our school's centennial year with our Annual Auction & Gala! Planning is well underway, and we are hoping for 100% participation, whether that be through donations, sponsorships, attendance at the event, or all of the above! More details will be headed our way following the break, but please reserve the date, and feel free to click here to contact event chairperson, if you are willing to help with the planning in any way.

Happy Palm Sunday.... we look forward to a prayerful Holy Week here at the school.

God Bless & Have a Great Weekend!






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Due to the enthusiastic response and playful floor competition, the final Lent almsgiving opportunity to support the Ronald McDonald House will continue next week!

Please keep sending small aluminum tabs from cans of soda/drinks untill Wednesday the 13th.

Thank you for reinforcing the importance of almsgiving this Lenten season.

We continue to be blessed beyond measure!

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Living Stations of the Cross


Please join us if you are able in this very moving reenactment of Our Lord's Journey to Calvary and ultimately to His death....


Schedule @ SFX Parish

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Please plan to engage as fully as you are able with your children in the Holy Week services ,

to reinforce our beautiful faith with your children and in your homes!


COVID Case Weekly Notification

Positive COVID cases for the Week of 4/1 to 4/8..... 0

While there has been a significant decline in the number of COVID cases, there certainly has been an uptick in coughs, colds, pneumonia, and this week a few flu... Please stay healthy!


From the Office:

  • Extended Care statements are in Friday folders today!
  • Please submit registration fee ASAP if you have not done so already.... the fee solidifies the seat, and there have been inquiries in various grades!

Last Call to Sell Chocolate to reduce your Family Fundraising Obligation! Please submit the participation permission form that was sent home in today's Friday folder by Monday and let's get selling some chocolate! 40% of every bar sold will be applied to your FFO!

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Circle of Grace

During the final week of April and entering into the month of May, the Circle of Grace Safe Environment Program will be instructed by our classroom teachers.

Please click here to access a Google Survey with additional information, grade level curriculum and acknowledgement of instruction... thank you!

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Click here for APRIL Menu!

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It is such a wonderful feeling to be able to welcome parent volunteers back into the school building! If you are willing to assist with the following volunteer opportunities, please click here to let us know!

  • Needed: Volunteers willing to spend a little time straightening and organizing our swap shop. We are so blessed to be able to offer this great opportunity for our school families to take gently used uniforms free of charge! We will have many new families visiting our swap shop in the coming weeks, and the current state of the swap shop is less than a great first impression!
  • Needed: Two volunteers to help cover lunch/recess duties on Wednesday, May 5th from 11:00am-12:30pm.

SEC Need to Knows:

You should have heard from your Grade Level SEC Representative by now pertaining to the following important needs:

  • Auction basket classroom themes and donation needs!
  • Teacher Appreciation donations!
  • If you have not heard, say the word by clicking here to let us know and we will connect you to your SEC rep!
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Gala 2022...



Please save the date of our annual school fundraiser! Our 10th annual school auction will CELEBRATE our school’s 100th anniversary while raising the necessary funds for our school!

The event will be held at Century House on Friday, May 20th at 6pm. Details to know how to make your reservations to this awesome event will be forthcoming.

Thank you!


Come CELEBRATE with us..

Friday, May 20th, 2022

Century House


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First Floor Winner- Kindergarten!

Second Floor Winner- Fourth Grade!

Thank you for encouraging your children to read!



Fly on the Wall Heard in the Hall....

This week's fly overheard the following conversation in the hallway as students who either did not have the chance to go to confession, or were absent when their classmates went:

Mrs. Russo to Grade 2 student:

"Hey, (insert child's name here)

What are you doing waiting to go to confession?

Didn't you already go last week?"

Grade 2 student:

Yes, yes I did.

It just feels so good when I go, that I really wanted to go again."





Dates to Know About:

  • April 11th-16th - HOLY WEEK
  • April 14th- 24th- April Vacation
  • April 15th- No School- GOOD FRIDAY
  • May 1st- First Communion @ SFX
  • May 6th- T3 Progress Reports
  • May 6th- No School for Kindergarten! New Kindergarteners Screening Day
  • May 13th- May Crowning
  • May 20th- CELEBRATE GALA
  • May 25th- NJHS Induction Ceremony
  • May 26th- Ascension Thursday- Mass
  • June 4th- Baccalaureate Mass & Grade 8 Graduation
  • June 8th 9am - Small Wonders Celebration
  • June 9th- Preschool Celebration
  • June 10th- Kindergarten Graduation
  • June 16th- Last Day of School
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Tween Art Camp at the Marion Art Center

All Things Art for Tweens! Ages 10-13

Monday-Friday in the MAC Studio

Sneak Peek Week: July 25-29, 2:00-5:30pm

August 1-5, 9:00am-12:30pm

August 8-12, 9:00am-12:30pm

CLICK HERE for more information!

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Camp Angel Wings

Click here for details about this great opportunity if your child(ren) have experienced grief from the loss of a loved one.

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Click here for more information pertaining to this STEM based summer program for students in Kindergarten through Grade 6!

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Save the Dates!

Vacation Bible School. Knights of North Castle. Quest for the King’s Armor

St. Julie Billiart Church Hall

July 18 to 22

9:00 a.m. to noon

Plan now to join us for Bible Stories, Music, Art, Games, and Outdoor Play!

Children ages 5 and up

More details for sign up coming soon!

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St. Francis Xavier School 

 223 Main Street, Acushnet, MA 02743