






This week's highlights included MAP Growth Testing for our Kindergarten through Grade 3 students. These beginning of the school year benchmarks will inform our teacher's instructional practices, as well as identify areas in need of strengthening!

A true sense of JOY was felt today, as our K-8 students ventured down Main Street to First Friday Mass. It certainly feels like forever since we have attended Mass (at the church) as a school community, and for some of our students, this was there first time there or first time back!

Class church buddies also made a huge comeback to the Mass going experience.

We are grateful, thankful, and truly blessed.

Next week we embrace the month of October with Adoration, the continuation of MAP testing, and the anticipation of a long weekend!




  • In honor of the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, Father Ryan will "do the honors" of blessing our family pets this Sunday, October the 3rd at 12pm. Please plan to bring your furry family members for a blessing at our school grotto and be sure to bring crates, leashes, and necessary "clean up" bags!
  • MAP Growth Testing- Our fall MAP testing window continues next week! Students in Grades 4 & 5 are up next! Thank you in advance for assuring that your child has a good night's rest, a healthy breakfast, a positive attitude and a readiness to do their absolute BEST on the TEST! Being present and on time are a MUST!
  • Otis Spunkmeyer Time! Order forms due back by Friday the 8th. Get those sales secured!
  • Beginning of the school year paperwork still missing! If you have not completed, please do so... by yesterday!
  • St. Francis Xavier Parish Women of Grace invites women to consider being a part of a 6 week book study. Click here for more details and consider joining!
  • LOOKS LIKE CYO IS A GO! More details coming soon!

All Parents Welcome!

Our first meeting of the 2021-2022 school year is

this Monday evening, October 4th @ 7pm in the Library.. come hear about our year of fun and fundraising!


Grade 8 Greatness Begins!

Stay tuned for more information and details regarding the first Grade 8 fundraiser of the year!

Save the Date... It is going to be great!

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Click here for October Menu!

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This past week's "Happenings at School" that you can talk about with your kids this weekend:

  • MAP Testing experience for Kindergarten-Grade 3
  • Welcome Back Spanish Classes for Grades 1-5!
  • A Walk to First Friday Mass for Kindergarten - Grade 8!
  • FAM House Fun and Decision Making for our Middle Schoolers!
  • Classroom joys and happenings

From the

Health Office:

  • Earlier this week, Commissioner Jeffrey Riley announced the extension of the school mask mandate until at least November 1, 2021, following consultation with medical experts and state health officials. Our diocesan schools have been open since the beginning of September, and we have been fortunate to experience very few COVID cases across the Diocese, despite varying rates of increase within our communities. The Diocese of Fall River Catholic schools will continue to comply with the mask mandate with plans to re-evaluate at the end of October.
  • Click here for information about free COVID vaccination clinics being offered in New Bedford, but open to all.
  • If your child is out sick with symptoms requiring COVID testing (see daily checklist) please be aware that school nurses are only able to accept a PCR test at this time, per the Acushnet Board of Health.

QUESTIONS? Call or email our school nurses.


Fly on the Wall

It has been a while since our middle schoolers have had to wear their special occasion uniforms, and today had its share of unprepared students. From the voice of one boy in particular,

"I'm just not middle schooling very well."



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School Calendar Questions

As we all think ahead to plan for our future child care needs, please note that on the half days of school that will be upon us before we know it, (10/29 & 11/24) school lunch will be available and Extended Care will take place until 2pm.

Thank you for using this information to make arrangements for your child(ren).

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St. Francis Xavier School 

 223 Main Street, Acushnet, MA 02743