


THE FINAL FROST (hopefully!),





As we continue our journey through Lent, this week our students were offered the opportunity to receive God's unwavering mercy through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Students lined the hallways, with examination of conscience notes in hand, to prepare their souls for the joy of Easter. We are grateful for the presence and assistance of Father Booth and Father Leonard who both helped to “lighten the load” for Father Ryan in hearing student confessions.

Thanks to our wonderful priests (in persona Christi) our students returned to their classrooms a bit lighter and much happier! 

Our Smallest of Wonders were studying the letter T this week, and what better way to do so than with a Teddy Bear Picnic and Parade! They loved marching through the "big kid classrooms" to show off their favorite teddies!

Word around the school today was that there were numerous "fools" having fun with their fellow classmates and teachers, in the spirit of April Fools Day! Timers going off, marker caps switched from their designated colors, tape under computer mice and batteries taken from projector remotes were a few of the pranks that were pulled! I even walked in on some 4th graders in the faculty room making brownies (brown E's) for their friends!

Our original plan to walk down Main Street today was jeopardized by the threat of potential rain. Knowing that it would be just our luck to be caught in a downpour on April Fools Day, we decided to play it safe and pray the Stations of the Cross in the school gym. We are hoping that the weather will permit us in the next few weeks to walk to our church to pray the stations together.

Finally our opportunity to give alms to support the South Coast Humane Society this week was a great success, and will make many dogs and cats very happy! It has been so rewarding to observe our students and families giving so generously, no matter what Our Call to Action has been!

God Bless & Have a Great Weekend!






The final week of Lent our almsgiving opportunity will be a can tab collection for

Ronald McDonald House!

Please consider sending small aluminum tabs from cans of soda/drinks to during the week of 4/4-4/8!

Ask your friends, neighbors and relatives to assist with this effort, as these tiny tabs serve as a form of currency for the RMH!

Thank you for reinforcing the importance of almsgiving this Lenten season.

We continue to be blessed beyond measure!

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Stations of the Cross will be taking place this evening at

7pm at St. Francis Xavier Church.

Please join us on Our Lord's Journey to Calvary

each Friday evening during Lent.


Please consider joining Father Ryan and fellow parish and school families to pray the Rosary this Sunday @ 6pm... Sweet treats and fellowship to follow!

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We have a devotion at our parish called the Visitation of 7 Churches, after Holy Thursday Mass.

We book a bus, travel to 7 local churches, go inside each church for a brief time of Adoration, and finish at St Francis. A brief reflection is shared before going

into each church. 

This is a tradition that’s over 500 years old and is open to all parish and school families.

Please reach out to Jay Hamel (jayhamel8@yahoo.com) soon if you would like to join us, and please pray for its success. 


COVID Case Weekly Notification

Positive COVID cases for the Week of 3/28 to 4/1..... 0

While there has been a significant decline in the number of COVID cases, there certainly has been an uptick in coughs, colds, and even pneumonia... Please stay healthy!


From the Office:

- March Extended Care Statements will be sent home next week in Friday folders.

- Also next week, be on the lookout for a commitment form for our last, one time, fundraiser of the year - World's Finest Chocolate candy bars. 45% of your sales will be credited to your Family Fundraising Obligation.

- Just another reminder to send in your child(ren)'s registration fee if you haven't already. Please and thank you.

- Lastly, to our Payment in Full families, apologies if you received an invoice this week. I was asked to input all of our pay in full agreements into FACTS, and was not made aware that it would result in invoices being mailed out by FACTS. I know now. :)

God Bless! Beth

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Circle of Grace

During the month of April, our teachers will be incorporating this very important Safe Environment program into their Theology curriculum. More details and parent information forthcoming.

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Click here for APRIL Menu!


Spring Spirit Wear Sale Final Week

This is the final week for the Saint Francis Xavier School Spring Sale! Save 25% sitewide through April 4th! Choose from hundreds of designs and garments, all with fast home delivery. Plus, we have added new product lines, including performance wear! Shop Now!


Our Monthly Meeting is this Monday Night the 4th @ 7pm!

PLEASE consider joining us to discuss the GALA (of course), but also

Teacher Appreciation Week!

Please CLICK HERE to join...

Thank you!

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Gala 2022...



Do you know of any business owners that might be willing to sponsor our 10th annual gala?

Do you frequent a business that might consider a sponsorship or donation?

Please click here to provide your lead or click here to bring our sponsor donor letter to your favorite business owner...

And finally, click here to let Laura Guenette, event chairperson, know if you are willing to secure donations or help in some way...

Thank you!


Come CELEBRATE with us..

Friday, May 20th, 2022

Century House


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Thank you for encouraging your children to read!


Fly on the Wall Heard in the Hall....

This week's fly spent some time near the nurses' office:

Preschool student to the nurse:

"I had the cough, the hiccups and a belly ache!"





Dates to Know About:

  • April 11th-16th - HOLY WEEK
  • April 14th- 24th- April Vacation
  • April 15th- No School- GOOD FRIDAY
  • May 1st- First Communion @ SFX
  • May 6th- T3 Progress Reports
  • May 6th- No School for Kindergarten! New Kindergarteners Screening Day
  • May 13th- May Crowning
  • May 20th- CELEBRATE GALA
  • May 25th- NJHS Induction Ceremony
  • May 26th- Ascension Thursday- Mass
  • June 4th- Baccalaureate Mass & Grade 8 Graduation
  • June 8th 9am - Small Wonders Celebration
  • June 9th- Preschool Celebration
  • June 10th- Kindergarten Graduation
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Camp Angel Wings

Click here for details about this great opportunity if your child(ren) have experienced grief from the loss of a loved one.

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Click here for more information pertaining to this STEM based summer program for students in Kindergarten through Grade 6!

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Save the Dates!

Vacation Bible School. Knights of North Castle. Quest for the King’s Armor

St. Julie Billiart Church Hall

July 18 to 22

9:00 a.m. to noon

Plan now to join us for Bible Stories, Music, Art, Games, and Outdoor Play!

Children ages 5 and up

More details for sign up coming soon!

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St. Francis Xavier School 

 223 Main Street, Acushnet, MA 02743